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Introduction to the Scientific Work of Wilhelm Reich

Article by James Strick

Introduction to the Scientific Work of Wilhelm Reich

$100.00 – $250.00

A 5-day in-person only course offered at Orgonon
July 21-25, 2025
Mon thru Friday 9 am to 1 pm.
Course fee $250.  Student rate: $100.
This is a live, in-person event. It will not be recorded or broadcast over Zoom.



A 5-day in-person only course offered at Orgonon

July 21-25, 2025

Wilhelm Reich is widely known as a pioneer in character analysis and body-oriented psychotherapy, for his astute analysis in The Mass Psychology of Fascism, and for his free sex education and birth control clinics 1925-1932. His remarkable contributions in laboratory science, however, have been misunderstood, dismissed or entirely overlooked. This course is a highly condensed version of a one-semester college course titled Sex, Lies and Bookburning, and is intended to give the student an introductory survey of the scientific basis of Reich’s work. We will discuss readings from The Function of the Orgasm, Early Writings vol. 1, The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety, The Bion Experiments, The Cancer Biopathy, The Oranur Experiment, and Ether, God and Devil/Cosmic Superimposition. Sessions will be held in the Conference Building at Orgonon. Opportunity will be available to try an orgone energy accumulator and an observing session will be offered in the orgone room.

Mon thru Friday 9 am to 1 pm.
Course fee $250.  Student rate: $100.

Instructor: James Strick, Ph.D.


Jim has studied Reich’s work since 1974 as an undergraduate. Now a PhD in history of biology and medicine (Princeton U., 1997) and a Professor at Franklin and Marshall College, he has published several books on the history of ideas and experiments about the origin of life, including Wilhelm Reich, Biologist (Harvard U. Press, 2015). He has served on the Trust’s Archives Committee since 2007, and on the Board since January 2017. He served as Board President from 2018 to 2021.


Click here to purchase tickets.


This post was written by:

- who has written 5 posts on The Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.

James E. Strick is Professor in the Department of Earth and Environment and Chair of the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Franklin and Marshall College.

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