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Report on International Conference on Orgonomy, October 4 – 6, Rome, Italy

Article by Stephan Simonian M.D.

Report on International Conference on Orgonomy, October 4 – 6, Rome, Italy

The Italian Association of Orgonomy hosted the International Conference on Orgonomy in Rome last month, October 4-6. Several international speakers were invited, including four IOS members: Conny Huthsteiner, M.D. Philip Bennett, PhD. Hugh Brenner, FPNP. and Stephan Simonian, M.D. The conference was launched with Dr. Morton Herskowitz’s videotaped keynote address. Herskowitz, who is now 95 and resides and practices in Philadelphia, is the sole surviving student of Wilhelm Reich. The videotaped address, produced by Huchsteiner, was greeted by a lengthy applause from the audience.

Dr. Morton Herskowitz

Other speakers included James DeMeo, Peter Robbins, Armando Vecchietti, Roberto Maglione, Peter Jones, Tina Lindermann, Wendy Kohli, Jorgos Kavouroas, and Reneta Reich Moise. During one of her presentations, Ms. Reich Moise, Wilhelm Reich’s granddaughter, spoke about her life as well as her family history. Emotionally touching and historically interesting, her talk was well-received as were the presentations by all IOS members.

Organizers of the conference included Francisco Zito as well as Armando Vecchietti, Roberto Maglione, and Bruno Franchi, all members of the Italian Association of Orgonomy.

Mr. Zito and his daughter, Sheila

Mr. Zito is currently assembling a panel of speakers for next year’s conference in Italy. Such conferences are crucial to introducing Orgonomy to the public.

Overall, the conference was a successful, stimulating event. An estimated 120 attendees participated in the international conference, which provided simultaneous translating services between English and Italian via headset. Included below is a list of the wide range of topics and corresponding presenters. For detailed biographies of the speakers as well as abstracts of the topics, please visit the following website: In addition, DVDs of individual speakers as well as the entire conference are available for purchase by contacting Mr. Zito at Finally, we would like to thank the Italian Association of Orgonomy for organizing this conference and look forward to future successful conferences in the coming years.


Phillip Bennett, PhD.
What is Orgonomy?
Orgonomic Infant Research Center and Its Historic Content
Work Democracy

Conny Huthsteiner, M.D.
Psychiatric Orgone Therapy
Moving Toward Life Energy, Changing Concept of Energy Since 1955
Love, Sexuality, God and Family Life

Hugh Brenner, FPNP.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Use and the Misuse of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy in the Pediatric Population
Where Do We Go From Here? Discussion on Research Directions in Orgonomy
Opening the Eyes

Roberto Maglione, MSc.
Recovering Natural Atmosphering Pulsation from Reich to Present Days
Methods and Procedures in Biophysical Orgonometry

James DeMeo, PhD.
Field Experiments with Reich DOR Buster for Draught and Desert Greening: Success and Problems
Laboratory Evaluations are the Proof of Reich’s Orgone Energy: Electroscope, Charged Water and Vacuum.
Saharasi: Cross Cultural Proof of Reich’s Sex Economic Theory and Origin of Violence Question

Reneta Reich Moise, CNM.
Gentle Support during Pregnancy and Birth
Birth as Transformative Experience
Self-Regulation within the Real World: Growing up as the Granddaughter of Wilhelm Reich

Jorgos Kavouroas, M.D.
Combination of Psychiatric and Physical Orgone Therapy (orac and DOR buster)
The Use of Physical Orgone Therapy (orac and DOR buster) as a Powerful Medical Device in Everyday Clinic over More than 15 Years
The New Medicine: Reich’s Contribution to Holistic Medicine

Tina Linderman, M.D.
The Use of Orgone Energy Accumulator of the Reich Medical DOR-Buster, in Practical Clinic also with Cancerous Patients
The Emotional Plague Today
My Personal Experience Working with Medical Orgone Therapy

Wendy Kohli, PhD.
Self-Regulation and Education

Peter Robins, BSA
Wilhelm Reich and UFO’s part 1 Claude Busting and the Origin of Reich’s Interest in the Unidentified Flying Objects
Wilhelm Reich and UFO’s part 2 A Concise History of Wilhelm Reich’s Involvement with UFO’s
Final Thoughts on Wilhelm Reich and UFO’s and Account of USAF’s Military Application of Claude Buster Technology

Armando Vecchieti, MSOLSc.
Cancerous Process and Early Cancer Diagnosis:Use of Orgone Accumulator of Reich

Stephan Simonian, M.D.
Schizophrenia: An Orgonomic Perspective
Psychiatry – Reich = Physics – Einstein
Central Importance of Orgasm Theory in Psychiatric Orgone Therapy

Peter Jones, OB.
The Reich Blood Test
The Bions
Orgone Therapeutic Support in Labor

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- who has written 65 posts on The Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.

Dr. Simonian is a general and child and adolescent psychiatrist. He completed medical school in Shiraz University, Shiraz Iran. He completed his general psychiatric residency training and fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at New York Medical College, Metropolitan Hospital Center. Concomitant with his psychiatry and child psychiatry training, Dr. Simonian completed the New York Medical College Psychoanalytic School Didactic Courses, including his own required personal psychoanalysis. In 1990, Dr. Simonian started his personal psychiatric orgone therapy, Reichian therapy, with Dr. Morton Herskowitz and in 1991 became a member of the Institute of Orgonomic Sciences (IOS), an Institute which is dedicated to promote and preserve Dr. Wilhelm Reich's work. Dr. Simonian started his private psychiatric practice in Milford, Massachusetts in 1984 and he was a chief of psychiatry department of Milford Regional Hospital for several years. He started his practice in Glendale, California since 2003. Dr. Simonian is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

One Response to “Report on International Conference on Orgonomy, October 4 – 6, Rome, Italy”

  1. Peter Robbins says:

    Thank you so much for this write-up Stephan! I will share it with my Facebook friends and with others. Wishing you a peaceful and enjoyable weekend!
    Your friend,


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