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Wilhelm Reich Documentary: Final Post-Production

Article by Stephan Simonian M.D.

Wilhelm Reich Documentary: Final Post-Production

On the importance of orgonomy

I am a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and psychiatric Orgone therapist practicing in Glendale, CA. During my psychiatric residency, I accidently stumbled upon one of Wilhelm Reich’s books called “Reich speaks of Freud”. After reading this book as a young psychiatry resident, I developed a profound interest in Reich’s theories and therapy techniques. I read more of his writings and progressed down the road to the point that now practicing psychiatry without the body of the knowledge set forth by Reich would resemble that of a chemist working in the field of chemistry without the knowledge of the periodic table discovered by Dimitri Mandeleev. The discoveries by Wilhelm Reich have far outreaching affects in all aspects of our life beyond psychiatry. His discoveries are essential in medicine, psychology sociology, and biology; as well as Orgone physics. Orgonomy affects all aspects of our lives and it is the best chance for humanity to reach a healthy psychological, physical, and social structure. The efforts which are carried on by Mr. Kevin Hinchey in producing a documentary film about Wilhelm Reich will serve to introduce Wilhelm Reich to a wider audience. Such efforts are essential and need to be supported. I urge those who read this writing to be a part of the progress and assist as much as possible in making this project a success. Please make a donation to this documentary so that the work of Wilhelm Reich can gain further recognition through this film.

Wilhelm Reich Documentary Film Project – From Kevin Hinchey


Oslo, Norway
Outside of Tucson, Arizona
Outside of Tucson, Arizona
Mount Lemmon (outside of Tucson, Arizona)
Rangeley, Maine
Roof of the Orgone Energy Observatory at Orgonon (Rangeley, Maine)
Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Maine
University of Oslo, Norway
Original Radium Hospital – Oslo, Norway
Outskirts of Oslo, Norway
Brandenburg Gate – Berlin, Germany
Lustgarten – Berlin, Germany
Wilhelm Reich’s Residence – Berlin, Germany
Former location of MASCH – Berlin, Germany
Bebelplatz – Berlin, Germany
Freud Museum – Vienna, Austria
Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Maine

This post was written by:

- who has written 65 posts on The Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.

Dr. Simonian is a general and child and adolescent psychiatrist. He completed medical school in Shiraz University, Shiraz Iran. He completed his general psychiatric residency training and fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at New York Medical College, Metropolitan Hospital Center. Concomitant with his psychiatry and child psychiatry training, Dr. Simonian completed the New York Medical College Psychoanalytic School Didactic Courses, including his own required personal psychoanalysis. In 1990, Dr. Simonian started his personal psychiatric orgone therapy, Reichian therapy, with Dr. Morton Herskowitz and in 1991 became a member of the Institute of Orgonomic Sciences (IOS), an Institute which is dedicated to promote and preserve Dr. Wilhelm Reich's work. Dr. Simonian started his private psychiatric practice in Milford, Massachusetts in 1984 and he was a chief of psychiatry department of Milford Regional Hospital for several years. He started his practice in Glendale, California since 2003. Dr. Simonian is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

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