Further Preliminary Experimental Report on Oranur – Possible Electrical, Therapeutic & Orgone Compound Effects
Leon Southgate MSc
Editor’s comment,In December of 1950 Dr. Wilhelm Reich conducted the first Oranur experiment in Oragnon, Rangeley, Maine, which lasted five months. Shortly after in a recording name "Alone," Reich emphasized the significance of the Oranur experiment including its relevance to medicine and other disciplines. The following article, which was written by Leon Southgate, expands on Dr. Reich’s work with regard to, and including the therapeutic effects of the Oranur reaction. While the reported medical results are anecdotal and are not drawn from an exhaustive research protocol and are instead presented in terms of subjective patient reports and observations made by acupuncture practitioner, their significance is such that it seems prudent and necessary to present them here
SynopsisOranur is one of the three states of orgone energy first posited by Wilhelm Reich in 1951 (1). It is thought to occur when concentrated life-energy, or orgone in a Reich accumulator, is exposed to small amounts of radioactive substance. The three states of orgone are: orgone, oranur (excited orgone) and Deadly Orgone (DOR – stale or deadly orgone).
This paper details an examination of possible anomalous effects noted when electrical and magnetic fields are measured within a weak oranur field. In the oranur field there was noted to be a rise in electrical and magnetic fields after an electrical circuit (a battery powered meter) was moved within the oranur field.
Also detailed are some observations possibly associated with new treatment effects of oranur that appear to be usefully dosed and applied using orgone compounds. Orgone compounds are usually pieces of resin containing metal and crystal fragments. Some very basic, preliminary examinations of the orgone charge of orgone compounds (2) are therefore also examined.
The experimental use of oranur treated orgone compounds in treating various symptoms is detailed.
Materials and Methods:
Below is a Reich orgone cabinet placed on its side (Figure 1). It has previously been exposed to small quantities of radioactive substances in the autumn of 2017 (3). It contains further orgone boxes, orgone acupuncture tubes of the Bernd Senf design (4) and a glass tank containing further orgone accumulating materials (metal fragments, crystals and stone mixture). The possible changes in electrical and magnetic fields noted in this paper were measured within the internal glass tank inside the orgone cabinet. This is where the oranur charge appears strongest. These changes were compared to a non-oranur atmosphere (an indoor area 50 foot from the oranur device).
It is noted that the background ionisation radiation count around the large oranur device is slightly raised. The normal background is 0.9 to 0.12 microSievert (μSv) in the area. The normal around the device is 0.12 to 0.20 μSv extending at least 24 foot. This is similar to Reich’s Orgonon lab which had a raised Geiger count of about the same magnitude (5). The readings are still within normal safety limits and a similar effect could be obtained by geological radiation effects, for example on a mountain side with much rock deposits. The author has recorded similar μSv readings in the North Wales hills near Loggerheads country park.
Experimental Device
An approximately 6 foot by 3 foot human-sized ORAC cabinet was placed horizontally. At first the door was removed and placed underneath the cabinet to give extra layering. Putting the cabinet back upright was tried but this decreased the charge by approximately 20% according to a Heliognosis Life Energy (LE) meter device. It also made placing of the internal items difficult. The cabinet was put back on its side. Eventually, the door was put back on.
Inside the cabinet there was placed one, and then two large 2 foot square orgone accumulating boxes with one side removed (originally developed for orgone acupuncture). A suitcase of accumulating materials was added alongside two orgone blankets and another two smaller orgone boxes. The large orgone box had two orgone tubes pointed at it. Altogether approximately 12 orgone devices were inside the larger ORAC cabinet. This was done to create a strong orgone field but also to create synergy between devices and hopefully a flow of orgone, one device would activate another so increasing the overall charge. Reich believed a central characteristic of orgone was interaction between energy systems.
The inner boxes were made of steel, rockwall and celotex type panels on a wood frame – standard materials for an ORAC. The orgone suitcase was filled with insulating rockwool and steel wool layers and had an outer layer of aluminium foil and then lastly plastic clingfilm around the outside. The orgone tubes were steel tubes with 300 plus double layers of aluminium foil and clingfilm, based on Bernd Senf’s design for orgone acupuncture tubes. The cabinet was made of the standard ORAC materials similar to the inner boxes.
Figure 1
Orgone Device
Human sized orgone cabinet placed on side, additional orgone accumulating boxes, glass tank (containing orgone tubes, a glass plasma ball and an accumulating mixture).On top of the tank, for display purposes, are some of the orgone compound pieces. The glass bowl is the lid of the tank when the top hole of the glass tank is covered. The metal bowl is an additional accumulator sitting on top of a small glass and metal layered accumulator sheeting.
Experimental Hypothesis
Moving an electrical circuit (the battery powered meter) within an oranur field causes small changes in magnetic and electrical readings as compared to non-oranur atmosphere.
A Tenmars ElectroMagnetic Field Meter (EMF Meter) was used to take measurements of the magnetic field in milliGauss (mG) and the electric field in Volts per metre (V/m).
Electrical and magnetic fields were checked around the minimal cabling in the outhouse where the device was kept (one light and one socket neither of which were near the device). There was only a small increase right by the electric cabling (within an inch) which was more than 9 foot away from the oranur device. The light was kept off. The lighting cabling also had minimal electrical fields surrounding it and these only measurable at very close proximity.
1. Experimental Hypothesis
Data collection was done over four weeks in the summer of 2018. A background reading was taken of 0.7 mG and 2 to 5 V/m, approximately for normal atmosphere (in the hall area, 50 foot from the oranur cabinet). It was 0.12 mG and 0 to 2 V/m background approximately for oranur atmosphere (taken in the outer cabinet of the oranur device).
The powered on meter was placed within the inner glass tank. It was moved by hand in a circle of approximately 9" diameter, 9 times in 4 seconds and then the readings taken once again immediately.
The post-movement readings are as below (Figure 2). Weather conditions during the measurements are also reported in the table. Each electrical and magnetic reading below is an average of approximately 6 to 10 individual readings taken at the same data collection point. There may be a correlation with higher μSv readings but these were not taken often enough to yield even a preliminary conclusion, though a correlation with the increased electrical fields may have been present.
Figure 2
Possible Electrical Movement Effects in an Oranur Field
Normal [mG]
Normal [V/m]
[mG]Oranur [V/m]
Fine, Morning7.94
Fine, Evening7
19 a
11 a
Outer OR Box
31/7/18. Cloudy. Trial Run. Smoky/bonfire.
a = these readings were obtained after leaving the meter switched on and in the inner glass box for 5 minutes prior to measuring as usual to see if the powered on meter itself would stimulate the oranur over a period of time.
The movement-stimulated magnetic field appears to be over twice as strong in the oranur atmosphere and the electric field to be three times as strong approximately. This effect has occurred at every data collection point. In the outer box of the oranur device there may be a slightly larger increase in the magnetic field but less change in the electrical field, though this finding is much more tentative, see ‘Outer OR Box’ above in Figure 2. The outer orgone box refers to the larger orgone-oranur cabinet which contains the other orgone boxes and the glass tank. The ‘Outer OR’ measurements were taken inside the outer cabinet 1 foot from the edge of the internal glass tank. The other measurements were all taken within the glass tank which serves as the inner box of the set up.
A set of measurements was also taken when the meter was first left switched on inside the inner glass tank for 5 minutes prior to the measurements being undertaken as usual by movement of the meter and then recording mG and V/m (see above readings, marked ‘a’ in Figure 2). In this case there appears to be an increase in the mG reading.
The oranur changes charted above appear consistently so far and do not seem to vary much with external weather conditions.
In summary, it was found that movement of the meter within a relatively weak oranur field resulted in consistently higher electrical and magnetic field readings (about 2 to 3 times higher) than the same movement produced in an ordinary non-oranur atmosphere 50 foot from the device. A possible small dosage effect (greater oranur resulting in greater changes) was also noted.
Effect of Smoke Upon Oranur
Before the experimental procedure was commenced fully a set of readings was obtained to investigate a posited oranur suppression effect. There was a smoky atmosphere due to a garden fire. This was utilised to try and see what the effect of smoke/incense might have upon the oranur field. The garden fire was situated 6 foot outside the outhouse where the oranur cabinet was kept. The outhouse door was kept open. This was done because Maglione has noted that the ancient Hebrews used incense smoke to minimise effects of oranur from the ancient oranur device, the Ark of the Covenant (6). The V/m reading in the oranur cabinet appeared suppressed (Figure 2). The other readings also appeared lower including a lower μSv reading. As the smoke did not directly go over the oranur cabinet and even though the fire was of medium size (a garden incinerator filled with dried tree branches) the writer feels that this effect, if it is indeed present, could easily be substantially increased by use of more smoke in closer proximity.
2. Possible Therapeutic Effects of Oranur
The following is an initial enquiry into a possible completely new area of orgonomic medicine. Although the treatments were administered by a qualified Chinese medical practitioner of 12 years experience who is also a qualified nurse they were not supervised by a medical doctor. The reports here are merely the subjective experience of this practitioner and patients. It is based on reports of people who underwent the treatments outlined. No investigation by a physician is implied and medical reports are not available to substantiate the details below. However, bearing this in mind, and considering the significance it was decided to report these initial observations here. No claims are made herein but just indications for further study. It is the first recorded example of oranur being used for treatments in the orgonomic literature, although Reich, with his usual prescience, did foresee an oranur medicine (7). To allow for small doses of oranur to be given to organisms, orgone compounds (plastic resin, metal granules and crystals) were soaked in oranur inside the inner glass chamber of the orgone oranur device for a number of weeks. The small piece of oranur treated orgone compound was noted to have about one third to double the orgone charge of comparative pieces after this process (as measured on an Heliognosis Mk II orgone meter). The oranur orgone compound is then placed near to the organism to be treated.
Oranur Treatments
March 2018. Acute Toothache. Oranur compound placed on jaw for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeated every few hours, 3 times. Result – toothache receded and went.
April 2018. Acute Toothache. As above.
June 2018. Athletes foot treated for 20 minutes with oranur compound placed on foot. The athletes foot resolved itself over the next 48 hours, repeated successfully a month later when same symptoms returned.
July 2018. Listless dog treated. Dog was not eating for number of days (possibly due to heatwave and change in diet). Oranur compound was placed directly next to the dogs sleeping quarters for 2 hours, within 6 inches of dog. Appetite returned to normal immediately after treatment. Listlessness went immediately after treatment. Symptoms did not return.
August 2018 Neck-ache treated. Oranur compound was placed on neck for 20 minutes. Some improvement noted (ongoing issue).
September 2018. Neck-ache. As Above.
September 2018. Acute episode of lower back-ache treated. Oranur compounds placed on back for 45 minutes. Modest improvement noted. This is ongoing issue being treated with osteopathy.
October 2018. Horsefly bite treated with oranur compound placed directly on bite for 20 minutes. Some redness remained after one hour. No pain, no symptoms noted.
November 2018. Heavy cold, sore throat treated. Oranur compound placed on throat for 5 minutes periods twice a day. Cold resolved in a few days, quicker than expected as compared to others with same cold. Throat eased quickly.
November 2018. Allergic rash in axilla treated. Gluten sensitive person ate wheat by mistake. Angry, red rash with raised lumps appeared in axilla shortly afterwards plus mild palpitations. Area was 3” by 2”. Oranur has been known to cause skin reactions (8). Also, the left axilla is close to the heart. Therefore treatment was cautious. Oranur compound placed in axilla for 4 minutes on day 1, 6 minutes on day 2, 8 minutes on day 3, then 10 minutes for a further 4 days. Rash resolved over 1 week. Palpitations ceased after 3 days.
November 2018. Multiple herpes simplex attack, facial area (cold sores) treated with oranur compound directly on area (nose) for 10 minutes daily. Expected duration from initial attack to complete resolution was usually 10 days. Attack was resolved within 5 to 6 days.
Possible Antibiotic Effects
There might also be some kind of antibiotic effect from oranur. Athletes foot has appeared to twice respond to oranur compound as noted above. Kefir cells also appear to have retarded growth near oranur.
Kefir cells are small corpuscles of bacteria and yeast used to make a probiotic health drink. The oranur compound was placed immediately next to the kefir cells (which were growing at room temperature in a glass of milk). A second identical batch of kefir, from the same parent cells, was kept 6 foot away from the oranur treated cells in otherwise identical conditions.
One batch of kefir was kept immediately next to a small piece of oranur compound whilst the control batch was kept 6 foot away in similar light and heat conditions but without the oranur treatment.
Both batches of kefir cells in milk were left for 24 hours at room temperature (unheated room) then the milk was drained and the size of the cells assessed. The control kefir cells were in the same volume, type and temperature of milk.
The experimental kefir cells appeared retarded in growth after the oranur compound was kept near it. Controls were unaffected and of normal size (the experiment was carried out in September 2018).
This experiment was repeated twice with experimental versus control batches. A retarding reaction was noted both times. It also took a number of days before the kefir cells began to grow at a normal rate again, the second time it took nearly a week for the growth to return to normal.
The effects noted might simply be an orgonotic overcharge effect though this writer suspects an additional antibiotic effect.
Orgone Compounds
Measurements of the orgone charge were done on orgone compounds of different composition, shape and weight by the Heliognosis Mk II orgone meter. Figure 3 shows some of the orgone compound pieces used in the study; while Figure 4 shows all the measurements of the orgone charge as well as the weight of each orgone compound considered.
Figure 3
Swirl Cone, Red Pyramid, Silver Coloured Cone (No Quartz), Medium Flat Circle, Medium Flat Star, Flat Top Cone.
Figure 4
Orgone Compounds
Swirl Cone (large metal coil)
ConeSilver Cone
(no quartz)Small Circle
& SymbolMedum
Flat CircleMedum
Flat Black PlinthMedum
Flat StarFlat Top Cone
Oranur Charged Orgone
CompoundCrystal x3 pieces
a = The crystal pieces on their own had as low a charge as 8%. After being placed near the orgone compounds and then allowed to rest for 2 hours, this was later 24%.
b = The cone was oranur charged for 2 weeks after which its charge had gone up to 60%.
c = The crystals had a peak charge of 42% after being near the oranur charged orgone compound for 2 hours
d = The oranur charged cone was placed on the body for 5 minutes after which the charge went up to 80%.
As can be seen above in Figure 4, all the handheld orgone compound pieces appear to have a moderate orgone reading. The readings are averages of at least 9 individual readings taken on separate days over 10 data collection points. The main aim of the study was to examine oranur effects. The pieces therefore were not strictly standardised as to weight and had varying internal compositions so this preliminary data can only be considered a very initial suggestion indicative for further study of orgone compound effects. Further studies with standardised compounds would be needed to examine the non-oranur orgonotic effects of the compounds. However, some possible surprises were still found which were not foreseen and are worth noting here.
Geometric shape, such as cones and pyramids did not appear to increase orgone charge in the orgone compound pieces studied and may even decrease charge. There was also not an obvious relationship between the quantity of orgone compound substance and orgone charge in the pieces studied. Some small pieces had high charge and some large pieces had low charge. A light piece with a high surface area, the medium flat star, had a relatively high charge for its weight.
The major difference noted at this early stage was between the orgone compounds that were not exposed to oranur and the pieces that were exposed to oranur. The oranur treated pieces were at least a third stronger than the other pieces. The first oranur piece, although at least one third to one half stronger than the other pieces of a similar weight, was not tested before being oranur treated. The flat top cone compound piece however was tested first without oranur charge and then after being oranur charged for 2 weeks. After the oranur treatment its charge was found to have increased by a third. Its charge now was above the non-oranur charged pieces and in line with the original oranur compound piece (an orgone compound piece that had been soaked in the large oranur cabinet for a number of weeks).
One of the orgone compound pieces had been made without any quartz crystal. It had a similar orgone charge to a comparable piece which did contain crystals (the cones). However, although the orgone charge was similar the crystals might enhance the communication effect between orgone compound pieces this author believes. The charges between compound pieces are seen to level off to a rough approximation if they are kept reasonably near each other and more so in a close group. There was also three pure quartz crystals (non-compound pieces) which however matched their orgone charge exactly. Certainly it appears that crystals absorb and re-emit both orgone and oranur. The three pieces of quartz crystal of approximately 30g each were tested. When kept apart from each other and from the orgone compounds one reading of orgone charge was only 8%. Then when kept near a group of orgone and oranur compounds their charge went up to 42%. After being taken away from the compounds and being stored at a distance of 12 inches from each other, the charge of the three crystals levelled off to 24% two hours later. The quartz might also supply a tiny electro-oranur effect (piezoelectrical effects in the orgone compound from the resin squeezing the quartz) making the orgone pieces stronger than they would otherwise be, though this is purely speculative. Some researchers do put external electrical charge through orgone compounds though the effects of this has not yet been systematically studied as far as this writer is aware, though stronger effects have been claimed.
Compound Pieces and Ionisation Readings
The microSievert radioactive ionisation (μSv) readings were also measured around the individual orgone compound pieces but it was very difficult to see any pattern in the readings. There was a change, up to around plus or minus 0.06 μSv, but sometimes the ionisation readings coincided with a rise in orgone charge and sometimes with a decrease. Nevertheless, the author suspects that there is a change in μSv near to orgone compound pieces. Certainly, when the orgone compound is pooled together in one place, there is possibly a modest rise in μSv (for example 0.11 to 0.16 μSv was noted when the orgone compound is put into a group). This has been noted on a few occasions but not yet systematically studied. Also when the oranur compound and orgone compound is placed on a person the μSv readings were seen to slowly cycle between 0.09 and 0.20 μSv (which is below and above the normal background reading). The background reading, away from the oranur device is usually around 0.12 μSv.
The possible effect from the orgone compound may extend 12 foot or more so it is not an easy thing to measure. The background count also naturally varies of course. It is worth bearing in mind that the effects are not mechanical. The orgone compound and oranur compound may have to be stimulated by the presence of an organism or energy field to yield higher counts. The orgone compound pieces were measured in a separate building a good distance away from the oranur device.
Compounds Conclusion
Most orgone compound pieces are palm sized, few make large pieces. Plastic, metal granules and crystals might form effective orgone accumulating devices. Small granules of metal may be more effective than large swirls of metal as the piece without the granules of metal was found to be much lower in charge. Pieces with a larger surface area also appeared to have stronger charge. A well made, large orgone compound might compare reasonably to a Reich accumulator.
Reich himself used orgone compounds in the pendulum experiment as detailed in The Cancer Biopathy (9). Although he did not use crystals, it is apparent that crystals have strong orgonotic qualities. Reich used metal granules and soil in a glass bulb. The soil would have some mineral and crystalline content. Reich also thought plastic was a good orgone accumulator, resin of course being a plastic.
Orgone compound appears to effectively store oranur charge and because this allows oranur to be dosed makes them a possibly promising form of using oranur therapeutically. Putting orgone compounds on the body also increases their charge temporarily – apparently more so with an oranur affected piece.
3. Melting of Salt Crystals
Finally, the author would like to report a possible new effect of oranur. Concentrated oranur appears able to melt Himalayan salt crystals. It was noted that a Himalayan salt candle holder (Figure 6) left directly next to the large oranur device kept melting and forming small amounts of liquid in the plastic dish in which it was sat. It did this slowly over a number of days. At the most, perhaps 10 to 15 mls of liquid, were noted, which looked like water but was not tested. It would be found at the bottom of the salt candle in the plastic tray, after a number of days.
When the salt was placed further away from the large device (more than 6 foot) but at the same temperature, the melting stopped. This occurred multiple times. The salt did not melt if kept at a warmer temperature away from the device in the main building.
Figure 6
Approximately 6″ in height by 3″ in width
It could be possible that an oranur meter could be developed using a more exact measurement of this possible effect.
Overall Conclusion
- There appears to be an effect of moving an electrical circuit (the powered on EMF meter) within a mild oranur field resulting in higher electrical and magnetic field readings than would be expected within a non-oranur atmosphere.
- Small doses of oranur may be therapeutic to organisms.
- Orgone compounds may have real effects. These effects may be related to the surface area, internal composition and the quantity of compound.
- The prior exposure of orgone compounds to oranur appears to significantly raise orgone charge.
- Oranur treated orgone compounds may provide useful ways of applying and dosing oranur for therapeutic use.
- Oranur may have an antibiotic effect.
- Strong oranur appears to have a small melting effect on Himalyan salt crystals.
The writer would like to thank the Spanish researcher, Jaime Selfa for supplying the orgone compound pieces.
The author would also like to thank Roberto Maglione for his extensive editing advice.
- Reich, W. (1951) The Oranur First Report, Wilhelm Reich Museum.
- Orgone Compounds are often known by the term ‘orgonite’ which is stated to be a trademarked term claimed by Karl Welz. This writer prefers to use the term orgone compound. Although many remarkable claims have been made regarding orgonite the author believes it may be prudent to examine the effects of orgone compounds experimentally before forming a view either for or against the efficacy of orgone compounds.
- Southgate L, (2018) Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence and other Observations associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, US, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.
- Senf, B. (1989). Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy? Pulse of the Planet Journal, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Vol. 1, No. 2 : 25-30
- Maglione, R. (2018) The Origin of an Oranur Reaction, US, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.
- Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it
- Reich, W. (2018) Contact with Space, Reprint, US, Haverhill House Press.
- Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it
- Reich, W. (1973) The Cancer Biopathy, Vision Press, UK: 144
Leon Southgate MSc From a family of psychotherapists and teachers I was introduced to orgonomy at a young age. As an adult my interest was rekindled, doing an MSc research degree in Chinese medicine and orgonomy. In 2002, a double blind, placebo controlled study was completed (N = 72). It confirmed an effect from orgone devices upon acupuncture (P = 0.03). An article about the study was published in the European Journal of Oriental Medicine in 2003. The theoretical side of the study outlined dozens of new parallels. It was later published as a book by German publishers LAP.
Southgate started an orgonomic PhD but the access to laboratory work became difficult so the project ended but a comprehensive (though not complete) Annotated Literature Review of the Post-Reich Journals was written and made available for free online.
Southgate is focused on examining orgone and its relationship to consciousness.
Please Donate
If you benefited from this article, please help to preserve and promote Wilhelm Reich’s legacy by donating any amount. Your contribution is tax deductible and will be used to help orgonomy institutes including Wilhelm Reich’s museum and infant trust.
Most of the results look very similar of what one could obtain with clay poultices.
Beware however with aluminium compounds that Reich considered as toxic.
Just few clarifications on the Editor’s comment. In December 1950, measurements with the GM counter in different locations at Orgonon, Rangeley, and with different radiaoctive sources, and the drafting of the final protocol of the experiment were done. The Oranur experiment lasted only few days, exactly from Jan 5 to Jan 12, 1951, but had consequences on the laboratory, the buildings, and on the area around Orgonon that lasted for months. Besides, the removal of the DOR clouds at Orgonon, produced by the Oranur field of the experiment, opened the way to the development of a technology that was then called cloudbusting.
Thank-you for the above comments. In response to Sylvains comments about clay poultices, yes hormesis effects via very low radioactivity, from naturally occurring springs, sands and minerals has been practised, but not very well known currently, for centuries. However, the point of the article is not to present therapeutic outcomes but to outline a possible scientific mode of action underlying the processes, or at least to point to it for further exploration. Oranur processes may underlie slightly radioactive hormesis in springs and poultices. Reich saw oranur as a possible promising avenue for future therapy. As for aluminium, we know very little about the varying effects of metals upon orgone. Russian research into a related field finds aluminium blocks ‘torsion fields’ which are likely to be similar to orgone. I have found aluminium to be acceptable in ORACs if there is an iron or steel core. But as said we need to establish metal effects experimentally. Tungsten, gold and silver are likely to be promising ORAC metals in my view based on findings in other fields.
Chemtrails – are “they” spraying aluminium in the atmosphere? And what will be the effect of 5G on the orgone energy?
Better late than never – Oystein – I am not sure about chemtrails so cannot comment on that. 5G is likely to overexcite orgone in the body, same with all EMF radiation.