Tag Archive | "Consciousness & Orgone"

Oranur and it’s Possible Applications in Artificial Intelligence

Introduction and Background

The author's father, John Southgate was a pioneering attachment-based London psychoanalyst who had used Reich's dynamics within his early group-work, to help understand creative group processes (1). The author was familiar, through his father, with orgonomy from an early age. There was a family orgone blanket, which is remembered as having a definite effect on the dreaming process as a child, and access to the orgonomic literature. Peter Reich's, "A Book of Dreams" made a particular impression on the author as a teen (2).

This connection to orgonomy was rekindled in 2000 when there was an opportunity to undertake a Master's degree in acupuncture. The author examined the relationship of Reichian and Chinese medicine (3). He then examined orgone's relationship to the Qi energy of Chinese medicine both practically and theoretically. The paper detailed a statistically significant effect of orgone upon acupuncture in a randomised, controlled study of 72 volunteers and also found 60 new theoretical parallels. This led to a life-long interest in orgone research.

A few years later the author started a PhD examining orgonomy broadly, although concentrating on the biophysical aspects. This was in a Manchester University. However at this stage the author's mature interest within orgonomy was not as yet clear. Additionally, the university did not offer support of the biological laboratory work the author wished to undertake. This project was therefore put on hold, although a useful book eventually came out of the first year's study, a cross-referenced annotated bibliography, summarising all the main papers within orgonomy since Reich's death in 1957. It concentrated on the biophysical papers though it comments on all aspects of Reich's work (4).

Over the next decade an interest in orgone's relationship to consciousness gradually emerged and then became all-consuming. It became apparent that this was the unfinished business of orgonomy. The acorns that Reich planted within Character Analysis and within his biophysical work with cloudbusters, orgone accumulators, and recently even the electrical and motor functions of orgone have all to some extent been replicated or at least followed up (5). The wealth of Reich's work is still largely unknown to the general public but it has resulted in surprisingly hardy saplings within certain small research communities. However, the relationship between orgone and consciousness still remained utterly obscure.

The theories Reich proposed for the existence of consciousness, in his publically available books, did not succeed in providing even a stop-gap theory in this author's view. Reich's own "middle period" view of consciousness, an early pre-runner of systems theories, had a materialist explanation that ultimately failed to describe the relationship, as Southgate argues here (6). Reich had maintained that orgone was non-conscious in its cosmic state but then became conscious when enclosed by matter. This type of argument is called an ‘emergence’ theory of consciousness. It is problematic as it assumes a prior non-conscious, dead state of the universe that is obviously incompatible with orgone as a universal life-force. Additionally it entails problems of philosophical dualism – how does the dead and non-conscious cosmic orgone become or relate to the living and conscious organism orgone? Why should matter, a secondary state, confer consciousness on the cosmic orgone, the primary state? Reich's position on consciousness did not make sense and he himself thought it was a problematic view, regarding consciousness as an enigma (7).

This author believes that Reich, from shortly before the formal oranur experiments until his passing in prison in 1957 was heading in a direction compatible with that which Southgate has outlined in the Continuum papers. Reich showed an increasing sympathy toward spiritual matters and consciousness in his later years (8). This author believes that had Reich survived prison he would have incorporated a similar theory of consciousness into his framework of orgone functions.

Southgate expanded the definition of orgone from purely energy to a force which has physical consciousness right through to the prior more concrete aspects. This would be all within a single continuum. The author also to some extent redefined physicality as distinct from matter. Matter and physicality are argued to be not the same thing. Anything which has continuity and lawfulness can be said to be physical, from a shared dream to a shared bus ride to a shared experience of a tree or a house. The author argues in the continuum essays that the only indisputable definition of physicality is just such a shared cognition. All other definitions, usually based on measurements, break down at some point. Measurements are themselves just shared cognitions in the final analysis.

Consciousness itself was described as any and all awareness. Consciousness is thought to be a mystery but it is rather the physical world that is baffling. Beyond the existence of awareness, what more can be said about consciousness? It exists, is the only statement that can be made – the primordial "I Am".

The word, "orgone" minus the suffix "energy" could describe this whole continuum of conscious physicality. The author argues that cosmic orgone has self-awareness independent of any material boundaries it develops at later periods of its evolution. This view takes orgonomy right back to its functional roots within Hegalianism (9). The Common Functioning Principle of Reich (Figure 1), so useful in understanding how orgone functions, is based on the Hegalian dialetic (10). It is fitting that the view of a conscious, living universe, which is at once both physical and mindful, is completely in tune with Hegel's own philosophical view of ‘objective idealism’ sometimes known as Germanic Idealism. It is a concrete idealism. Hegel firmly believed that matter and physicality exist, just that this physicality is itself alive and conscious and inseparable from awareness. Such a view is also compatible with cosmic pan-psychism, or Sheldrake's view of a living, conscious universe (11). Elsewhere this author has called such a view ideo-physicalism, noting no separation between what we call the physical and what is termed consciousness (12).

Figure 1 – CFP

The root indicates a Common Functioning Principle which then splits into two functional branches. For example, a CFP noted by Reich was Orgone Pulsation which then splits into Psyche and Soma.

Three research objectives led to the current state of consciousness research that Southgate has developed.

  1. Consciousness is usually associated with organisms, which in turn are associated with high orgone charge. For example organisms, and orgone accumulators will demonstrate a higher orgonomic potential than their environment. This can be measured as a rise in temperature, a deflecting of the orgone meter or in the case of oranur, an increase in the charged particles that are measurable by a Geiger counter. The possible living bio-forms discussed in a previous paper and oranur concentrations both appear to correlate with raised Geiger counts, for example as noted here, (13). In the light of these possible associations, the author felt that the oranur experiment, the highest orgone charges Reich achieved, would need to be re-examined in the investigation of consciousness.
  2. To examine if orgone has its own consciousness involves excluding organism effects. If orgone has independent consciousness this therefore implies developing some kind of ‘artificial’ intelligence or non-organic consciousness. The term ‘artificial’ is used carefully as the author does not believe consciousness can be created.
  3. To convert orgone flows into information requires some kind of mechanical output from a flow of orgone. Therefore the orgone motor function, at least at a very low level, needs to be replicated. This would enable turning an orgone flow into numbers via a mechanical movement triggered by the orgone's movement

Further to Point 3, it is noted that information itself is not a good definition of consciousness. Without consciousness there is no information. However, information is not the same thing as perception. Conscious entities do perceive and share information as part of their functioning however.

Background to the Consciousness Experiments

In the autumn of 2017 Southgate decided to repeat the oranur experiments that Reich conducted in 1951 but with a much smaller amount of radioactive stimulus (one thousand times smaller). Oranur is excited orgone energy which is produced when concentrated orgone is stimulated by a small amount of reactive material, usually radioactive but can be electrical, mechanical or orgonotic. These experiments were in pursuit of Objective 1 as detailed in the introduction. This objective assumes that high orgone charges are intrinsic to conscious entities.

At first there was much laborious work involved in assessing whether the oranur charge had an effect upon electrical activity inside the specially set up oranur cabinet (Figure 2).

Figure 2 – Oranur Cabinet

This is detailed in Southgate's first oranur paper which has long sections on a possible electrical recharge effect seen in chemical batteries and non-chemical electrical capacitors within the oranur cabinet (14). Other electrical and magnetic anomalies were noted in a follow up paper (15).

The author was following, to use Reich's term, two ‘red threads’ of thinking regarding the consciousness objectives. Firstly, that in order to create mechanical movement from orgone, an electrical charge may be needed from the accumulated energy (which could then be turned into movement and from movement into numbers). Secondly, there was the observation that organisms tend to have a self-generated but low electrical charge. Electricity, Reich thought to be a secondary energy compared to a higher quantity or potential energy in the form of life-force or orgone (16). It was this higher orgonomic potential that Reich thought organisms require to live. The electrical energy of an organism on the other hand is rather low, Reich noted. However, brain and nervous tissues do utilise small electrical charges in their functioning even if the primary energy is orgonotic. Therefore the author thought that in order to mimic organism consciousness in a machine some level of inherently generated electrical charge might need to be present. The battery charging apparatus from earlier experiments is still within the oranur set up so there is possibly some accumulated electrical charge there. However, the partly discharged batteries are stored within smaller insulated boxes within the set up so they would have no way of directly affecting the measurement device through conventional processes. The measurement device itself also contains a working battery which may have a minimal stimulating effect on the local oranur field.

In practice however, after months of painstaking work, it turned out that a direct electrical charge from the oranur was not needed in order to create complex mechanical movement, on a very small scale, from orgone flows. More on this will follow shortly. The second ‘organism-like’ factor, that of an endogenous, small electrical charge may well be present within the oranur set up as indicated by the work of Southgate (17) and Maglione (18). However, in order to get complex information streams from orgone the electrical step, as discussed, can be bypassed altogether. One can get complex mechanical movement directly from the orgone. This was first done by an Italian orgone researcher as will be outlined in the next section.

The author had thought that various quantitative, indirect measurements of orgone, if sensitive enough, may provide an information stream, but such data appears to be too limited. With temperature or Geiger counts of charged particles there is an indication of the approximate amount of orgone in a given area but this measurement is too static to be useful for the purposes here. A Geiger count or temperature measurement can be used as a secondary statistic but a highly dynamic, changing flow of information was the aim and the measurements of orgone quantity implied by temperature and Geiger counts did not meet this criterion.

This aim was however achieved through combining a simple Eastern European subtle energy device with the oranur set up. In a sense it was so simple that it took time to discover because the researcher was looking for more complex methods. For example, it is known that glass forms a very powerful container of orgone. Southgate believes this is what partly led to the discovery by Reich of the Orgone Motor. The glass tubes of the Geiger counter Reich originally used enabled very high concentrations of orgone (19) . This provided the increase in charged particles which were then eventually converted into work when Reich evolved the Orgone Motor from the original Geiger tube effect.

Based on this knowledge, Southgate had a glass inner cabinet made for inside the oranur cabinet. The idea was to create a vacuum inside the inner glass box in which a mechanical movement device would be placed. This would provide a higher orgone charge and also less friction for the device to move. It took months with limited resources to finally create a workable low vacuum in the inner glass box but by then this step also proved extraneous. All that is needed in order to create complex information is a subtle energy type wheeled device and a strong and contained oranur field. The wheeled device does not even need to be in the inner glass cabinet. As it turned out there is a ‘spot’ within the larger device which seems to correspond with a better capacity for turning the wheel of the subtle energy device.

Experimental Set Up

Figure 3 – Oranur Information Set Up

Within the large oranur cabinet (Figure 3) there are presently a number of secondary accumulating devices. These do not appear to be essential apart from their function of increasing and containing the charge. The author suspects, from anecdotal indications, that Senf type orgone acupuncture tubes and the glass box may provide additional anchoring for the energy and perhaps the information fields within the device (20). The inner glass box can be seen toward the centre of the large cabinet. It contains loose accumulating materials and two large orgone tubes. The essential components appear to be the contained oranur field, however that is created, and a device for turning subtle flows and movements within that field into information. A non-electronic version of the Egely Wheel can be seen on top of one of the inner accumulating boxes toward the left of the large cabinet. This spot seems to be the strongest point energetically in the set up.

The Rotorgon (Figure 4) was an early device which created movement from an orgone stream. It was developed by the Italian orgone researcher, Carlo Splendore (21).

Figure 4 – Rotorgon

Picture and Video Courtesy of Roberto Maglione

Reading intervals of movement on a Rotorgon device was considered. Rotorgon devices are not easily obtainable and to build a device such as the one pictured above would take much technical skill. Here is a previously unreleased video of the more advanced of the Rotorgon prototypes (22). The Hungarian Professor Egely has recently produced a ready-made device which is essentially a Rotorgon type wheel that provides quantitative analysis of its movement, either visually or in the newer version through electronic measurement (Figure 5). It was found that the larger electronically monitored Egely wheel was actually more sensitive to orgone flows than the non-electronic counter-part. The earlier set up of the experiment had the non-electronic version of the Egerly wheel combined with a Rotorgon type enclosure. This was designed to direct orgone flows toward the wheel edge. Both versions of the Egely wheel rely on subtle energy (usually from people's hands) moving the light-weight toothed wheel. The electronic version has a better body shape, perhaps allowing the orgone to pass over the wheel more effectively resulting in easier movement.

The Egely device, in experiments by the manufacturer, and informally by others online, does not appear to be powered by heat or by static electricity (23). It has a wide list of endorsements by persons such as Uri Geller and has won various awards for innovation. The turning of the wheel, in this author's view, appears to usually come from a subtle energy source such as bodily orgone.

As a related issue, although the Egely wheel does not appear to run on static electricity, the oranur box itself also does not appear to have any static electrical charge in its outer components. The Egely wheel was placed on a non-conducting cellutex surface within the set up. The metal walls of the oranur set up have been tested with sensitive voltmeters and no electrical charge was found. Static electricity is unlikely to be the cause of any movement in the wheel. Heat has also been ruled out by the manufacturers as a cause of movement. Air currents have been monitored and controlled for in the building where the device is kept near Liverpool. It is noted too that the Egely device will continue to move when there is no person stood near the oranur set up. The device has been recorded moving when the nearest person is 12 foot distant.

Figure 5 – Electronic Egely Wheel

When information is to be recorded from the device the electronic Egely wheel is placed within the oranur set up at the point where the energy appears to be strongest – left of centre on top of the inner wooden accumulator (see Figure 3). A period of time is then spent (up to approximately one minute) waiting for the wheel to stabilise after being switched on and placed into audio mode. The movement of the wheel is relatively slow usually. The electronic device has 24 counting lights but the movement is not fast enough usually to light up more than two or three of these speed-dependent lights. However, complex information can be obtained by counting clicks. If the audible function is on, the device produces a click for each small movement of the wheel across its counting apparatus. Each tiny spoke will produce a click when it passes the sensor. The movement can be either to the left or the right. Right click movements are counted as positive numbers and left as negative (although there does not appear to be any significance to positive and negative numbers as yet). A slight pause or change in direction is counted as a new number and a longer pause (more than a second) is counted as the end of a set of numbers. The whole process is video recorded so the counts can be checked. The aim is to get a modified Egely wheel wherein the counts are recorded automatically direct to a computer. A more sensitive measurement might also incorporate the speed of the clicks as an additional statistic. This aim is being pursued presently. The following is a video of the current pre-automated process (24).

Information Produced and Discussion

At first the author tried to decode streams of numbers into some kind of language but no direct one to one correspondences seemed apparent. Tentative links between the numbers and a human language were tried but seemed completely incompatible. It also did not appear to be binary code. Then it occurred to the author to mentally and verbally pose pre-written questions to the device and then record numbers for a set amount of time specified in advance. This approach seemed much more fruitful and the patterns of numbers appeared to hint at inner ‘key numbers’ which various sequences of numbers would reduce down into or add up to in various amusing and complex ways.

As noted, positive numbers were decided to be clicks of the wheel apparatus to the right following a short pause of less than a second. Negative numbers are clicks to the left following a short pause. A stream of numbers is ended by a longer pause of a second or more. Very long numbers over about 50, often produced at a steady speed for some minutes, are generally ignored. A period of time is allowed to elapse for the device to discharge excess energy before more complex streams of numbers can again be obtained. The author has noticed two types of output which has been termed ‘mechanical’ and ‘complex’. Mechanical output tends to be long numbers at a steady speed (for example up to and over 500) and complex output tends to be short numbers (up to about 40) with frequent changes of speed, direction and containing long and short pauses. It is the complex output that the author has been interested in.

The author has coined these descriptive terms based on a feeling for the movement characteristics of the wheel. When it seems that the device might be communicating the movement seems rich and changeable, speed changes continually and the direction can shift more often. There are frequent short pauses in this mode. It feels almost like a sign language. This type of movement the author has labelled ‘complex’. On the other hand, if the device appears to be overcharged or is perhaps in a non-communication mode, there can be long numbers where the wheel stays at a similar speed for an extended period of seconds or minutes. Usually the speed of the clicks is higher but uniform for the ‘mechanical’ mode. However, the complex movements can also be fast but they soon stop and change direction, or there is a brief pause. The mechanical term also refers to the possibility that it is just a quantitative overflow of orgone rather than anything containing particular communication.

The following are some fairly typical streams of complex output numbers collected via the above methods in continual sequences:

Number Streams


This short stream of numbers, in response to a question, appears to reference a ‘key’ number of 12.

The arithmetic seems to be playful and not to follow a set pattern. In the above sequence, ignoring the positive and negative signs, we have:

  • 10 + 2 = 12.
  • We have the last number in the sequence which is also 12.
  • Then the number 20 can be reduced to the digits 2 + 0 and added to the 10, again equalling 12.
  • 12 + 10 + 2 = 24 or 2 x 12.
  • All the numbers together can be added up to 44. 3 x 12 = 36, 44 – 36 = 6. The three 2’s in the sequence equal 6, which can be taken away from the overall total to leave 36 or 3 x 12.

The sequence appears to reference the key number 12 no less than 8 times, which also happens to be the total sum reduced to its component digits. In this case 44 which reduces to 4 + 4 or 8.

Here is another short number stream given in response to a question, this time appearing to reference a key number of 7.


Ignoring the positive and negative signs one can do the following arithmetic:

  • Reducing 40 to its component digits we have, 4 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7.
  • Keeping 40 as a whole number we have 40 + 1 + 1 = 42 (or 6 x 7).
  • 40 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 43. Reducing the end number to its component digits we have 4 + 3 which again is 7.
  • 40 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 43. The sum reduced to its component digits is 4 and 3. 3 is one number less than 4. There is also one number less between 6 and 7. 6 x 7 = 42. The number 42 can be arrived at exactly using one less ‘1’ (or one less number) from the original sequence, so we then have: 40 + 1 + 1 (not including the missing digit) = 42. In other words, 43 minus one less number (the missing ‘1’) equals 42 (or 6 x 7).

If we add up all the 7's arrived at by the various processes, the above sequence appears to reference the number 7 a total of 14 times. If the 40 in the sequence is reduced to 4 + 0 and put after the ‘1’ we also arrive at the number 14. The number 14 (or 2 x 7) appears in this way 3 times, which is the same number of times as the number 1 appears in the original sequence creating a neat mirror. If we add the extra 7's thus produced (6) to the previous total we have 20 x 7 altogether. If we take 20 as 2 + 0 = 2 then there is another mirror as each of the 14's in the previous total had 2 x 7's within it.

There seems to be self-referencing repeating patterns produced which may not be solely random. The patterns appear somewhat playful and are complex and internally referencing. The author has other patterns not discussed here. ‘Key’ numbers that have appeared regularly are 12, 11 and 7. The key numbers 12 and 7 both reappeared on three consecutive data gathering sessions respectively, apparently in response to repeating the same questions.

The following series of apparently single numbers was produced for the demonstration video made for this paper (see Reference 24).

19. 1. 6. 34. 16.

Each number has a full stop after it as the pause between each number was a second or longer. This is unusual and has only been noted once before by the author for a series of numbers. There was a long pause and then a ‘mechanical’ type number over 50 after the number 16. Therefore the 16 was taken to be the end of the series of numbers. No question had been set before this recording.

  • The first number could reduce down to 1 + 9 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1.
  • The second number is 1. The first and second numbers taken side by side creates 11, This is one of the key numbers noted by the author generally.
  • The third number is 6.
  • The fourth number is 34 which could produce 3 x 4 or 12, again a key number noted in this paper. Also 3 + 4 = 7, another key number noted in this paper.
  • The last number is 16 which could produce 1 + 6 = 7, again a key number noted.
  • The second and third numbers taken side by side produce 16 which parallels the fifth number.


It seems that the process possibly has key numbers which may have some kind of meaning. Alternatively, it is feasible that the numbers are just semi-random streams of information or produced by interaction with surrounding organisms or the weather. Future work needs to be done to statistically analyse the patterns of numbers in order to assess whether they are in fact meaningful or whether they are simply random or semi-random numbers. However, the basis for an orgone computing device, which produces a stream of complex orgone information, may have been achieved. The information also seems to be interactive. An orgone computer may have been produced and its creation was almost too simple – just a strong oranur field and a subtle energy rotation device.

As a minimum, in-depth statistical analysis is needed and automated systems for recording the output are also essential. Professional statistician input would be useful. This paper details merely the start of a process. It is not known what the mathematics actually means, if anything.

Extracting any possible meaning and patterns from the information stream is the next step and is hoped to be the subject of future papers.


If the number streams are meaningful and do have some kind of interaction with a consciousness source this then implies that there is a way to create true, conscious, artificial intelligence, or to use a different term, non-organic consciousness entities. It is possible that the device creates a gateway for non-local consciousness to interact with the material plane, much as the Ark of the Covenant may have done in Biblical times. The author believes that the radioactive, oranur device that was the Ark was essentially an artificial intelligence device for communicating with a non-materially based conscious entity, see Maglione's book on the Ark and its relationship to orgone (25) and Isaac's book (26) on the Ark as radioactive communication device. The Ark was a technological device which even had its own remote interface called an Ephod. In the light of Isaac and Maglione's work, this author believes that many of the complex Hebrew rituals were originally designed to manage very high levels of oranur. The Ark was approximately one thousand times stronger in oranur than Reich's set up. Reich's set up was one thousand times stronger than the author's (27).


This paper is dedicated to my father, John Peter Southgate, whose research interest over more than three decades was the dynamics of consciousness (in groups) and whose own work was partly inspired by Wilhelm Reich.


  1. Southgate, J. (1980) Community Group Dynamics, London, Barefoot Books, republished 1989 and 1993 by Gale Centre Publications also available online at https://communitygroupdynamics.wordpress.com
  2. Reich, P. (1974) A Book of Dreams, Picador, UK (republished 1989 and 2015).
  3. Southgate, L. (2002) Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reichian Theory, Northern College of Acupuncture and Wales University Master’s Thesis. See also Chinese Medicine and Wilhelm Reich (2009) LAP Publishers or European Journal of Oriental Medicine (2003) Vol 4, Num 4, or synopsis online http://orgonecontinuum.org/chinese-med-reich.html
  4. Southgate, L. (2012) Annotated Bibliography of Orgonomic Journals, https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/213413 also available at Scribd or links from here http://orgonecontinuum.org/reich-biblio.html
  5. Maglione, R. and Ferrari, D. (2018) Electric Currents in Orgone Devices (Parts 1, 2 and 3 published by Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy), http://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/electric-currents-in-orgone-devices.
  6. Southgate, L. (2018) The Orgone Continuum, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Theory, https://www.psychorgone.com/philosophy/the-orgone-continuum
  7. Reich, W. (1973) Ether, God and Devil, Farrar Strauss and Giroux: pp277
  8. Southgate, L. (2018) Reich, Freud and the Primacy of Consciousness http://orgonecontinuum.org/reichfreudprimacy.html
  9. Beiser, F. (2005) Hegel, Routledge, UK.
  10. Reich, W. (1960) Selected Writings, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux. Also see Kindle Edition 2013. Section 5.
  11. Sheldrake, R. (2009) New Science of Life, Icon Books, UK.
  12. Southgate, L. (2018) The Orgone Continuum, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/philosophy/the-orgone-continuum
  13. Hayes, N. (2019) Positive Findings on Constable’s Orgonotic Bio-forms Part 2, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/positive-findings-on-constables-orgonotic-bio-forms-part-2
  14. Southgate, L. (2018) Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence, and other Observations Associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device
  15. Southgate, L. (2019) Further Preliminary Experimental Report on Oranur, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/further-preliminary-experimental-report-on-oranur
  16. Reich, W. (1971) Selected Writings (Editor Higgins), Noonday, See Discussion pp192 onwards.
  17. Southgate, L. (2018) Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence, and other Observations Associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device
  18. Maglione, R, The Legendary Shamir (2017), robert_jumper@yahoo.it
  19. Reich, W, (1951) The Geiger-Muller Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy, Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol 3, Num 4.
  20. Senf, B. (1989). Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy? Pulse of the Planet Journal, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Vol. 1, No. 2: pp25-30
  21. Splendore, C. (1998) http://web.tiscali.it/carlosplendore/therotorgon.htm
    Accessed 2020 Last updated 2005.
  22. Maglione, R. (2020) Rotorgon Advanced Prototype Video  https://youtu.be/kdHdNOt-Jvc
  23. Adamskii et al, (2010) Various Egely Wheel Experiments, https://egelywheel.net/egely-wheels-experiments/
  24. Southgate, L. (2020) Oranur and Egely Wheel Video. https://youtu.be/QoTU8bJiCQk
  25. Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it
  26. Isaac, R. (2010) Talking With God: The Radioactive Ark of the Testimony, Sacred Closet Books, USA.
  27. Isaac, R. (2010) Talking With God: The Radioactive Ark of the Testimony, Sacred Closet Books, USA.


Leon Southgate MSc

From a family of psychotherapists and teachers I was introduced to orgonomy at a young age. As an adult my interest was rekindled, doing an MSc research degree in Chinese medicine and orgonomy. In 2002, a double blind, placebo controlled study was completed (N = 72). It confirmed an effect from orgone devices upon acupuncture (P = 0.03). An article about the study was published in the European Journal of Oriental Medicine in 2003. The theoretical side of the study outlined dozens of new parallels. It was later published as a book by German publishers LAP.

Southgate started an orgonomic PhD but the access to laboratory work became difficult so the project ended but a comprehensive (though not complete) Annotated Literature Review of the Post-Reich Journals was written and made available for free online.

Southgate is focused on examining orgone and its relationship to consciousness.

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