Temperature readings before and after daily sessions inside an Orgone Energy Accumulator (ORAC) were independently taken by four volunteers. The data was provided to the author and then analysed. Duration of the ORAC use ranged from 8 months to nearly 10 years. Two parameters, the charging capacity and the charging potency were outlined to evaluate any possible effects of the ORAC on the volunteers’ health conditions. Overall, the four volunteers showed improved health conditions and vitality after the experimental period. In one case microscopic and cytologic tests were carried out before starting the daily use of the ORAC and after 8 months of use. Comparison of the results showed a good performance of the ORAC on the red blood cells that changed from an original T-reaction (Reich’s term for lesser vitality indicators) to a B-reaction (his term indicating greater vitality). The Ca I cells (Cancer Type 1) were no longer found on the second exam. Ca II and Ca III cells were still found but without the development of new similar cells.
Over the last period of some decades many efforts were devoted to measurements of the temperature inside and outside an orgone energy accumulator (ORAC), aiming at examining Reich’s original findings on the thermal difference (T0-T) by various researchers [1]. However, many efforts were also extended to evaluate the physiological response of people exposed to the orgone energy fields inside an ORAC. One of the most investigated parameters was the body core temperature. In general, an increase of body core temperature was observed after exposure to elevated orgonomic potentials such as that characteristic within an ORAC. Reich observed an increase as high as 0.8-1.0 °C in patients sitting inside an ORAC for a period:
“…. In 1942 an important phenomenon was discovered which has a decisive connection with the body lumination in the accumulator: Body temperature rises in the accumulator as much as one degree centigrade (the rapidity and amount of increase varying from individual to individual). If the body temperature before irradiation is close to the fever point, it will climb beyond this point in the accumulator. Thus orgone energy can produce mild fever. Temperature rise in the organism is known to be a fundamental excitation reaction of the cells and the blood. Until now it has not been understood. …” [2]
“The energy fields of the two systems make contact and after some time, dependent of the bio-energetic strength of the organism within, both the living organism and the energy field of the accumulator begin to “luminate,” i.e., they become excited and, making contact, drive each other to higher levels of excitation. This fact becomes perceptible to the user of the orgone energy accumulator through feeling of stronger prickling, warmth, relaxation, reddening of the face, and, objectively, through increased body temperature (0.5 to 1.5 °F) [0.28 to 0.83 °C]. The body temperature should be measured before and during the irradiation (not after the sitting)” [3]
However, apart from these observations Reich never did systematic investigations and never published data regarding the variation of the body core temperature when an organism is exposed to concentrated orgone energy fields. After Reich’s death (1957) many researchers carried out investigations to study and evaluate this difference. Ritter and Ritter [4] observed an increase of body temperature when an organism was kept inside an ORAC. They carried out experiments on 9 patients who underwent 45 sessions inside an ORAC for a duration of 45 minutes each. They found an average increase in the body temperature of 0.48 °F (about 0.27 °C). Muschenich and Gebauer [5] carried out a double-blind experiment on 10 volunteers kept for 10 sessions of 30 minutes each inside an 8-fold ORAC. They also carried out an additional series of 10 sessions of 30 minutes each inside a control box with the same characteristics but without the metallic layers. They observed an average increase of the body core temperature after the sessions inside the ORAC of 0.21 °C, while the average increase of body core temperature for the sessions inside the control box was 0.04 °C. This being a significant difference statistically (P = 0.01). The American government body, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) did an investigation on the medical effects of the ORAC through a professor of physical medicine at the Mayo Foundation. Twelve human subjects were tested on blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature and pulse rate. The subjects sat in the ORAC for thirty minutes daily, six days a week for three consecutive weeks. The FDA surprisingly confirmed the patient’s temperature effects to be in line with that which Reich had claimed, with changes as high as 0.4 °F (0.22 °C) in some of the tests carried out. However, they spuriously dismissed this as, ‘not spectacular’ [6].
Snyder [7] carried out a single blind study designed to verify the possible effects of the ORAC on subjects sitting inside for 15 minutes. Finger temperature was one of the parameters monitored in the study. A two-fold ORAC was used in the study together with a control box. Thirty volunteers, 21 female (70%) and 9 males (30%) were enrolled in the study. Prior to the session, finger temperature baselines were established when temperatures did not fluctuate more than 0.2 °F (about 0.1 °C) in a one-minute period. Subjects were then randomly assigned to either the ORAC or the control box, but never to both. After a one-minute wait, finger temperature was taken at one-minute intervals for the next 15 minutes. A mean rise of 3.4 °F (about 1.9 °C) for the subjects exposed in the ORAC, as compared to a mean rise of 0.7 °F (0.4 °C) for the control subjects, was recorded. Using a one-way analysis of variance, the ORAC was significantly different from the control box (p<0.04).
Correa and Correa [8] carried out measurements of the oral temperature readings on a male patient (54 years old) before entering, and after 15 minutes treatment inside a 5-fold ORAC for 10 consecutive days. They observed in all sessions a positive variation of the temperature reading except for one day where the weather conditions were characterised by much cloud coverage. In all the other days of the study the sky was clear. The average temperature increase was 0.42 ± 0.05 °C.
More recently, Mazzocchi and Maglione [9] carried out measurements of body temperature on 20 healthy patients before and after 45-minute treatments inside a 5-fold ORAC. Sessions were undertaken in September and October 2008. The data indicated a statistically significant average increase in body temperature of 0.242 °C (p = 0.006 for a significance level of p < 0.05).
Recently, Maglione and Piergentili [10] carried out body temperature measurements on a male patient with no major diseases before and after 20-minute sessions inside a 5-fold ORAC. Sessions were done daily from April to December 2021 for a total of 226 sessions. A statistically significant average increase of the body temperature of 0.146 °C was found (p = 2.381∙10-37 for a significance level of p < 0.05). When the variation of body temperature was linked to the weather conditions they found the average increase of body temperature was higher in clear, scattered clouds, and windy days (151) with 0.153 °C than in cloudy, overcast, and rainy days (75) where the average increase of body temperature was 0.130 °C.
However, notwithstanding the large body of investigations carried out in the last decades on the variation of body core temperature no study has been done correlating this variation with changes in the bio-energetic level and overall health of the subject. Temperature data from daily exposure inside an ORAC and health conditions related to four volunteers were collected and analysed. In one case, a correlation between temperature difference and variation of the energetic charge of the blood, and the presence of Ca I-III cells in biological tissues was also considered and evaluated. Temperature data before and after daily sessions with a 3-fold ORAC were spontaneously and voluntarily provided to the author by the volunteers that routinely and continuously used the ORAC. Volunteers’ personal data were not available due to privacy protection.
Materials and Methods
Four volunteers carried out temperature measurements before and after each session inside the ORACs, which were made available at their homes. The characteristics of the ORACs were similar, being of the same sizes, and made of three alternated layers of sheep wool and steel wool. The volunteers recorded the temperature by axilla measurements using an analogic thermometer. The same axilla was used in all the measurements. The thermometer was zeroed after the measurement before entering the ORAC in such a way to make it available for the second temperature measurement to be done right after the conclusion of the session. Thermometers when not in use were kept outside the ORACs. The measurements were done always with the subjects outside the ORAC. The duration of each session ranged between 45 and 60 minutes for all volunteers. The treatment inside the ORAC’s was made with a daily frequency. In some cases more than one session was done.
In the present study the variation and the trend of the temperatures before and after a session was evaluated on a monthly basis. In order to evaluate the measured temperature data the following parameters had been developed and considered:
- charging capacity
- charging potency.
The charging capacity parameter expresses the ratio of the summation of all sessions with positive temperature difference to the total sessions done in the reference month. The unit of measurement is [%]. It is evident that if all the 31 (or 28-30) sessions done in the reference month show a positive temperature difference, the value of the charging capacity would 100 %, or:

In case, in the reference month, some sessions recorded a negative value of the temperature difference, the charging capacity will be less than 100 %. For example, if in the reference month, 6 temperature differences out of the 31 (or 28-30) were negative, the charging capacity will be given by:

In this case the charging capacity will be 80 %.
The charging potency indicates the recharge strength of the organism. It is represented by the average difference of the temperature recorded before and after the sessions done in the reference month. In other words, the charging potency is given by the algebraic summation of all the positive and negative temperature differences recorded in the sessions within the reference month. This figure would be divided by the number of sessions. The unit of measurement is [°C]. It is evident that the higher and positive the average temperature difference, determined in the reference month, the stronger the energetic recharging of the organism. For example, if 31 sessions are performed in a month and the algebraic summation of the temperature differences related to all the sessions is 12.0 °C, the charging potency will be 0.39 °C, or:

The above value indicates that in the reference month the patient observed in each session an average increase of body temperature of 0.39 °C. In other words, patient temperature after each session was higher than the temperature recorded before the session by 0.39 °C. If we assume that the energy charge of the organism is directly related to the increase of the body temperature, we can argue that the higher the value, the stronger the recharging of the organism.
Data and Results
The four volunteers participating in this study are referred to as subject A, B, C, and D. Subject A, a female, had a bowel tumour that was removed by surgery. After the removal, the subject was greatly debilitated and in precarious health conditions, notwithstanding the official therapies. She decided to start using daily and continuously the ORAC from December 2012 to August 2022, for a total period of 117 months or nearly 10 years. Behaviour of the charging capacity parameter and of the charging potency parameter versus time is reported in the graph in figure 1. The (horizontal) x-axis reports the time, while the (vertical) y-axis reports the two parameters. Red squares represent the behaviour of the charging potency, while blue squares the charging capacity. Each square for both trends represent the analysis of the temperatures before and after the ORAC’s sessions recorded in the month corresponding to the number on the x-axis. For example, 1 on the x-axis denotes the first month in which the ORAC had been used, 10 in the same axis the tenth month after the beginning of the use of the ORAC, etc.
Figure 1
From the trend of the charging capacity and of the charging potency, as reported in Figure 1, the bio-energetic condition of the subject can be deduced. Indeed, in the first six months of use of the ORAC the subject had a very low charging capacity with values much lower than 50 %. From the 5th month on, the trend started increasing and recording good values. From the 31st month on it stabilised at the value 1.0 (100 %). Equally interesting is the trend of the charging potency that for the first 6 months was very negative. A minimum was reached at the 4th month with -0.93 °C. Only from the 7th month on, a slow but progressive and continuous increasing trend of the temperature difference was observed and at the 73rd month reached a value of 2.0 °C. From the two trends it is evident that at the beginning of the use of the ORAC the subject clearly showed a very low energetic charge and a low orgonomic potential that kept her from charging and making the charging potency increase.
The behaviour and the evolution of the charging potency over time can be explained by reference to the law of the orgonomic potential. At the beginning, the energetic charge of the ORAC, evidently high, was in competition with the low energetic charge of the patient and, according to the law of the orgonomic potential, the orgone energy flowed mostly from the patient towards the inside of the ORAC (rather than the opposite way around in order to recharge the organism). This effect must be considered when using an ORAC with an energetically very weak organism. The use of a strong ORAC is highly discouraged if the aim is to recharge very weak organisms. A weak organism with a low content of orgone energy but not completely energetically drained, can increase its charge and hence its orgonomic potential by using adequate procedures, such as gradual use, increasing from low to higher charge devices, or reducing the daily exposure time. Undergoing daily half an hour session by using a 1-fold ORAC, or some 5–10-minute sessions by using a 3-fold ORAC might be suggested. When the organism has acquired a sufficiently charge, evidenced by an increasing trend of the charging capacity and charging potency parameters, one can then move to permanently using a 3-fold ORAC and follow the standard protocols. In a contrary situation, the organism might lose bioenergy and recharge capacity instead of acquiring it. This might be evidenced by a steadiness, or even by a decrease in the time of the charging capacity and charging potency parameters.
The slow and gradual increase of its orgonomic potential makes the organism increasingly stronger in respect to the ORAC which indeed has a charge that remains, within certain limits, practically constant against time. At this point the organism starts an energetic charging.
Subject B. The subject, a female, had a breast tumour. She used the ORAC daily and continuously from April 2019 to April 2022, for a total period of 37 months or just over 3 years. Behaviour of the charging capacity parameter and of the charging potency parameter versus time is reported in the graph of figure 2.
Figure 2
From the graph it can be seen the charging capacity for the 1st month was quite low and equal to 0.73 (73 %). By the daily use of the ORAC, the charging capacity soon showed an improvement and reached 100 % at the 2nd month, a value that remained constant in time. Similar is the charging potency behaviour that, with an increasingly recharged organism, increased its value. Charging potency in the 1st month is practically zero (0.02 °C) but is increasing harmoniously and progressively in the following months with a clear increasing trend.
It must be emphasised that from experience, the generalised improvements of a subject’s health conditions are usually perceived only after some months from the start of the use of the ORAC, with a concomitant improvement of the traditional clinical exams (markers, echography, CT scan, etc.). Generally, this might occur when the charging potency starts permanently exceeding the threshold of 0.4-0.5 °C, this for subject B was after the 19th–20th month.
Also, Subject B, for privacy, did not provide any clinical information that could confirm her better health conditions after the analysed period. To date, she is very satisfied and in net recovery.
Subject C. The subject, a male, lent himself to the present study with no major pathologies. So, any reaction to the use of the ORAC might be considered those of a healthy person. He used daily the ORAC for 37 months from April 2019 to April 2022. Behaviour of the charging capacity parameter and of the charging potency parameter versus time is reported in the graph of figure 3.
Figure 3
As expected, the charging capacity showed a prompt response to the use of the ORAC and soon reached the value of 1.0 (100 %) that was maintained for the whole study period. The charging potency, instead, showed high fluctuations versus time. In fact, notwithstanding he was healthy, the initial charging potency was low and remained below 0.40 °C for three months. Then, it quickly reached a peak of 1.0 °C, to go down slightly in the following months. To date, no explanation is available for this behaviour. However, notwithstanding the fluctuation of the values, the charging potency showed an increasing trend versus time. Since he started using the ORAC, the subject observed increased and better general health conditions.
Subject D. The subject, a female, did not have evident pathologies. She underwent the microscopic test (Reich Blood Test) and the cytologic test on urinary sediment early in 2021. The microscopic exams clearly showed a strong T-reaction of the red blood cells that were in most of them thorny in appearance, as showed in the following pictures (a) through (f) in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Although there was an abundant bacterial infection that obfuscated the slides, the cytologic test clearly showed cells at different stages of bionous disintegration as reported in the pictures of Figures 5 through 8 [11].
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7

Figure 5 shows very bionously disintegrated Ca I cells, while images (a) through (d) in Figure 6 show clusters of Ca II cells. Images (a) through (d) in Figure 7 show single Ca II cells, and images (a) through (m) in Figure 8 indicate not completely mature Ca III cells.
After a first substantation of the low energetic status indicated by the Reich Blood Tests (microscopic and the cytologic test), Subject D decided to start using the ORAC as a tool for recharging himself bio-energetically. She used the ORAC daily for 8 months from October 2021 to May 2022. Behaviour of the charging capacity parameter and of the charging potency parameter versus time is reported in the graph of Figure 9.
Figure 9
From the above graph it can be observed that at the beginning both the charging potency and the charging capacity were very low. In fact, for 4 months both parameters did not reach acceptable values (being the charging potency is lower than 0.4-0.5 °C, and the charging capacity is lower than 1.0 or 100 %). However, it can be also noted that the daily use of the ORAC made the two parameters move almost in parallel towards an optimistic rising trend that might be considered a prelude to a bio-energetic recharging.
After 8 months from the beginning of the daily use of the ORAC a second microscopic and cytologic test was done. The two tests highlighted improved conditions of the blood that was much better charged even though the situation at cellular level was found unchanged. Pictures in Figures 10 and 11 refer to the second exam.
Figure 10

Images (a) through (f) in Figure 10 show a B-rection of the cells, while images (a) and (b) in Figure 11 still show Ca II cells. Images (c) through (h) continue to evidence the presence of Ca III cells. Clearly the biological tissues benefit most from the improved energetic charge of the blood in that they recharge first and more rapidly, particularly the red blood cells which after a few months show a higher charge.
As for the other biological tissues, only the Ca I cells find benefit from the increased bio-energetic charge of the organism. Ca I cells are those that first start the bionous disintegration. Due to the recharging process this disintegration no longer occurs and, in optimal conditions, the bions just produced are reabsorbed. Instead, the increase of the bio-energetic charge does not affect the existing Ca II and Ca III cells. Once formed, they continue to exist. However, no new Ca II and Ca III cells form since the recharging of the organism succeeds in stopping the bionous disintegration and thus the formation of new Ca I cells. Therefore, no new Ca II and Ca III cells can originate from further Ca I cells. In order to observe a change of the cytologic picture more than 8 months of use of the ORAC would be required. To get a confirmation of further improvements in a cytologic test one must wait till the next exam.
Presently, there are very few parameters to determine and evaluate the efficacy of an ORAC on the bio-energetic recharging of an organism when exposed to the concentrated orgone field. Amongst such parameters we find the increase of body core temperature. However, the efficiency of an ORAC might also depend on both the number of folds with which it is built, the organic and inorganic materials used and the energetic level and health conditions of the user.
Monitoring the charging capacity and the charging potency variables allows the researcher to observe and track the long-term effects of the ORAC. The trend of the two parameters provides useful indications. The charging capacity indicates whether a subject is recharging while the charging potency indicates how much the bio-energetic charge might be. In turn, these data points provide useful information on how the subjects react to the use of the ORAC and whether they take advantage from it. In some cases, because of the law of the orgonomic potential, where the stronger orgonotic system attracts orgone energy from the weaker orgonotic system, the recorded temperature data might indicate that the subject cannot recharge due to its energy being very low. For those subjects the use of weaker ORACs is required but sometimes a full recharging might still be problematic. Generally, this occurs with very weak subjects whose exposure dosing becomes very difficult. Terminal patients do not get appreaciable improvements and advantage from the use of an ORAC mainly for this reason. In some cases, the problem can be solved by using the same 3-fold ORAC and doing frequent daily sessions of a few minutes for several weeks and then monitoring the trend of the body temperatures. This procedure might allow a very energetically low subject to recharge by short and frequent doses of daily orgone energy, in a similar way to which a severely undernourished subject might be brought to normal by small and frequent meals based on tea, cookies, and soups.
Sometimes, we have witnessed real successes and, if the patient responds well to the use of the ORAC, after a few weeks the duration of the sessions can be increased in steps of 5 minutes daily towards a maximum duration of 45-60 minutes per session, twice a day. Obviously, if one increases the duration of the daily sessions, their frequency should be decreased.
There is a last point that emerges from the temperature monitoring and the trend of the charging capacity and charging potency parameters. These parameters parallel the improvement of a subject’s health conditions, the reversing of the cancer cells process and the disapppearing of the Ca I cells. They also correlate with the cessation of new Ca II and III cells (from Reich’s microscopic and cytologic tests). The overall point being that the cancer disease process might not be simply abscribable to the genetic traits of the subject alone. It is clear that the health’s conditions and Ca I cancer cells’ picture can be improved within a few months by bio-energetically recharging the organism with a systematic use of Reich’s ORAC. This result might call into question a solely genetic theory of the cancer disease process attributing its development rather to a decrease of the bioenergetic level of the organism.
Reich’s ORAC is an excellent tool to be used in cancer patients, mainly in the preventive phase. The increase of the bio-energetic level of the organism slows down or even stops the bionous disintegration of the cells. In turn, the lack of bions avoids the formation of those ‘bricks’ from which the cancer cell is made. In this way, the cancer process comes to a significant and subtantial halt. In the best cases, when a certain limit of the charging potency is exceeded, the subject is able to perceive subjective improvements of its bio-energetic charge, such as a feeling of general wellbeing, improvement of skin tone and a generic recovery of the strength. This is often concomitantly confirmed by objective data such as the results of traditional lab analysis that considerably improve.
Another important aspect that emerges from the evaluation of the trend of the charging potency and charging capacity is how the bio-energetic charge of the organism controls the formation of the cancer cells. This goes some way in challenging the fundamentals of the genetic theory of the disease.
The author wishes to thank Roberto Maglione and Leon Southgate for their suggestions in writing the paper.
- T is the temperature measured outside the ORAC, and T0 the temperature inside the ORAC.
- Reich W, The Cancer Biopathy, Orgone Institute Press, New York, 1948 page 317.
- Reich W, The Orgone Energy Accumulator, Orgone Institute Press, Rangeley, Maine, 1951, page 27. A temperature difference of 0.5 °F corresponds to about 0.3 °C; while 1.5 °F to about 0.8 °C.
- Ritter P, Ritter J, Experiments With The Orgone Accumulator, The Ritter Press, Nottingham, UK, undated (circa 1959).
- Muschenich S, Gebauer R, The Psycho-Physiological Effects Of The Reich Orgone Energy Accumulator, Pulse of the Planet, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Usa, Vol. 1, N° 2, 1989; see also Muschenich S, Einige Zitate Und Bemerkungen Zur Frage ‘Sind Die Begriffe Vagotonie Versus Sympathocotonie Uuf Die Wirkungen Des Orgons übertragbar?’, Emotion, N° 8, pp. 68-71, 1987; and Müschenich S, Der Gesundheitsbegriff im Werk Des Arztes Wilhelm Reich (The Concept Of Health In The Works Of Dr. Wilhelm Reich), Doktorarbeit am Fachbereich Humanmedizin der Philipps-Universitat Marburg, Verlag Gorich & Weiershauser, Marburg, 1995.
- Blasband RA, An Analysis Of The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Journal of Orgonomy, Vol. 6, No. 2, November 1972, pages 208-210.
- Snyder NR, Finger Temperature Effects Of The Orgone Accumulator, Journal of Orgonomy, 23(1):57-63, 1989.
- Correa PN, Correa A, Transiently Induced Hyperthermia In Humans Exposed To A Controlled Orac Environment, ABRI Monographs: Biophysics Research AS2-33, Toronto, Canada, 2006.
- Mazzocchi A, Maglione R, A Preliminary Study Of The Reich Orgone Accumulator Effects On Human Physiology, Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, Vol 21, N° 2, 2010.
- Maglione R, Piergentili L, Temperature And Electric Measurements On An Organism Exposed To A Concentrated Orgone Energy Field, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, May 02, 2022.
- Bions are minute pre-cellular vesicles that Reich discovered can be created within the body or outside of it through disintegration and reorganisation processes.