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Oranur and Paranormal Phenomena – Part One

Part One: An Oranur Medium

Authors: Nik Hayes and Leon Southgate MSc

Reviewer’s Comment:

In the present papers the authors propose that an Oranur field is the basis of most, if not all paranormal phenomena. In the first part of the series they provide some evidence for the above assertion by making reference to a robust literature review where the occurrence of paranormal phenomena can be interpreted as the consequence of higher-than-average orgone energy concentrations in Oranur (the highly excited state of the energy). As the authors establish, the high concentration of orgone energy, can be triggered or excited into the Oranur state by using a radioactive source, or even by consciousness. The second part of the series includes a collection of pictures taken by the authors with an Infra-Red (IR) camera (with no flash) when a sudden and momentous increase of radioactivity occurred (a typical indication of an Oranur field) in a certain location. To the naked eye nothing was seen during these shots but the pictures revealed forms that could not be addressed to a simple mechanical artefact, or to particular concomitant phenomena during the shot (as the flash was absent). The authors hypothesised that the possible bio-forms observed in the pictures were high orgone energy concentrations in its Oranur (highly excited) state quickly moving in space. According to what is reported by the authors, it might be inferred that our sky could be teeming with such bio-forms that are simply manifesting with qualities that are not perceptible to the naked human eye.
Such contributions complement the previous ones recently published by Southgate in JPOT in which he found that an Oranur field at various degrees of excitation can be considered as a fundamental quality to understand the perception of time (thus evidencing the importance of an Oranur field in the economy and understanding of still obscure and difficult to explain phenomena).


In Part One it is explored how oranur, or energised orgone, a type of subtle energy, may be associated both with consciousness and also with paranormal types of phenomena. A theoretical background supporting this hypothesis is presented. Historical evidence and past research that may illustrate such a connection is also discussed.

Part Two will explore unusual phenomena that Southgate and Hayes have photographed during their oranur-associated research. This involves Southgate’s oranur experiment in 2017 and Hayes’ ongoing work with Constable’s claimed orgonotic bio-forms. The similarity and unusual nature of the evidence will be explored.


In the Orgone Continuum (1) it was argued that it would be understandable that orgone itself, the life-force or subtle energy that Wilhelm Reich discovered, may indeed possess consciousness. It may have awareness without the need of a material body. Both philosophically, and with respect to evidence in other fields, such as acupuncture, healing and orgone psychotherapy, it was noted that such might be a coherent position (2).

Hayes and Southgate’s previous joint papers (3) demonstrate that possible living orgonotic entities, termed bio-forms by Trevor Constable in Cosmic Pulse of Life, have good quality evidence supporting their existence. This is from multiple countries, a good number of researchers and over some decades. The main researchers are Constable 1957 – 1975, the Italian team, GRCU, 1976 – to the mid-1980s and Hayes’ work from 2010 through to the present day.

The existence of material boundaries seems to be a characteristic, but not necessarily a prerequisite, of the living. That a portion of orgone plasma may possess consciousness, without material boundary, supports the view that the wider universal field may also have its own awareness. The plasmatic entities seen by Hayes and others still have an energetic membrane presumably, as its outer edges can be perceived under certain conditions.

The term oranur derives from ‘ORgone Against NUcleaR’. Reich, always fond of acronyms, coined this term when he found a new type of energy after exposing a highly concentrated orgone field to a small amount of radium in 1951 (4). Oranur is concentrated, excited orgone. The fastest way to excite orgone is through radioactivity but there are other methods too, such as mechanical or electrical stimulation of a concentrated orgone field. Consciousness itself may also act as an exciting factor. Indeed, it would be strange it if did not, if orgone possesses consciousness as postulated. Orgone has three main states of existence: primary, dynamic orgone, DOR or Deadly Orgone and oranur or excited orgone.

With the concept of aether, the Victorians were familiar with the view of an underlying, universal energy that may have spiritual or consciousness aspects. It is possible that a view that aether exists partly led to the strong Victorian interest in spiritual phenomena. The Victorians appeared to believe that the spiritual and the material were conjoined at the most basic level. This unified view of reality was obfuscated with the rise of modern relativity and quantum mechanical physics. On a practical level it was also assumed that the aether was thoroughly debunked from around the late 19th century. Modern physics thus became all about two extremes: either material/energetic ‘particles’ or transcendental ‘nothingness’.

However, this modern duality may well not be the case in reality. Aether could be existent but merely sidelined for political rather than scientific reasons. The ‘nothingness’ juggernauts of relativity and quantum mechanics would not easily be derailed (what the scientist Demeo called ‘empty space’ theories). There is good quality evidence for the existence of aether which may surpass the evidence given for its dismissal by Michelson and Morley, as Demeo describes (5).

Some of that evidence is actually from Michelson himself. The very person most quoted as disproving aether believed he had later evidenced it. But he was not the only one. Another physicist and student of Michelson, Miller, provided perhaps the best quality evidence for aether. It should be noted though, that both orgone and aether are potentially compatible with modern quantum field theories. These theories view the field as primary and particles as a secondary condensation. The condensation-particle of orgone/aether might be the electron or some other sub-atomic particle. Aether or orgone could be viewed as a primary quantum field.

Oranur as a Medium for Paranormal Phenomena

When considering the causative factors for paranormal phenomena researchers understandably tend to stay within the confines of currently accepted physics. Paranormal occurrences are considered to be either purely spiritual in nature (akin to the empty space ‘nothingness’ of modern physics) or perhaps to be entirely electro-magnetic (‘particulate’ based). There is nothing in-between these two extremes except an intangible, unknown consciousness ‘field’. This is an ‘energy’ that cannot be measured physically but inexplicably affects everything, albeit subtly. Often in paranormal research, Faraday cages are used in order to exclude the possibility of the unusual phenomena being electro-magnetic. However, a Faraday cage itself acts as a partial ORgone ACcumulator (or ORAC), according to Reich (6).

The paranormal phenomena generally turns out to be unaffected by electro-magnetic shielding in the majority of cases. However, most experimenters still strive to demonstrate that electrical effects are not causing any phenomena they observe. So the electrical shielding is partly an attempt to gain validity in the eyes of conventional science and not something arrived at due to empirical factors in paranormal research. The mainstream scientific establishment does not want to understand paranormal phenomena however so no amount of evidence would persuade it. There are already libraries full of such material. Edgar Cayce, the phenomenal and highly documented medical psychic, alone puts such phenomena beyond reasonable doubt, at least in Southgate’s view. Hayes has seen enough paranormal phenomena, and researched it personally, not to doubt its existence and he is aware it possesses a psychic dimension (bio-forms seem to know he is there). Practically speaking though, evidence of the paranormal kind may even be enhanced by electrical shielding (although this is not usually considered).

Dr William Tiller

Some of the strongest evidence for consciousness or even paranormal phenomena comes from Dr William Tiller of Stanford University. His set-ups are unusual in that they are particularly ‘quantitative’ in their approach to psychic phenomena. His experiments, from an orgonomic perspective, appear almost designed to enhance an oranur field. For example, in one experiment he had used both Faraday cages and aluminium foil wraps in the experimental design. The samples were therefore orgonotically charged but this was not all. He made sure he had a number of strong and practised psychic influencers working together to charge up the experimental devices. They were physiologically checked to be in an ideal state to influence objects. This appears to be taking into account a quantitative aspect to the psychic imprinting (as also noted by the Russian researcher, Kozyrev) (7).

Unusually for psychic experiments Tiller got highly significant, strongly repeatable results for psychokinesis effects (8). He was measuring a robust, tangible effect, in this case of a mentally-influenced electronic device and its influence upon biological samples. It was not a deeply hidden effect that needed teasing out. Tiller took an electronic device, orgone charged it within a Faraday cage and in addition stored it within aluminium foil wraps (further increasing the orgone charge). Next, he imprinted the device with strongly quantitative consciousness information (four psychic influencers in peak physiological state). He then stored the device as before in their metal coverings: aluminium foil wraps inside metal Faraday cages. The given rationale would have been to thoroughly exclude electromechanical (EM) effects but the effect would have been to orgone charge. When the electronic device was finally switched on experimentally, presumably it had a small electrical current running through it in order to ‘broadcast’ the imprinted information (Tiller’s words). The current would have excited the residual orgone field thus creating an electro-oranur effect (about which very little is known). Tiller does not mention much about the electrical input in his reports. So altogether it appears that he is, consciously or otherwise, using various aspects of orgone as a quantitative psychic energy. Consciousness is here being treated in a quantitative manner as though it was in some way similar to a substance.

Tiller also found that a camera energised with subtle energy from a practitioner’s body could take pictures through the lens shutter (9). Reich also took very early energy pictures of orgone clouding on photographic plates and demonstrated that orgone cannot be fully shielded (10). He was aware that something other than light could affect light-sensitive plates or films. Hayes has also seen non-lens effects in bio-form pictures (11) and such is described in part two of this series. Tiller appeared to know that this subtle energy field was quantitative but also that it dissipated slowly over time. It is acquired gradually and fades gradually – both well known orgonotic characteristics. He even used a meditation room which was basically a strong orgone room, being metal-lined like Reich’s orgone room at Orgonon or Demeo’s orgone room at Orgonelab in Oregon.

Tiller modified a Geiger Muller tube to produce a Gas Ionisation tube device. This is similar to Reich’s work where he modified a Geiger Muller tube to produce the orgone vacuum tubes (termed VACOR tubes by Reich). Tiller found that his tubes (which registered anomalous electron discharges) were affected by the mind. Again, Tiller’s experiments with these tubes would have utilised both orgone (storage in Faraday cages, usage in an ‘orgone’ room) and oranur effects (voltage applied to an orgone field). Much of the electrical equipment was situated within what was in effect an orgone room. The energy charge must have been very high. Glass (as used in the tubes) is also one of the best dielectric condensing materials for orgone as shown by Reich’s Geiger counter and orgone motor research.

It is documented that Tiller was informed about orgonomy in 1994 by a Dr Roger Taylor, a colleague of the well-known British UFO researcher, Collins (12). Tiller was probably aware prior to this however. Tiller evidenced that strong conscious intention (from four experienced meditation experts), simultaneously imprinted onto an electronic device will subsequently alter cell cultures. It does this according to the conscious intention selected (which was usually suppression or enhancement of standard biological effects in the cell samples). The experimental process can also demonstrate changes at a distance to the experimental test tubes. Additionally, the laboratory where the experiment is undertaken appears to gain some kind of semi-permanent field effect after time. In other words, an area of unusual effects is created by continual experimentation in that locale. Again this is a known orgone effect as Hayes can attest to after doing much experimentation in the same area with cloudbusters and bio-form attraction. Southgate is also familiar with such an orgone field effect on an environment from the oranur cabinet. Tiller’s device and cultures were kept in Faraday cages, which are in effect orgone accumulators, though relatively weak ones.

Tiller certainly seems to know of a ‘quantitative’ effect of consciousness and of some kind of non-electro-magnetic energetic effect. It is not a simple matter to get highly statistically significant results showing a direct effect of consciousness upon matter. Southgate believes Tiller was successful and gained significant results because he incorporated oranur aspects of consciousness into his research methods. Perhaps consciousness is indeed inseparable from a subtle energy as Tiller now believes. Southgate considers that consciousness is not directly associated with either electro-magnetic effects or a non-physical, purely spiritual field. Consciousness could rather be an aspect of a physical entity which can be measured and accumulated. Therefore if one concentrates the oranur one will concentrate the paranormal effects. Southgate believes that Tiller may be aware of this subtle energy principle and that is why his statistical significance levels are so strong.

Researchers such as Jahn and Radin of PEAR labs (13) on the other hand also showed that the mind can influence materiality directly. Their experiments mostly used intention to influence random event generators (REGs). They demonstrated definite effects of the mind over matter (through a departure from random in the REGs. However, perhaps because, unlike Tiller, they were not able to incorporate the apparently quantitative aspects of consciousness, they had to rely on large numbers of data points to extract the effects. This does not diminish that those effects were real and were meticulously demonstrated over many years of research. It is just that without a quantitative approach to consciousness the effects were necessarily not as strong and therefore required a lot of statistical power to illuminate.

It appears that Tiller was aware of subtle energies since at least the mid 1970s. Gerber provides an in-depth overview of the subtle energy maps Tiller elucidates (14). It is not a coincidence that Tiller, Southgate and Hayes, and Russian researchers, such as Kozyrev have all been lead toward similar views of consciousness and paranormal phenomena.

Time Storms and Oranur

An author and researcher, Jenny Randles, has investigated strange occurrences wherein an energy ball appears and effects time or dislocates people and vehicles in space (15). Much of Randle’s descriptions lends itself to considering that the energy concentrations described are of an oranur nature. Many of the descriptions would be familiar to readers of Reich’s Oranur experiment (16). Additionally, if time itself is analogous to the movement of subtle energy, and energy possesses consciousness (as orgone) then a super concentration of oranur would logically affect time itself, as Southgate has argued elsewhere (17). Randles however proposed that the strange time anomalies she reports were caused by some kind of natural warp or tear in the space-time continuum that Einstein has described. The events reported by Randles typically involved a foggy, illuminated cloud appearing at ground level and being associated with time-slips, relocation, property and bodily effects.

Following are some of the phenomena Randles noted. The classifications are according to orgonomic principles:

Oranur-like Overcharge

• Burns.
• Sunburn.
• Headaches.
• Nausea.
• Rashes.
• Hot Feelings.
• Water Consumed.
• Effects upon Eyes.
• Red/Purple Coloured.
• Illuminated Cloud (indicating power source).
• Foggy.


• Skin Tingles/Goosebumps.
• Hair on End.
• Engines Shorted.


• Sense of being Watched.
• Wooziness.

Southgate believes that if the above phenomena are indeed time-slips they would likely have an oranur basis and could therefore be both natural and artificial in causation (with the common functioning principle being a substantial increase in oranur energy).

Ark of Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant of the ancient Hebrews was known to have many paranormal effects, as detailed in the Bible and elsewhere.

These include:
• Levitation.
• Weather Changes.
• Glowing Clouds.
• Creation of Matter (Manna). (Manna is indirectly associated with the Ark through the cloud that accompanied both the Lord of the Old Testament and the Ark – see Isaacs, Talking With God. See also Exodus 16:34. Reich too had noted the creation of matter from orgone in Experiment XX).
• Destruction of Matter (Walls of Jericho).
• Transmutation of Matter (the gold-based consumable, spiritual-enhancing white powder, possibly monatomic gold).
• Spirit Communication.
• Energy Discharges.
• Time Changes.
• Biological Effects.

This energy of the Ark was also known by the Hebrews to speed up time. The Ark was thought to enhance animal and human fertility and boost fruit ripening and plant growth (18). The Ark’s energy source was almost certainly oranur being an orgone box activated by a mysterious small substance or stone. This activating agent was the shamir according to Maglione or the schethiya according to Gardner. In addition, the Rabbi Isaacs recognises that the Ark was highly radioactive though he was not aware of oranur when he wrote his book on the subject (19). Perhaps the Ark itself hints at time travel. It appears in the Bible both before it is constructed in the narrative and after it has become unknown to the Hebrews (Exodus 16:34 and Revelation 11:9 respectively).

Reich described ‘gremlins’ occurring around the oranur experiment, things being moved mysteriously (20). Also UFOs were highly attracted to oranur. Reich, Demeo, Eden and others all had UFO experiences linked to cloudbusters (21). UFO’s are inextricably linked to orgone it would appear. Reich thought they were propelled by orgone or oranur as there are many similarities between the claimed orgone motor and UFO propulsion, such as silent running, cold propulsion and sudden changes in direction, defying inertial limitations (22). In addition, the paranormal aspect of many phenomena, such as telepathic contact, spiritual experiences, time slips and the remembering of past lives is bound up to UFOs through contactee experiences. For more on this see Rodwell’s well-written and fascinating accounts (23). So indirectly, a strong link already exists between oranur and paranormal phenomena in the shape of UFO-connected phenomena.

Torsion Fields

Russian subtle energy research also supports a connection between oranur and paranormal effects. There are many papers examining what has been termed torsion fields or torsion energy by Russian professors, such as Kozyrev and others, including researchers at Moscow University examining consciousness and torsion fields in the 1990s (24). Torsion fields are unable to be shielded, have biological effects and create a change in temperature. The Russian Torsion temperature experiments excluded the effects being thermal or mechanical in causation. These effects are also well known characteristics of orgone including non-shielding, rise in temperature (To-T) and biological associations (25). In addition, metal-lined enclosures, called Kozyrev Mirrors, are used to concentrate the torsion fields. This is very similar to Reich’s orgone accumulators. It appears that torsion fields and orgone are quite possibly the same energy.

Kozyrev’s views on time developed from his understanding of an energy underlying reality which initiates movement (manifesting in subtle torsion or twisting fields). He came to see time as identical to, or an aspect of this subtle energy. Time being an energetic phenomena is similar to Southgate’s views on time (26). Time therein being the flow of consciousness (which in turn is the flow of orgone). There is no such thing as non-time in Southgate’s view as this would imply a state of non-energy and non-consciousness. In Kozyrev’s view time is allied with a subtle energy which in turn affects time and consciousness. Move the torsion field therefore and one also moves time and perception. On a side-note, some in the USSR were familiar with orgonomy right from its outset. The Kremlin ordered copies of orgonomic literature in the 1940s. The Soviets also reportedly had ORACs in hospitals at this time. Reich believed the first orgone motors may have ended up in the USSR possibly via a student, Washington, who had worked for Reich in 1948 (27).

Orgone research has much it could learn from present day Russian studies. Many physical effects of subtle fields have been outlined which are as yet unknown within orgonomy. One such is the effect of torsion fields upon very subtle mechanical devices (torsion detectors) or upon the rate of quartz pulsation (28). Torsion fields are known to be associated with consciousness and paranormal effects. It is also known to Russian researchers that the stronger the torsion field is (and the weaker the background electromagnetic field) the greater the psychic effects obtained. Reich viewed orgonotic forces as primary (orgone, oranur) and electromagnetic forces as secondary (particles/electrical forces). These two sets of forces being antithetical, though ultimately derived from a common source (the orgone). A ‘torsion field psychic-enhancement’ versus an ‘electromagnetic psychic-suppression’ effect would therefore be supported by orgonomy (certainly if orgone and consciousness are unitary).

If oranur is an excitation of the conscious orgone, then one would expect paranormal phenomena to be related to it. The more such energy one has, the more psychic effects one would expect. Wilcock, who became somewhat of an expert on Russian torsion field research believes there are somewhere in the region of 10,000 Russian language papers on torsion fields, though many remain classified or untranslated (29).

Southgate has made a modified torsion detector for use with oranur. It uses a gold plated acupuncture needle that has been oranur charged for some days (gold is shown historically to be the best accumulating material and oranur charging the needle may further enhance any effects). The needle is suspended on a thread at a balancing point on the handle area (near the midpoint of the needle) in a plastic cylinder jar.

One can gets one’s orgone field strong by breathing and then point a finger at Point A (see Figure 1) a few millimetres from the sharp tip of the needle in line with the angle of the needle horizontally. Then await a tingling sensation. Next slowly move the finger left and right horizontally. If the energy charge is good the needle will follow the finger by a few degrees perhaps. On a good day the needle can be made to bounce sideways by a small amount. It works more easily when there is clear sunny weather. Sometimes the effect is enhanced when the other hand is cupped around the other side of the cylinder (without touching it). The needle will also react in the same way to orgone compounds (orgonite) particularly if there is a sharp tip that can be pointed at the sharp end of the gold needle in the device. The large oranur acupuncture tube which is stored in Southgate’s oranur box creates a deflection more easily, up to approximately 20 degrees laterally. The gold needles are commercially bought ordinary surgical steel acupuncture needles that have been electro-plated with gold.

There are videos of Russian torsion detection devices reacting to the energy field from a person’s hands. It was one of these devices that Southgate adapted so that it would be sensitive enough to react to an oranur tube (30). An orgone acupuncture or oranur tube is based on Bernd Senf’s work and is a metal pipe surrounded by hundreds of layers of plastic and aluminium foil sheeting. The one used is approximately 2 foot long by 6 inches in diameter and has been oranur charged. The layering material overhangs the inner metal tube by an inch or so with mostly the non-magnetic aluminium and plastic being at the front open end of the tube. The other end of the tube is closed by the layering material.

That the adapted torsion meter may react to oranur indicates that the two energies are possibly the same. The tube was tested for electrical charge and none was found. That the meter also reacts (at times) to bodily orgone indicates that it is likely not a magnetic effect. The finger used was tested for static charge using a thin piece of tissue and none was found. A magnet will deflect the needle sharply but the oranur or body orgone on the other hand seems to form an invisible ‘bridge’ which then ‘pulls’ the needle when the oranur source is moved slowly horizontally. This ‘bridge’ can actually be felt tingling on the end of one’s fingertip. This aspect is not entirely simple however as strong orgone charges will also deflect a magnetic needle, the relationship between magnetism and oranur is still unclear. Southgate thinks that magnetism may even be a kind of molecular orgone flow.

Figure 1 – Adapted Torsion Detector


Additionally there is a device known as an Egely Wheel from Hungary, which is similar to a torsion meter in principle and is used to measure subtle energy flow from the hands. This lightweight wheel moves according to the flow of energy from a person’s hands. This device has been shown previously to react to oranur (31). Recently it has been found that placing the wheel at the periphery of a strong oranur field (on the outside surface or near to the outside surface of the oranur box at peak charge) is the most conducive position to obtaining movement of the device solely through the action of the oranur field. This is additional evidence that torsion fields and oranur are similar.

Intention Research

The intention experiments cited by McTaggart, the author of ‘The Field’ and a researcher who does not usually mention orgone or aether, has reported on the quantitative aspects of consciousness research, albeit indirectly. She notes that when people are gathered together in one place (in order to have an intention effect) it is stronger than when the participants are spread out across the world and only connected via the internet. In other words being materially present together in a group boosts the effects. Southgate would argue that the boosting effect is because the orgone energy fields of the participants are enhancing each other and combining as one field such as one might find in a place of worship or at a concert (32).

Neolithic Monuments

It is quite probable that Newgrange and similar Neolithic monuments were oranur energy psychic-enhancement devices. As Comerford describes in his detailed book, the huge mound structure at Newgrange in Ireland is composed of layered material as in an ORAC but using turfs, dry stones and a kerbstone insulator. Some stone and granite materials are also known to have low levels of radioactivity, so some degree of oranur effect might also be naturally afforded (as also in the Giza Pyramids). It is known from excavations that the mound was layered with organic and inorganic materials exactly as in an ORAC (33). In addition, the mound being underneath the ground surface would shield from EMF fields and thus amplify subtle energy fields – perfect for psychic enhancement effects. In comparison to the size of the mound the inner chamber is quite small. It would probably be quite an intense experience being inside this chamber for some time.

Famous Paranormal Events

In the claimed events of the infamous Philadelphia Experiment the US Navy’s invisibility efforts were said to have inadvertently caused time and dimensional shifts with devastating effects. Al Bielek, who states to have been involved in the work, related how the whole project was greatly rushed due to the pressures of attacks on shipping by U-Boats during WW2. Initial successes were not treated with the caution warranted but huge leaps were made before the process was understood. Again, the energies in general seem to have a strong oranur component. The key detail from this point of view was that Bielek claimed that the old-style thick steel decks on WW2-era warships protected those on the lower decks from suffering the full effects that those on the upper decks experienced. Steel decks would deflect orgone and oranur more effectively than modern lighter-weight alloys (orgone cannot be completely shielded but it can be impeded or deflected to some extent by very dense materials). Also those who were moderately affected could be treated later using hands-on healing, Bielek stated. This suggests that something went wrong with an energy which is also biological in nature like oranur (34). Bielek makes no references to orgone in this piece and is unlikely to be aware of these associations.


Jessica Jones is an American remote viewer and big foot (Sasquatch) researcher. In one expedition she led a team which saw a cube-shaped portal appearing in a dense, remote wood which had very strange effects. Heat signatures for the proximity disappeared, the environment within the immediate area of the cube portal completely changed, a black velvet-like sensory curtain appeared which marked off the area. The cube shrank, and then moved away and disappeared. Jones noted that radiation effects always appear near paranormal phenomena. This indicates charged particle flux (which is an effect of oranur). It sounds like the radiation was extremely high near the cube: two of the team got sick in the year afterwards. She notes that UFOs, strange lightning effects, orbs, and big foot appearances are always accompanied by a spike of such radiation (35).

Crop Circles

It is commonly reported that spending time within crop circles can cause strange physical and mental effects. Barnes, who lives in the North West of England and seems to regularly see UFOs, reports that as a young man he used to go to crop circles in Wiltshire. He would often feel strange energies within these formations and one time, when he meditated within a circle, he later found that he was affected by unusual skin rashes, very itchy with red blotches, which persisted for some days (36). Barnes may have seen a UFO later that day (he was staying in the area). The author wonders if his close connection to UFOs in later years was affected by his earlier fascination with crop circles. Genuine circles, apart from their visual complexity, are easy to identify as the stems are bent as if by steam rather than broken. Some believe they are made by energetic imprint via an orb, perhaps controlled from a UFO. Southgate considers that Barnes’ rash may have been caused by oranur energies residual in the crop circle created by its mode of construction. The Ark of the Covenant and Reich’s oranur experiment could also cause strange skin rashes.


Other ORAC-like Devices:

Orgonomy is not the only science to have used devices similar to ORACs.


Nostradamus reportedly used a kind of ORAC. He is believed to have used a mirrored, egg-shaped cabinet (said to be made of polished copper, brass and bronze with silver fastenings) to sit within, presumably to enhance his psychic powers (Figure 2). Nostradamus himself would have been the organic, dielectric element of the ‘ORAC’.alongside any residual waxing materials used to polish the metals into a mirror or any outer organic coverings which have been lost to history.

Figure 2 – Nostradamus Cabinet


Mesmer’s bacquet was in effect a combined ORAC and medical DOR-buster (a kind of cloud-buster used for healing), see Figure 3 below. Mesmer’s ‘animal magnetism’ was thought to affect both the mind and the body and in many ways was similar to orgone in its effects. The bacquet contained glass bottles of subtle energy charged water, stones and metals. People held the ends of the cords so their individual body orgone would also participate as a group and increase any effect.

Figure 3 – Mesmer’s Bacquet


The 19th Century Austrian chemist, prolific inventor (creosote being one of his many compounds) industrialist and subtle energy researcher, Baron Von Reichenbach, used iron plates, metal wires, glass rods and organic materials to affect the passage of a subtle energy that he called od or the odic force. It is pronounced ‘ode’ as it is named after Odin – to symbolise a powerful force that is everywhere (similar to a universal orgone). Some researchers call it odyl.

Like orgone, it was affected by the sun, the living and the mind. In Vienna, (contrary to Berlin which was quite hostile to his work) there were many psychic ‘sensitives’ as they were called then. These were people who were particularly attuned to subtle energies (not mediums or psychics, just those who were adept at feeling subtle energy). Reichenbach demonstrated that this energy was gathered from living beings, crystals, the sun and could be channelled along materials at slow speeds. He found that it was this energy that may be involved in various psychic phenomena.

On a side-note, controlling for Faraday’s pressure based objections, Reichenbach showed that it was this odic energy that could be the force in Victorian ‘table turning’ during séances – which was very popular at the time. Reichenbach, although interested in consciousness and spiritual phenomena, remained a scientifically-minded, careful experimentalist. He was however derided, labelled a Mesmerist and given much criticism. He was saddened by the generally dismissive attitude shown towards his painstaking work over many years opting eventually to continue it alone in his Austrian castle.

Reichenbach found that there are two main types of subtle energy flow: a warm, depleting flow from the left hand and the base of crystals and a cool, invigorating flow from the right hand, the apex of crystals and other materials. Such a ‘handedness’ or some kind of polarity to subtle energy is not known within orgonomy. He found that his sensitives could feel the flow of od, as well as visualise it and sense the difference when facing the various compass points. They also found that they felt much more peaceful sleeping with their head towards the north. This Reichenbach felt was because of the polarity of od in the body. Constable, who experimented with cloudbusters and claimed to have discovered orgonotic bio-forms, originally used a subtle energy exercise where he would turn through the four compass points with arms outstretched (to attract the bio-forms). This was known as the star exercise (37).

Reichenbach demonstrated that this od energy was in the atmosphere and concentrated in the living and the sun. He also managed to visualise it to sensitives directly with the aid of light-sealed dark rooms. After a lengthy period of acclimatisation (up to 2 hours) a subtle fiery flame can be seen from crystals, the living and objects charged with od. The contemporary of Reichenbach, the great natural philosopher, Goethe, was also aware of a glowing force around living things. Reichenbach’s work was recognised by a few great scientists at the time, such as the pioneer in cathode rays, William Crookes.

Reich’s glowing vacuum tube anomalies were also seen in early experiments in the late 1800s, which O’Byrne, a biographer of Reichenbach, relates to the activity of od in a vacuum (38). Incidentally, Reich also spent hours in the dark in his orgone room in order to visualise orgone. Reichenbach would probably have classed him as a ‘sensitive’ though possibly most people can learn to see orgone under the right circumstances Southgate believes.


The Russian torsion field researcher Prof. Kozyrev used an ORAC-like device which had pronounced psychic and paranormal effects according to reports. It is also said to have had effects upon time itself. Similarly to the orgone theory of time, Kozyrev considered time as an aspect, or even directly related to the torsion field, as previously noted. A person can sit within the spiral-shaped metal cabinet termed a Kozyrev mirror (Figure 4). Strange effects are subsequent, particularly on the cognition of time. Research and development in Russia and elsewhere are still ongoing (39). There are a number of clinics with devices based on Kozyrev mirrors currently in use in Russia.

Figure 4 – Kozyrev Mirror

If orgone is a conscious energy it would make sense if consciousness itself could excite it. If excited orgone is the same as oranur, consciousness should be able to create oranur, especially if the orgone concentration in an environment is already dense. Perhaps the ability of people like Uri Geller and others to have paranormal effects is partly explained by this association. Incidentally, it is known that Geller has been able to strongly influence Geiger counters in the past (40).


The possible commonality between consciousness and orgone has already been explored elsewhere. Oranur logically would have connections to the paranormal due to such phenomena involving unknown forces which may also possess consciousness. An excitation of orgone affected by consciousness would by definition result in oranur (excited orgone).

It appears that there may also be an association between paranormal phenomena and oranur in practice. Psychic phenomena in orgone-type devices (such as those used by Dr Tiller and Prof. Kozyrev) alongside Geiger count spikes near paranormal occurrences support this conclusion. Also, historical examples (the Biblical Ark, Nostradamus, Mesmer and Reichenbach) lend substance to this view.

It is argued therefore that oranur may perhaps form a medium for the transmission of paranormal observations.

In Part 2 of this paper Southgate’s oranur work and Hayes’ oranur-associated bio-form research is presented. Both work appears to have visualised forms which could be described as paranormal in appearance.


  1. Southgate, L. (2018) The Orgone Continuum, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy https://www.psychorgone.com/philosophy/the-orgone-continuum
  2. Southgate, L. (2018) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, Implications of Orgone for Consciousness Research Part 1. https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/implications-of-orgone-for-consciousness-research-part-1
  3. Hayes, N. and Southgate, L. (2019) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, Positive Findings on Constable’s Orgonotic bio-forms Parts 1 and 2, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/positive-findings-on-constables-orgonotic-bio-forms and https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/positive-findings-on-constables-orgonotic-bio-forms-part-2
  4. Reich, W. The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1951) Reprinted by the Wilhelm Reich Trust, Maine, USA.
  5. Demeo, J. (2002) Dayton Miller’s Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look, Pulse of the Planet No5, http://www.orgonelab.org/miller.htm
  6. Reich, W. (Editor Higgins) (1960) Wilhelm Reich – Selected Writings, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux
  7. Parker, D & J. (1990) Atlas of the Supernatural, USSR Research, pp160.
  8. Tiller, W. (Accessed 2023) Subtle Energies Document, https://tillerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/%2376%20-%20Subtle%20Energies.pdf pp5. First published in Science and Human Transformation, Pavior Publishing, 1997.
  9. Ibid, pp2.
  10. Reich, W. The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1951) Reprinted by the Wilhelm Reich Trust, Maine, USA, see pp198 to 200.
  11. Southgate and Hayes (2019) Personal Discussions regarding bio-form papers and observations.
  12. Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books, pp 137.
  13. Radin, D. (2018) Accessed 2023, https://deanradin.blogspot.com/
  14. Gerber, R. (2001) Vibrational Medicine, Bear and Company, Canada. (See Chapter 4 or pp119 onwards).
  15. Randles, J. (2001) Time Storms: The Amazing Evidence of Time Warps, Space Rifts and Time Travel, Piatkus, UK.
  16. Reich, W. The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1951) Reprinted by the Wilhelm Reich Trust, Maine, USA. (See Also, Oranur Second Report, Contact With Space and Selected Writings, Oranur Chapter).
  17. Southgate, L. (2023) An Orgonomic Theory of Time Part One and Two, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.
  18. Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it
  19. Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it (and Shamir/Oranur) and Gardner, L. (2004) Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Element Books pp29 (and Schethiya activation) and Isaacs, R. (2010) Talking With God, Sacred Closet Books (and radioactivity of Ark).
  20. Reich, W. (1957) Contact With Space, CORE Pilot Press, republished by wilhelmreichtrust.org
  21. Reich, W. (1957) Contact With Space, CORE Pilot Press, republished by wilhelmreichtrust.org See Also Southgate, L. (2023) Reich’s Other Secret, https://www.psychorgone.com/biopathies-physical-orgone-therapy/wilhelm-reichs-other-secret (Reich/Demeo/Eden cloudbusters and UFOs).
  22. Reich, W. (1957) Contact With Space, CORE Pilot Press, republished by wilhelmreichtrust.org
  23. Rodwell, M. (2017) The New Human, New Mind Publishers, Australia.
  24. Wilcock, D. (2012 onwards) Gaia TV series, Wisdom Teachings, Series 7 (whole of series 7 is on Russian work, particularly Kozyrev). See also chapter in online book Divine Cosmos, https://divinecosmos.com/books-free-online/the-divine-cosmos/95-the-divine-cosmos-chapter-01-the-breakthroughs-of-dr-na-kozyrev/. Wilcock’s in-depth series on Reich and orgone is also worth watching, Gaia TV, Wisdom Teachings, Series 10.
  25. Reich, W. (Editor Higgins) (1960) Wilhelm Reich – Selected Writings, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux
  26. Southgate, L. (2023) An Orgonomic Theory of Time Part One and Two, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.
  27. Constable, T. (1971) Book Reviews, Journal of Orgonomy, V5, N2, pp223 (Soviets and Orgone Literature) and Blasband, D. (1967) Journal of Orgonomy, V1, N1 & 2, USA Vs Reich, pp83 (Disappearance of Orgone Motors).
  28. Wilcock, D. (2012 onwards) Gaia TV series, Wisdom Teachings, Series 7 (series 7 is on Russian work, particularly Kozyrev). See also chapter in online book Divine Cosmos, https://divinecosmos.com/books-free-online/the-divine-cosmos/95-the-divine-cosmos-chapter-01-the-breakthroughs-of-dr-na-kozyrev/.
  29. Wilcock, D. (2012 onwards) Gaia TV series, Wisdom Teachings, Series 7, Episode 3, 1 minute approx.
  30. Jaynes Network (2020) Psychotronic Torsion Detector https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JipiLBgS1LQ (Russian type Torsion Device reacting to Subtle Energy Fields from Hands)
  31. Southgate, L. (2020) Oranur and its Possible Applications in AI, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/oranur-and-its-possible-applications-in-artificial-intelligence (see Egely wheel section).
  32. Comerford, K. (2012) Newgrange and the New Science, CTM Books, pp167 (discussion of McTaggart’s Intention Experiments in ‘The Field’ HarperCollins 2001).
  33. Comerford, K. (2012) Newgrange and the New Science, CTM Books, pp64.
  34. Al Bielek (Accessed 2023) The Philadelphia Experiment, Filmed Interview with Bielek, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVE94Zvy17c
  35. Jessica Jones (2023, Accessed 2023) Underground SSP Hub – Cryptid Breeding Programs – Montauk & Time Travel https://rumble.com/v3htuu6-jessica-jones-underground-ssp-hub-cryptid-breeding-programs-montauk-and-tim.html see 24 mins to 28 approx
  36. Barnes, C. (2023) Personal Communication to Southgate.
  37. Constable, J. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, The Book Tree
  38. Reichenbach, K. (1968) The Odic Force, Letters on Od and Magnetism, Translated and Extensive Introduction by O’Byrne and Foreword by Shepard, University Books. (See pp98 for William Crookes association with od and pp112 for glowing vacuum tube anomalies in the 1800s).
  39. Kozyrev Mirrors Accessed (2023), auto-translated, a research site for Litvinoff and Kozyrev mirrors. https://zerkalakozyreva.ru/
  40. Taylor, John. (1976) Super Minds, Picador pp61.


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After the conclusion of the Oranur Experiment(2) Reich stored the three needles of radium (one milligram/mg each)(3) , used in the testing, within heavy lead shielding, in a place about three-quarters of a mile from the Observatory at Orgonon. However, about a year afterwards, on March 31st, 1952, due to a recurrence of the Oranur reaction in the Orgonon area, he decided to remove the radioactive sources and to bury them in a gravel pit. This was located in a field a hundred feet away from the road from Oquossoc to Rumford, Maine, eleven miles from Orgonon(4). On April 22nd and 23rd, 1952, Reich carried out measurements of the radioactivity over a large area in order to determine the borderlines of the Oranur field and of the high atmospheric activity which occurred after the removal of the radioactive sources from Orgonon. Figure 1 depicts graphically the results of a 230-mile round trip which Reich made on this occasion. In the figure the point where the 3 mg of radium were buried, RA, is also shown.

Figure 1 – Radioactivity measurements around Orgonon, April 22-23, 1952

From the above figure an area of about 50 miles in diameter, which was characterized by high values of radioactivity, can be seen. The radioactivity in this area varied from 400 up to 800 CPM (Counts Per Minute on a Geiger radiation counter). It was observed that the counts decreased down to normal with the distance from Orgonon towards the South. However, Orgonon did not register the highest values even though it was the site where the Oranur Experiment was carried out.

This was a clear sign that the Oranur reaction was proceeding again at Orgonon with an even higher strength than that observed at the beginning in 1951, when the Oranur Experiment was first being carried out. The value of radioactivity measured at the time of the experiment, in January, 1951, was around 100 CPM, on average, while now Reich found values as high as 6-8 times above that. Possibly, this recurring event was due to the instability of the nuclear source after it was subjected to the Oranur reaction in 1951, even though the nuclear material was shielded and buried in a safe place far from Orgonon. Maybe, concurrent events could have triggered such a high reaction, such as the Oranurization of all the materials used to build the orgone devices available at Orgonon, which kept the Oranur charge dormant for all that time. Or maybe DOR-clouds, coming from West(5), could have stimulated or increased this dormant activity which required only a push in order to start again.

The 3 mg of radium needles remained buried in the ground for more than two years, and no one, for all that time, went to recover them.

On September 1954 Reich was about to leave Orgonon for Tucson, Arizona, with the aim of studying the causes that led to the formation and development of deserts. In that period he worked out a theory of desert formation based on the persisting and very prolonged, chronic infestation of DOR(6) in the environment, and in the atmosphere. He decided, before leaving, to test the nuclear material that was buried in the field close to Route 17 to Rumford. On September 21st, 1954, the box containing the 3 mg of radium was unearthed and brought back to the observatory at Orgonon. An immediate background count of the general area was made with the SU-5 survey Geiger meter. A value of 150 CPM was obtained. Reich then tested the nuclear material with the unshielded counter tube of the survey meter, held one meter away from the box containing the radium: the count was 800-900 CPM. With the tube laid on the top of the box, it was 8,000-9,000 CPM. One 1 mg radium needle was then tested with the larger and more sensitive Geiger-Muller 2.3 mg/cm2 counter tube and the 4096 Tracerlab Auto-scaler(7). With the needle naked at a distance of 1 cm the count was 2,457.6 CPM (against its original rate of 16,000 CPM in 1951)(8). With the radium needle reinserted into the lead case that it had been enclosed in, and the counter tube held at a distance of 1 cm from the case, the count was 163,840 CPM (against its original rate of 7,000 CPM in 1951).

Reich realized the radium 1 and 2 needles (those directly used in the Oranur experiment) had lost much of their former activity of 1951. Even the counts of the third needle, which had not been treated with concentrated orgone energy, was much lower than its own original rate of 16,000 CPM (naked at 1 cm distance from the counter tube). Reich also observed that the activities of the radium needles, without shielding, varied greatly all through, ever since 1954, according to place, climate, and transportation.

Reich ascribed the fact that the counts at the Geiger-Muller counter were higher, when the needle of radium was located inside its lead tube, to the reaction of the orgone energy in the atmosphere to the radioactivity emitted by the nuclear material(9):

“FIRST: the naked NR material gave a much lower count (one tenth) than the same material enclosed in heavy lead shielding.

SECOND: The ten times higher count in the atmosphere around the shielded NR material is a function of the OR energy fighting against NR.

THIRD: As soon as the interaction between OR and NR is stopped, the high OR activity vanishes and sinks down to the normal atmospheric level.

FOURTH: OR energy alone does not react severely unless irritated by NR.”

The overall results, obtained from the measurements in 1954, were then compared with those recorded after the conclusion of the Oranur experiment, made on April 28th, 1951. He found substantial differences in the radioactivity emitted by the three needles of radium. Indeed, from the two series of measurements Reich found basically new phenomena, mainly characterized by a very strong activity of the nuclear material when it was located within its heavy lead shielding; while the radioactivity when naked was much less than that in 1951.

The following table 1 shows the data recorded after the measurements which were carried out on radium needles 1 and 2 in April 1951, a few months after the conclusion of the Oranur experiment(10).

Table 1

The following Table 2 shows the results of the second set of measurements made on September 26th, 1954, on the three mg of radium, after bringing them back to Orgonon from the location where they were left buried for around two and a half years(11).

Table 2

As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2 above, a substantial difference does exist between the radioactivity emitted by the needles of radium when measured naked in April 1951 (a few months after the conclusion of the Oranur experiment), and in September 1954 (after many months of burial in the ground). If we make an average of the values measured in 1951 by the GM 4096 Auto-scaler on the naked samples (at 1 cm distance) we obtain a value of 64,239 CPM; while by the same GM counter in 1954 we have 702 CPM. A very drastic reduction of the radioactivity can be observed from the two sets of measures. If we take the measures made by considering the same GM counter, but using a different scale of 256, we can again observe a drastic decrease of the values, even though less marked; and particularly we have in 1951 a value of 38,400 CPM, and in 1954 an average value of 1,212 CPM. The same phenomenon, seen with the naked samples, was observed also for the shielded samples (measured at 1 cm distance) that were characterized by an average value of 291,840 CPM in 1951, and of 97,143 CPM in 1954(12).

The following Table 3 shows the above calculated values, as well as the ratio between the radioactivity measured with the GM 4096 Auto-scaler on the radium needles inside the lead container and the naked one. The original values of the untreated samples, before starting the Oranur experiment, are also shown.

Table 3

As can be observed from the values reported in Table 3, apart from the significant decrease of the radioactivity of the radium needles (both naked and shielded) from 1951 to 1954, the value of the ratio provides a further indication of the change in the behaviour of the radioactive material after around three years of burial in the ground subsequent to the Oranur Experiment. A substantial increase of this value can be noted against the time, which highlights the much higher reaction of the radium needle in 1954, when inserted in its leaden container and when compared to the naked value. The increase of the radioactivity of the shielded radium compared to that of the unshielded (naked) needle was about 4.5 times in 1951, while it was around 138 times in 1954. The above ratios can then be compared to the ratio of the original and untreated samples, before they were used in the Oranur experiment, where a much lower value of 0.44 was obtained. It seems from the above data and trend that the exposure of the radium needles to high concentrations of orgone energy might have reversed their natural behavior, making them very sensitive and reactive when in contact or proximity with metallic materials. Besides, a decrease of the natural radioactivity can also be observed.

In addition to the variation of the radioactive behaviour as above reported, the three mg of radium, after being removed from the ground, revealed further extremely powerful qualities. Reich observed that, if one of the radium needles, which he called Oranur radium or Orur, was used for only a few seconds, from two to five, in combination with a cloudbuster, it might clear the sky of DOR (Deadly Orgone). The DOR that was hovering low and dark over the landscape, especially in the valleys at Rangeley, seemed to be eliminated and the atmosphere turned blue-gray from horizon to horizon. If used from 20 to 60 seconds, depending on the weather, clouds began to form almost instantly, and rain fell a few hours later. The reaction of the atmosphere seemed to be more effective when the radium needle was moved in and out of the lead container. At first, the Orur was used apart from the cloudbuster, but later its use was combined with the device making it an integral part. The combination of the Orur and the cloudbuster gave rise to a new apparatus that was called a spacegun (figure 2)(13).

Figure 2

This new type of arrangement dramatically improved the performances of the cloudbuster, which was conceived and developed by Reich a few years earlier to eliminate the DOR clouds from the atmosphere, and restore the atmospheric pulsation at Orgonon(14). By using the newly-developed spacegun an immediate change in the atmosphere could be observed, even in very difficult situations such as the presence of dirty-steel gray DOR clouds which seemed to fill up and become white and bluish-gray in a brilliant, sparkling, formerly dull, stale, black, and nauseating atmosphere. This was a change that normally might take hours or even days to occur when using the cloudbuster alone.
Reich soon realized, from the many tests he did with the spacegun (which were above all aimed at breaking the DOR clouds and restoring the atmospheric pulsation), that the DOR could be much more easily removed when the Orur, brought close to the pipes of the apparatus, was kept inside its lead container. By doing this, an increase of the potential from 40,000 to 60,000 CPM could be artificially created in the cloudbuster, and this might substantially increase the performances and shorten the duration of the interventions by the apparatus. With the cloudbuster alone very low values of radioactivity could instead be obtained, thus requiring much more prolonged operations(15).

In one episode Sobey, along with Baker, visited Reich at Little Orgonon, Tucson, during his Orop Desert expedition. Reich showed them the Orur. According to Sobey, the Orur was kept in a pail or a can, on a long rope. Reich made it to swing around his head using the rope near the cloudbuster’s pipes. Sobey reported that it looked like magic, but it worked in that the effect on the atmosphere was enhanced. There was nothing about putting the Orur in the base of the cloudbuster.

Reich commented on the dramatic improvement in the performances of the interventions by using the spacegun, equipped with the shielded Orur, as follows(16):

Principle: irritated OR causes Expansion. Sky clears, blue within minutes.
This was a tremendous step forward. Heretofore, the clearing of the atmosphere had been done by drawing off the DOR clouds into a lake. Now, within a few seconds, the sky cleared and became blue in zenith and far around the horizon upon
Orurization. The name ORUR was later coined to distinguish this operation from Oranur. In the latter, original nuclear material (NU) irritated concentrated atmospheric OR energy, making it run amok or change to DOR. Now, on the other hand, NU, rendered harmless by Oranur and weakened in radioactivity, was changed to OR behavior in the opposite direction from Oranur, as ORUR. It was low energetically when not within lead or metal of other kind. However, as soon as it was put into lead the counts climbed instantly outside the lead container up to dozens of feet to 40,000 or even 100,0000 CPM measured with the SU-5 Survey meter. This was news, indeed: The atmosphere could be charged, “Orurized,” directly by ORUR.
I repeat: The Oranur material gave naked no, or only a negligible, GM reaction. The lead container, too, gave no reaction. But the moment the two were brought together as far away as from two to three feet, the GM counter (SU-5) soared to 40,000-100,000 CPM.”

Recently, Southgate replicated Reich’s experiment with the spacegun by using an apparatus similar to the one Reich used(17). It consisted of a rack of short, hollow steel alloy pipes that were at first placed next to a closed, oranurised, orgone accumulator at an inclination of 45° or 90°, and later on placed next to the open cabinet, and then finally within the open cabinet itself. Four to eight pipes were used. The pipes were heavy types such as used in scaffolding. A small amount of radioactive source, within an ionising smoke alarm, had previously been placed near the device in a prior experiment, the device then remained oranurised. In terms of radioactivity, the alarm used in the prior experiment contained 0.9 microCurie of americium which corresponds to an amount of 0.26 microgram of americium material. This amount was at approximately 1000th of Reich’s set up in the Oranur experiment. The experimental radioactive source had been used by Southgate in a controlled Oranur experiment some months beforehand. However the mild, controlled Oranur reaction of the cabinet appeared to be steady and ongoing. Perhaps because the large accumulator had been subjected to a mild Oranur field for some months it might have developed some small Orur qualities.

Southgate observed that the prototype device he developed seemed to create an energetic interaction between itself and the sky which appeared to result in an increase in the liveliness and sparkle, the apparent health, of the local environment. Monotonous ceilings of oppressive formless cloud-cover tended to dissipate and to be replaced by livelier, formed, more natural looking clouds. Vision in the environment seemed to improve as though a clarity dial had been turned up. In other occasions, clouds cleared and a bright, crystal clear, azure sky became apparent. Southgate also noted the device seemed to work much more slowly than that of Reich’s. A period from an hour to few hours of operating appeared to approximate to operating Reich’s spacegun for about 1-3 seconds. Occasionally, the device was run for a number of days. According to Southgate, the Oranur cabinet, although not containing a fully-developed Orur material, approximated a much weaker, ‘energy field’ version of the effects of the Orur material used by Reich. The use of the device seemed to have coincided with the changing of weather. On a number of occasions continual rain was forecast by the weather services which changed to brighter, sunnier weather. Sometimes rain occurred during the operation but generally it was of short duration and followed by finer weather. The increased clarity and liveliness seemed to continue for some time afterwards. The effect was sometimes slow to appear (a number of hours) but the number of occasions it has been noted seemed beyond coincidence to Southgate. On occasion the pipes had been unwittingly touched by hand (usually thick gloves were worn). When this happened a tingling sensation occurred for some time afterwards in the whole arm(18). No other untoward effects had been noted. On one time a ‘burn’ was noticed on a hand when a glove tore but it was not painful and went after some days(19). Around two dozen operations had been conducted in the North West of England near Liverpool, so far over the last two years approximately, with the large Oranur set up. All appeared to have had an effect on the locale. Most operations were in Summer and Autumn. It appeared the set up might work slower again in winter but not enough operations had been done at this time to yet tell(20).

Parallel to the aforementioned behaviour, Reich and his collaborators also observed other extremely important effects of the use of the Orur. They felt a striking improvement in their biological sensations, characterized by a general feeling of a deep well-being. Besides, they witnessed also a reverse of the color of the leaves of the trees in the surrounding area of the interventions by the spacegun, from brown and yellow, to green; or the greening of the desert land near Tucson, after some time of using the spacegun:

“WR [Wilhelm Reich] had the box of NR [Orur] placed touching the cables of the Cloudbuster. Immediately following this, a general feeling of well-being was marked in two persons. There was a sudden brightening of the rocks and vegetation; distant mountains which had been black, suddenly became blue; the sky cleared and the west wind started. WR remarked that his organism seemed to be filling up. RMC [Robert McCullogh] noticed that his hands were filling out to their former fullness. Deep full breathing could again be enjoyed. WR’s dog Troll showed no aversion to the box of NR.”(21)


“The morning of September 31st was striking. We had cleared the sky. An extreme, fast-forming humidity deposited heavy moisture on the window panes, on cars, on rocks and on meadows. The temperature and climate felt subtropic. Brown and yellow leaves were turning green as we looked at them, observed by McCullough, Tom Ross, an old woodsman, and myself, raised on a farm. All weather reports were upset that day.”(22)


“We would then draw from that spot and orurize the atmosphere toward that region of the sky; the atmospheric situation improved within a few minutes for human, animal and vegetation alike … To put forth another example: When the DOR removal operations in the Tucson region were finally successful, prairie grass began growing again; …”(23)(Italics are mine, RM)

Reich soon realized the power of the Orur was tremendous. He was puzzled by the way the Orur behaved when it was put into a heavy lead shielding, with the characteristic high increase of counts. He argued that when the Orur was naked, without metal shielding, it was peaceful, inactive, with a behavior corresponding to a foggy type of existence. When put into a lead container, its field was apparently restricted, confined, and so it changed from a fog-like to a pointed form of existence. Reich thought that this variation was responsible for the high Geiger-Muller action characterized by counts as high as 100,000 CPM. According to Reich, it was the restriction of its peaceful activity which caused its warlike behavior. Reich compared the behavior of the Orur to that of a wild animal. A peacefully-living wild animal, if forcefully restricted, would suddenly act in exactly the same way; or rather the orgone energy within the animal would act the same way as the Orur within a lead tube.
According to Reich all biological motions, inner as well as locomotion, appeared to be the reaction of the orgone energy to the restriction of its free motility, making its behavior change from the fog-like to the pointed state of existence. Reich observed that this latter state was characterized by some typical phenomena. One of these was fever. In general, to Reich, fever or high temperature indicated a severe reaction expressed in a rise of body temperature to certain kinds of irritation of a non-material, non-bacterial disturbance in energy equilibrium. Since for Reich the basic energy functions in the organism were the same as in the atmosphere, he transferred and applied the same concepts and conclusions from one realm to the other. In this way, a change from the foggy to the pointed form of existence, obtained by exciting the orgone energy in the atmosphere, might give rise to an increase of temperature as well. However, Reich observed that under certain circumstances even a motor force of a mechanical nature might alternatively develop. Nevertheless, the circumstances under which such a change might produce either a higher temperature or a motor force were unknown. Overall, the heat variant might be considered an alternative to the motor variant, each one produced by a specific set of circumstances(24):

If the OR energy in its pointed, excited form finds no objects to move mechanically it will cause high temperature of gases or solid substances by inner friction. …. The clicks at the Geiger counter are doubtless expression of single OR energy points charging a vacuum, a grid of an electronic tube or moving the membrane of a mechanical sound amplifier.”

The pointed state of existence of the atmospheric orgone energy was the consequence of its excitation to some factors in the nearby environment. And such excitation might be also detected at the GM counter with higher counts. Reich thought that factors such as the spreading of atomic radiations during an atomic explosion; or also DOR rising from the atmospheric energy when its envelope was dying, might be considered factors that could lead to an excitation of the orgone energy in the atmosphere(25).

When an atomic bomb explodes, a huge amount of nuclear material (NU) suddenly irritates in concentrated form an unprepared, unconcentrated atmospheric Life Energy. On the other hand, when Oranur is operating a very small amount is irritating a highly concentrated Life Energy.
In the first case the OR energy falls victim to prostration and decay. In the second case, the OR energy reacts after a brief period of consternation or paralysis with a fierce motor force.”

Based on the above considerations, the high background counts beyond a narrow area around the point of an atomic explosion were thus quite understandable. However, in the case of an Oranur reaction, produced by a small amount of a nuclear material with low counts in an orgone-rich atmosphere, many hundred thousand counts per minute could be instead detected in the surrounding atmosphere. Orurization of the atmosphere by using the spacegun presented only a variant of the latter case. When the atmosphere was orurized, by putting a small amount of Oranur nuclear material into one of the spacegun tubes, or by swinging such material to and fro near the spacegun’s metal base or pipes, the atmosphere reacted fiercely as in Oranur conditions. Orurization of the atmosphere could clean out any DOR clouds that might be present, and DOR might disappear completely independently of whether the DOR energy was reconverted into orgone energy, or changed into water vapour, absorbed into the ground, or into a well.

A phenomenon related to the reconversion of DOR to orgone energy was observed by Reich around the end of his work in the Arizona desert. On March 15th, 1955, in the free atmosphere, the GM counter gave values higher than 100,000 CPM. He wondered what could cause the 100,000 +++ counts. He thought that it was quite logical to assume that the surface of the globe developed, in agreement with the identical process in living beings, a shell or an armour between the ground and the ceiling DOR. This armour, after weeks of work with the cloudbuster first, and then with the spacegun, was cracking up, and the high counts at the GM counter represented the energy discharge and sudden release of this highly pent up energy. According to Reich, orgone energy in discharge was always motoric and in the state of pointed existence, thus creating high counts at the Geiger-Muller counter. As soon as the rain started, the counts came down from 100,000 to 15,000 CPM. When the rain stopped again, the counts went up again to more than 100,000 CPM.

According to the above considerations and analysis, Reich laid down a very basic rule concerning the orgone motor functioning by relating the pointed state of existence of the orgone energy to its radioactivity reaction to the excitation(26):

“The luminating points (see “Oranur Experiment, First Report,” p. 195 and Fig. 8, p. 42 above) are mechanical discharges and thus constitute the source of a motor force. The action of the OR motor belongs here: An even sequence of impulses, registered on the GM counter, at a rate of at least 3,000 per minute, sets a motor into motion (see “Orgone Energy Bulletin,” 1948).”

In addition to the above considerations, regarding a possible use of orgone energy as a motor force, Reich also realized that the same change in the state of existence of the orgone energy, from a foggy-like to a pointed state, would have had practical applications also in weather engineering, as he had already experienced by using the spacegun in the Tucson region(27):

“1. Increasing the energy potential in the atmosphere by way of ORUR was now available in addition to the old technique of lowering the potential at will by way of drawing off energy with the Cloudbuster.
2. “Decrease” and “Increase” of potential could be interpreted in terms of functional physics simply as a change in the form of the atmospheric energy from the foglike (unexcited, low) to the pointed (excited, high) state of existence and vice versa, Only the “pointed” state of OR [orgone energy] registers on the GM counter.
3. There was little doubt left: One could now reach far into space with ORUR: the range was limitless theoretically, since the orgone energy ocean is endless and most sensitive to stimuli as demonstrated by the processes of dawn, dusk, and our actual operations over vast stretches of space.

4. The change from the “cloudy” to the “pointed” state of existence, or activation of OR was now possible by simply impeding its freedom of “lazy” motion or by direct irritation such as friction, sparking secondary coil systems, nuclear material, heat, etc.”

One of the problems Reich had to face with the discovery of the Orur was how to transport it. He realized that the usual commercial means of transportation could not be safely used, since there was no protection whatsoever against the Orur. It was safer when naked, as it reacted fiercely when shielded or brought near metals. The problems arose when Reich decided to use two of the three Orur needles to study the genesis of desertification during the expedition to Tucson. This meant that he had to transport the Orur material from Orgonon to Tucson, and the only way to transport it was by towing it 50 or 100 feet behind a plane. A special container of wood, looking somewhat like a football or an egg, was constructed; it was hollow inside, with a suitable opening to insert the Orur material. The two units of Orur were put inside individual plastic containers, packed in cotton, and then placed inside the wooden container. In turn, this latter was placed into a canvas bag and laced up securely. The canvas bag was towed at the end of a 100 feet long strong nylon rope (with a resistance to traction of 1,000 lb). The other end of the rope was arranged in such a manner that the container could be kept trailing in flight at a distance of 100 feet.

Reich did not know how the atmosphere would react to the transportation of the Orur. And what worried Reich most was whether the Orur material would directly or indirectly affect the navigating instruments. He wrote out a set of instructions to be followed during the handling and transportation by plane(28):

Instruction for Towing of Material (ORUR) from Maine to Tucson, Arizona, Given 12-8-1954
1. Never take the material being towed into the airplane.
2. Keep the material being towed away from metal; distance of at least 5 feet, further whenever possible.

3. Keep persons away from material.

4. Be observant of personnel in plane during flight, pilot, etc., for biological reactions, possible excessive redness, etc.
5. In case anything goes wrong, land and telephone Orgone Institute, Tucson, Arizona, Tel. No. 3-8263.

6. Place material in safe place away from metal with warning danger signs.

7. In case towing container is lost: Drop smoke flare, locate the area. Land nearest place, inform State Police. Telephone Orgone Institute, Tucson, Arizona, or Hudgin Air Service, Tucson, Arizona, 3-1121.
8. Keep watch on tow container during flight.

9. Keep observation on instruments during flight for possible reaction.

10. Observe atmosphere during flight when material is being towed from Maine to Arizona. It is unknown what effect the material, being towed rapidly through the air may have on atmospheric conditions.
11. Landing and Taking Off: Have plastic towing tube extend 4 or 5 ft. back of plane. Pull towing container back away from plane as soon as possible after landing. Let out away from plane as soon as possible after taking off.
12. Guard material: When plane on ground, have material, away from plane, away from metal, guarded with Danger-Keep-Off signs posted. (If signs are metal have them 10 ft. away from material.)
13. Landing in Tucson: Pilot should inform Hudgin of arrival time: with as much advance notice as possible. Hudgin inform Orgone Institute of landing time. Landing will be at Gilpin Airport, Tucson.”

Indeed, Reich found that the Orur material might affect the instruments of the plane, such as the compass, but also the weather conditions in the flight area, the temperature above the ground, and in the vicinity of the plane, and even the conditions of the people inside the plane. An increase of the CPM rate were also observed when the two Orur units were reeled in, both for landing and take-off, reaching around 60 CPM with the Orur at the end of the mycarda (plastic) tubing, about 5 feet from the tail tip of the plane. After unreeling, the counts fell again to a normal rate of about 20 CPM. This recurred regularly; except that later, after many hours of flight, the counts did not fall so rapidly or so completely.

Reich summarized the effects of the Orur observed during the transportation from Lewiston airport, Maine, to Tucson airport, Arizona, as follows(29):

1. ERROR: Silvert [Reich’s collaborator] took the lead container along in plane, risking loss of OR [Orur], personnel and plane by intense Oranur interaction between OR and lead, with effects on people, instruments and ignition system. For short periods, LC [lead container] and OR were within 25 ft., but mostly were 100 ft. apart.

2. Effects on instruments: 20° compass deviation after leaving Pittsburgh after delay in take-off. Deviation gradually subsided in an hour.

3. Effects on people: Some confusion while approaching Pittsburgh. At various other times, drowsiness, irritability, impatience, burning of eyes, aches and pains, euphoria.

4. Effects on atmosphere: Weather cleared at Pittsburgh unexpectedly, permitting an earlier departure than anticipated by perhaps 24 hours. Thick blue haze around plane, especially marked out of Pittsburgh. … Higher temperature around plane in flight than on the ground, lasting longer than expected.

5. CPM: in plane with OR reeled out, on ground or in the air, about 20, rising to 40 near end of trip. As OR reeled in, on ground or in the air, CPM would rise to 60, beginning to rise when OR 2/3 reeled in. Approaching OR on the ground, CPM would begin to rise within 25 ft. to over 60,000 within 3 or 4 ft. Toward end of trip, CPM would fall more slowly than before, when OR unreeled.”

The radioactivity of the Orur material was measured on December 14th, 1954 soon after the arrival at Little Orgonon, the 50-acre headquarter Reich set-up eight miles from Tucson for the period of his stay in Arizona. The activity with the Orur within the container was:

at 100 feet     100,000 CPM

at 60 feet     100,000 CPM

while with the Orur outside the container was:

on ground     100,000 CPM

in 1″ lead      100,000 CPM

The Orur material calmed down the day after, on December 15th to an activity of:

200 CPM at 5 feet     (100,000 CPM on December 14th)

1200 CPM at 3 feett     (100,000 CPM on December 14th)

2400 CPM at 1 foot     (100,000 CPM on December 14th)

80,000 CPM on contact     (100,000 CPM on December 14th)

Reich deduced that the very high and unusual values were an indication that the Orur material was highly excited. At Orgonon, Maine, it yielded only low counts when not kept inside its lead container, while the radioactivity in Tucson, in the same experimental conditions, was extremely high. The Orur lost its zero reaction, and its field stretched upon arrival at Tucson to several hundred feet. However, Orur calmed down slowly during the following 24 hours after the arrival in Tucson, and its radioactive field diminished gradually from 100,000 CPM at 100 feet to 200 CPM at 5 feet. But close by it still gave without metal 100,000 CPM. It appeared that the transport from Maine to Tucson, through the orgone energy ocean, and the atmosphere at about 250 miles per hour over 3,000 miles, had an exciting effect upon it. Reich came to the conclusion that it behaved, as he had already hypothesized, like an excited animal that calmed down after a while.

On the whole, as the reader may have realized, Orur had many wonderful and, and above all, unexpected qualities inexplicable to traditional physics. The following is a good summary of all the most important characteristics of Orur, which was included by Reich in the material submitted to the US Court, as a defense material after the legal complaint by FDA(30):

“ORUR is denaturized nuclear material. I should like briefly to explain what Oranur and Orur mean. They designate nuclear material which has been treated with concentrated massfree cosmic (atmospheric) Orgone Energy. I shall not describe here the exact process: it has been described in some detail in the first report of the Oranur experiment. I shall only give an idea of the result.
By treating nuclear material (NU) with concentrated Orgone Energy (OR) NU changes into a very powerful but peaceful energy. NU is replaced within the nuclear material by OR. A radium needle which gave 16,000 counts per minute on a certain Geiger Counter naked at 1 cm. distance affected the same GM counter up to 300,000 counts per minute at a far greater distance within heavy lead shielding.
NU can be shielded by lead. ORUR cannot. On the contrary, any shielding by way of metal or even more vicinity of metal will excite ORUR into high-pitched activity, foreign to NU material. Therefore ORUR had to be transported from Maine to Arizona outside the plane, towed along in a special container 100 feet away from the metallic walls. There are many other such differences.

ORUR, that is, orgonized, denaturized nuclear material adapted to peaceful uses, had been used by the Orgone Institute for several years now in atmospheric research, specifically in destroying DOR clouds, the black, deadly, dehydrating blankets of so-called “Smog”; it has been used furthermore in creating rain and stopping rain, and lately also in an attempt to withdraw energy from hurricanes. These experiments are very promising. They are all connected with OR energy accumulation, since it is accumulated, concentrated OR energy which denaturizes nuclear material and makes it usable for peaceful purposes. The desert work in Arizona was of such kind. Green pastures and prairie grass appeared in formerly completely barren sand stretches after systematic removal of the deadly DOR blankets.”

However, the most important information about Orur might be found in these few lines(31):

“This fact is important: an alleged U.S. FDA inspector, Holliday, turned up in Arizona on December 30th, 1954. Two weeks earlier some critical pre-atomic material, called ORUR, had been flown down by Dr. Silvert from Maine to Arizona on December 12th, 1954. … The ORUR material had been flown down by Dr. Silvert: it actually effectuated the great success of the expedition in combating Desert. … They were at the same time probably out to destroy the discoverer of the Life Energy and to steal his process of denaturization of nuclear energy. … It was towed outside, 100 feet behind the plane and had been reported on the Tucson radio and on television as somewhat of a sensation, on the 20th of December.”

Reich referred to Orur as pre-atomic material. This might be understood as matter with a high concentration of orgone energy units, and the Oranur process might have been able to transform the nuclear material in an orgone-rich material with extremely benign qualities.

After the arrival of the Orur in Tucson, Reich started experimenting with the spacegun in order to investigate the reasons that might lead to the formation of desertification. He elaborated, after some months of field work in the region around Tucson, a theory that could explain the formation of deserts in the planet. He found out that the mass-free, pre-atomic, primordial cosmic energy played a fundamental role, and was at the very roots of the formation and existence of deserts. Depending on the circumstances, the life-giving energy could be transformed into dead life energy or DOR. And according to Reich, DOR was the main cause for the formation and the development of desertification. Actually, the same primordial cosmic energy which might create, sustain and reproduce life, under a definite set of circumstances, behaved as a killer of life when these conditions were absent, and became even a destroyer of lifeless matter, as happened in the disintegration of solid rock, granite, etc., to desert sand during and after the Oranur experiment in the period 1951-1954.
According to Reich, life energy creates in the biological realm its own material carriers, such as the organic building stones H, O, C, and N and their various compounds, H2O, O2, CO2, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, the carriers of life energy may form membranous structures of life only in a narrow range of pH, and specifically between approximately 7 and 7.4. This range does exist between two other killing realms, defined by acid (H+) on the one side (pH 1-6), and by base (OH) on the other side (pH 8-12). As a matter of fact, life was, under the given circumstances, existing on the razor’s edge between two kinds of death, and characterized by a very narrow range or domain in the infinite vastness of the cosmic energy ocean. Considering a human organism, organismic life energy metabolized from and into the cosmic energy ocean. Respiration, feeding and direct radiation (“heat”) were the basic vehicles of the metabolism of life energy between the organism and the environment. Within, the organism metabolized freshly absorbed orgone energy into DOR energy which was being expelled in the form of CO2, urine (NH3 products), feces, sweat and gaseous exudations. Energy equilibrium between charge and discharge could easily be maintained in the healthy organism. However, during sickness Reich observed that more orgone energy than usual seemed to be converted into DOR, and also more DOR seemed to be retained in the tissues. Thus, Reich argued that a prevalence of DOR energy in an organism would be a basic feature of all diseases, and many consequences would be derived from this situation. For instance, a greater inclination to exudate and to retain fluid in cavities, within the interstitia of tissue, in the abdomen, extremities in the form of edema, ascites, parenchymatous swelling, etc. Reich argued that a close relation between DOR and water, or rather to a change of H2O into DOR, and viceversa, might exist. DOR prevalence meant the need for more fluid, foremost being water. The water was being absorbed wherever it could be obtained by the thirsty DOR energy. Dehydration of tissues went parallel to a reduced ability to move and metabolize fluids. Reich inferred that dehydration of tissues, stagnation of metabolism; to which later was added lack of oxygen intake, and the resultant CO2 surplus, as in cancer, in edema of the lungs, lividity, and cyanosis, recession of vitality, on the whole were the basic disturbances of the orgone energy metabolism in an organism. In a vicious circle, inhibition of orgone energy functions led to a prevalence of DOR functions, and the latter led to a steady increase in the decay in orgone energy functions, and thus to death.

According to Reich, DOR functions were also characterized by a silent, invisible and inaudible gnawing away and insidious consumption, of the life force of a host or organism. DOR worked like a tapeworm, within the intestines of the host, be it emotionally or materially, by way of sapping and then swelling up its strength and energy. DOR was hungry above all for nourishment, for water, and for oxygen. However, in doing this DOR was destroying its own host, and its own source of nourishment(32):

“At the very basis of these life functions we find the dying of the Life Energy itself; the change from OR [orgone] energy into so-called DOR, i.e., the dead Life Energy. …. The process of dying of an organism seems, ultimately, to be no more than the dying of the Life Energy itself, the change from OR to DOR. With this basic change all secondary functions of life, energy metabolism, economy, integration of functions, cohesion of tissue, continuous reproduction of living matter and sap, also cease. In other words, the common functioning principle of all “Death” is immobilized Life Energy (cosmic primal energy) ….”

Reich came to the conclusion that the common functioning principle of all death processes was immobilized life energy, which for the lifetime of the specific organism had directed its material carriers, the membranous structure and the life fluids, constantly in exchange and metabolizing with the orgone energy ocean outside.

Reich then applied these observations and conclusions to the environment and the atmosphere. This explained the genesis of desertification as he assumed that DOR energy could be found in man, animal and plant; in the atmosphere; and in outer cosmic space. All of these were identical and the products of metabolizing primordial cosmic OR energy.

Accordingly, the process of disintegration of trees and whole forests was due to the progressive prevalence of DOR clouds in the atmosphere. He saw a slight DOR prevalence might cause lack of moisture and dryness, which in turn might increase DOR. Thus, in a vicious circle, the water-hunger grew together with diminishing precipitation. The process was slow, and not easily perceptible. When the atmosphere became droughty, causing clouds increasingly to lose their cohesion, and to weaken more easily, the level of atmospheric moisture sank, and the land began to parch. Water levels, too, sank. The life energy in the atmosphere had fewer and fewer resources of moisture. In addition, DOR caused the sun’s heat to turn into a burning or parching heat. Thus, the life energy turned, thirsty in the extreme, toward the moisture present within the vegetation because of a lack of moisture in the atmosphere. DOR penetrated the trees slowly from the top downward, and from the bark inward. The moisture, at first, was now being obtained from the bark, then upon further penetration of the tree structure, also from the deeper rings or layers. At first the bark got blackish; then the bark disintegrated, and disappeared. The process never set in from the roots upward, but the disappearance of the bark regularly began at the tree tops, working its way downward towards the roots. Also, the blackening and ensuing disintegration of the bark began on the upper sides of the branches. After some time, when the bark was almost completely off the attacked tree, and the disintegration had progressively advanced towards the roots, the inside of the tree substance disappeared, too. Then the tree would become hollow. Subsequently, due to loss of energy and substance, the tree bent, or curled up like a corkscrew. The branches sank down and fell off, until the whole tree collapsed. Therefore, DOR, under the form of Melanor(33), robbed the tree of all its moisture, its live OR energy, and its substance. At this stage the surface of the barkless stem and branches turned white. Melanor changed into white Orene, exactly the opposite of the alive. White Orene was nothing else than the formerly black Melanor. Later on, white Orene turned black and hardened upon loss of moisture.

Parallel to this, the blackness of the Melanor (DOR) would be eating its way into the rock, as well, causing it to form holes, first small holes, then larger ones. In other places the besieged rock reached a state where it crumbled into pebbles and rough sand. A whitish hue of Orite might be seen to settle gradually over such stretches of initial sand dunes. Rounded, smooth sand hills were the ultimate results of the gnawing away of rocks and dry loam by DOR and Melanor. Where traces of life remained, they were converted into secondary growth, which was vegetation of a harsh, spiny, tough, and juiceless character. As a whole all the above phenomena might be briefly summarized as follows:

1. DOR is the basic drought-causing and desert-supporting factor. There is some obscure relationship of DOR to water. DOR “eats mountains and levels them off to sand dunes.
2. Sahara sand is caked, crystallized soil mixed with Orite.”(34)


“The static landscape turned into a functional succession of events as it were, revealing its history: Green vegetation, → drought due to DOR attack, → dying of vegetation, → more DOR turning into Melanor on rocks, → eating out rocks, → Melanor turning white, → rocks changing into clay and finally sand.”(35)

Reich underlined that these processes were characterized by silence, and by slow attrition and wearing down of the victim. The life force, having been sapped from the victim, slowly became paralyzed and finally gave up. Reich drew a parallel with an emotionally-plagued character that showed the same type of behavior. A pestilent character often feels dark inside and often is actually at the skin. He saps juicy, emotionally-rich people, depriving them of their strength, akin to the behavior of a tapeworm within the host victim. The pestilential character flourishes on the energy loss in the victim, but in the end he perishes with the host.

According to Reich, a great significance for the mastery of our future might lie in the management of DOR accumulations and conditions, in that DOR surplus is causing deserts in the landscape as well as in the organism. In turn, this points to the fact that desert souls will enhance desert development; and desert development will increase DOR or staleness in the human emotions.

The management of the presence of DOR, wherever it can be located, hinges clearly on to what extent, and at what step, the decay process has arrived, so that DOR energy may be converted again into orgone energy or life energy.

Reich did find that the process of disintegration was clearly and indubitably reversible. Indeed, he experimentally achieved this in his desert work in the period 1954-1955 in Arizona, when completely barren desert land was turned into green pastures again, after thousands of years, through removal of DOR accumulations from the atmosphere(36):

“Deserts were shown to be able to green without rain. Secondary cholla vegetation like secondary drives on the armor was dying upon return of primordial life. Killer Atom had been converted to peaceful use.(37)


“It seemed incredible that systematic removal of DOR over a few days was sufficient to change the tide of death, to make green life appear again in such desolation. It was still more incredible that this had been unknown to man for ages.”(38)

A situation that continued even after many months was the conclusion of the desert greening experiment(39):

“Reich concluded his desert operations on March 1955. Six months later (September 1955) Dr. Michael Silvert surveyed the Tucson area by plane and by car. His findings were published in CORE (Vol. VII, December 1955). In general, Dr. Silvert found that green grass was apparent to a distance of 50 miles from Tucson itself. Grassy areas also showed a diminution in the growth of cactus. Grass around Mount Oracle was reported as “hip deep”, an unprecedented height. Tucson residents remarked also on the “unusual” amount of moisture and rainfall.”

The above conditions were confirmed also by local newspapers such as the Arizona Star that in September 1995 reported as follows(40):

“Despite the flooding that occurred, it was reported that the increased rainfall generally had a positive effect on the economy since there was such a tremendous increase in grazing. The Arizona Star reported on September 2, 1955: “Crops appeared to be approaching last year’s record yield – damage not as bad as expected,” and on September 18, 1955: “Arizona’s economy generally derived tremendous benefit from near record July and August rainfalls this year, according to Louis R. Jurwitz, meteorologist in charge of the state’s weather center here. The average rainfall in the state during the two months was 6.70 inches. This figure has been exceeded only twice in 60 years. Once in 1919, when state average was 8.04 in., and once in 1921, when average was 8.40 inches”.”

As a whole, the self-regulatory metabolic cycle process of OR → DOR energy → Rain → OR energy was restored and took charge of the desert. And in this process reconversion of DOR to orgone energy went in parallel to the return of water from DOR(41):

“Water was not being absorbed by DOR. Water changed into DOR. This became quite obvious. It explained the well-known desert phenomenon of rain coming down from clouds, but stopping in the atmosphere, never reaching the ground. Water changes into DOR. And, the next thought logically followed: DOR changes into water, too. In form of an orgonometric equation:

Finally, we may wonder what happened to the Orur, after it had been used in the experimental study of desert genesis by Reich. Presently, no official information is available about where the two units of Orur, used by Reich during the expedition to Arizona, and the one left at Orgonon, Maine, after being recovered from internment, might be located. Brief information is available from a letter, Moise, an associate and at the time son-in-law of Reich, wrote to Hoover, Director of the FBI, when they left Tucson after the conclusion of the desert greening experiment in Arizona, in April 1955(42):

“We wish to inform you that two milligram of Oranur treated and changed radium, used by the Orgone Institute in experimental weather control operations, have been deposited by the OIRL, Inc. at Jacumba, California in the custody of Mr. William Ketchum(43). This Oranur treated radium has been deposited in California for future experimental Oranur weather control operations.”

However, from that period on we can only speculate about where the three units of Orur might be. According to Reich’s granddaughter, Renata Moise, some units came to Hancock, Maine, and were buried in a field by her parents (Eva Reich, Reich’s daughter, and William Moise). However, the spot was lost, and gone forever(44).


  1. The article is an abridged version, with the addition of some new material, of the chapter Reich and the Orur included in the book The Legendary Shamir published by the writer in 2017.
  2. Oranur is orgone energy stimulated by radioactivity or other sources.
  3. Of the three milligrams of radium one was physically used in the Oranur experiment, the second one was considered as a control, and the third milligram was the last control needle that Reich had ordered after the conclusion of the Oranur experiment (Reich W, The Oranur Experiment: First Report (1947-1951), The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Rangeley, Maine, 1951, pages 324-325).
  4. Reich W, The Blackening Rocks, Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 5, N° 1-2, Orgone Institute Press, March 1953, pages 52-53. In Contact with Space Reich reported that the distance from Orgonon to the uninhabited area on route 17 toward Rumford, where the radioactive material was buried after the conclusion of the Oranur Experiment, was about 15 miles to southwest (Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 23).
  5. Reich was thinking that the DOR-clouds coming from the West and hovering over Orgonon, in the period of the Oranur recurrence, originated from atomic blasts carried out in the western United States. However, it was later ascertained that there were no atomic denotations in the Usa in March, 1952. Thus, the origin of those DOR-clouds remained a mystery to Reich. He later speculated that they were possibly of cosmic origin.
  6. DOR is deadly orgone energy that is orgone energy lacking oxygen and water. DOR is black, lusterless, toxic, and carries a high charge. It appears as black specks in the atmosphere, as though someone had sprinkled the air with black pepper. One can clearly see the sun through it, but photographs appear as though they were taken in shadow. DOR attacks anything, animal, vegetable, or mineral, in order to obtain the needed oxygen and water. Leaves droop and lose their luster, birds and insects become quiet, and even the air is still. Humans become uncomfortable, the skin blue, mouth parched, and the scalp tight, causing headache and nausea. Reich called this DOR sickness, that is Oranur sickness under high power. Reich’s work demonstrated that DOR and orgone energy are deadly antagonists, being antithetical, mutually exclusive, energies. Reich indicated nuclear energy as the most potent man-made irritant in exciting the atmospheric orgone energy into Oranur and DOR. Other irritating sources of the orgone energy continuum that might lead to the formation of DOR, are high-voltage electrical and electronic equipment (radar, sonar, microwaves of all types, X-rays, TV-sets, VHF and VLF radio frequencies, etc.), and electrical, chemical and thermic energy. According to Reich, the build-up of planetary smog might be instigated and aggravated by worldwide DOR. Industrial particulates and noxious gases do not disperse when DOR is in the atmosphere.
  7. The Geiger-Muller 4096 Tracerlab Auto-scaler was equipped with a counter tube with a mica window thickness of 2.3 mg/cm2, while the counter tube of the SU-5 survey meter was characterized by a mica window with a wall thickness of 30 mg/cm2. This means that the 4096 Auto-scaler was approximately ten times more sensitive than the SU-5 survey meter (Kent K, The Oranur Experiment, Journal of Borderland Research, Vol XLII, N° 6, November-December 1986).
  8. Measurements of the original radioactivity of a one milligram unit of naked radium (16,000 CPM or 8.3 Roentgens per hour) was done in New York City, away from the highly-charged atmosphere of Reich’s laboratory, at Orgonon, Maine. Reich also observed that at the opening, one of the three water-tight lead radium containers was found almost full of what appeared to be water. The screw cap was greased before burying it and Reich had no plausible reason to explain the presence of the water inside that container.
  9. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 25.
  10. Reich W, Ibid, page 24. The value of 43,000 CPM (last column in table 1) had been corrected by Reich (as reported in the Errata of the Oranur Experiment book, October 1951) to be 38,400 CPM. Besides, Reich reported also the CPM should be read as Approximate CPM.
  11. Reich W, Ibid, page 27.
  12. In the calculation here I neglected the value of 4,096 CPM in table 2, as it seems extremely low, and out of range when compared to the order of the other measured values.
  13. The drawing in the figure was attached to a letter (dated February 13, 1956) Moise sent to Kelly, superintender of the National Capital Parks (United States Department of Interior), Washington DC, in order to get permission to permanently mount a Reich spacegun in the city on a location in the East Potomac Park, close to the Washington channel, along Ohio Drive to Hains Point, with the aim to carry out atmospheric research experiments. The experiments were related to the atmospheric conditions causing smog, a major problem on those part of the nation, including Washington DC. The experiments with the spacegun had a duration each of about 1 ½ hours to be carried out for several times weekly. For the record, permission to operate in the area was issued by the competent authorities on January 24th, 1956. However, Moise around a week later asked the National Capital Parks for a permanent placing in the East Potomac Park of part of the apparatus (the spacegun). A request that was formalized in written on February 13, 1956, where a drawing of the apparatus to be placed on the Park was attached (figure 2 in this paper). Few days after, on February 17th, 1956, the National Capital Parks requested Moise to suspend all the experiments and revoked the permit until further notice. All of this occurred before the FBI was informed, so the suspension of the first permission to drive through the park and the refusal to grant the second request to place the cloudbuster on the park property had nothing to do with the FBI. It was only on March 2nd that the whole incident was sent to Hoover of the FBI (Bennett P, Personal Communication, December 7th, 2020). Besides, it is important to note from the drawing and the information provided from the letter exchange between Moise and the National Capital Parks, that Moise still needed a source of running water to ground the flexible cables the spacegun was equipped, even though the atmosphere might be mostly affected only by the action of the Orur. See Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dr Wilhelm Reich, Part 5 of 6, Section 2.
  14. Maglione R, Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres. Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 2007.
  15. According to the experience of the writer, from moderate to good variations of the radioactivity in the closeness of an operating cloudbuster and at some distance from it can be observed. Measurements were performed in a period between March 11, and December 03, 2010, on a standard apparatus consisted of a rack of 10 pipes of galvanized iron (6-m long) connected via a collector to two flexible aluminium cables (9-m long). The apparatus was located on the bank of the Betsiboka River, Mahajanga, Madagascar. The measures were taken by a Radalert 100 GM counter (International Medcom, Usa) during the on/off interventions both at the cloudbuster’s site, and at distances of 100 and 250 m. The three measurement sites belonged to the same straight line. In most of the cases, each measurement lasted for the duration of the specific planned activity (grounded or ungrounded flexible cables). Duration of the measurements ranged between about 9 and 24 hours. It was determined that close to the cloudbuster an average value of 16.1 CPM (average of 37 readings) was recorded during the drawing times with the flexible cables grounded into the river’s waters; while during periods where interventions were suspended an average value of 15.8 CPM (average of 46 readings) was obtained. At a distance from the apparatus (and from the river’s bank) of 100 m a value of 16.5 CPM (average of 8 readings) was recorded when the cloudbuster was not operating. No reading was taken during the drawing operations at this distance. At a distance of 250 m from the apparatus a value of 20.0 CPM (only one measurement was done) was obtained when the cloudbuster was operating. While a value of 17.7 CPM (average of 7 readings) was recorded when the flexible cables were ungrounded. The natural background before starting all the operations was about 14.0 CPM.
    Table 1 below shows all the averaged data, and the number of measures taken (reported in parenthesis).

    Table 1

    From the above data a good increase of the radioactivity during the operations compared to the natural background can be seen. A percentage increase of 15.0 % and of 42.8 % were recorded at the cloudbuster’s site, and at 250 m distance, respectively. Yet, it seems that the radioactive field developed around the apparatus during the drawing operations did not reduce to the natural background values when it was not operating. Indeed, a percentage increase when compared to the natural background of 12.9 % at the apparatus’ site, of 17.9 % at 100 m distance, and of 26.4 % at 250 m distance was respectively observed during inactive periods. Besides, the radioactive field around the cloudbuster seemed increase against the distance. Unfortunately, measurements were not taken at distances higher than 250 m from the site of the apparatus, and hence it was not possible to determine how far the radioactive field extended from the cloudbuster’s site. Recalling the results of the Oranur experiment carried out at Orgonon in 1951 by Reich, it can be argued that around the cloudbuster a mild Oranur field (increase of radioactivity) might have formed during the interventions because of the orgone energy flow from the atmosphere through the pipes, and then through the flexible cables into the river. And this Oranur field extended for at least 250 m from the drawing site, and its strength was noted to increase against the distance from the apparatus’ site.

    Another interesting phenomenon that was observed in the same period of the operations was the increase of the potential difference between the electrodes of a voltmeter (Mastech R multimeter, Hong Kong) when immersed in the running water of the river (close to the bank) at different distances from the grounded flexible cables of the apparatus. During an intervention, at around 50 m upstream the grounded cables a potential difference of about 10 mV was measured; while at about the same distance by, this time downstream of the cloudbuster’s site, the potential difference was about 30 mV. In another intervention (and hence with the flexible cables grounded into the water of the river) a potential difference between the electrodes immersed in the river’s water of about 10 mV 50 m upstream, 70-180 mV in the proximity of the grounded flexible cables, and 25-40 mV 50 m downstream was found. Again, in another intervention, a tension of 100-200 mV was measured in the water around the grounded flexible cables. The following table 2 reports the averaged values of the potential difference measured at the different points. In parenthesis the number of measures taken is also shown.

    Table 2

    It is evident from the above data that a change in the electric current transmitted by the river’s water took place during the interventions, and this might be attributable to the orgone energy absorbed and discharged into the water by way of the etheric circuit determined by the rigid metal pipes and the flexible cables. A dramatic change of the potential difference, when compared to the value measured upstream, was observed in the river’s water around the grounded flexible cables (+1275%); while downstream a substantial increase (+212%) was seen.

    In a specific episode the potential difference of the soil close to the cloudbuster was also measured. Before the intervention it was 20 mV, while during the intervention the potential difference increased to about 40 mV.

    The variation of the potential difference in the running fluid in which the orgone energy, drawn from the atmosphere by the rigid pipes, had been discharged, and the formation of a radioactive field around the drawing structure may involve that during the interventions the amount of orgone energy around the cloudbuster and discharged into the running water of the river, had given rise to the fluctuation of physical parameters secondary to the pre-atomic orgone energy such as radioactivity, and electricity conducted by the fluid. This explanation can also be considered valid for the potential difference variation of the soil close to the drawing structure. Also in this latter case the variation might be ascribable to the flow of orgone energy around it. If the above phenomena are confirmed by further measurements in other experiments, the variations of the above parameters can be an indication of and useful to check the quality of the drawing during the operations. And in case no change in the above parameters is found, this can be considered a clear sign that the absorbing structure is not working properly due to operational reasons.

    For more details on the Mahajanga operations see Glielmi N, Fontana M, Maglione R, Valleri T, Argomenti Reichiani, GEDI Gruppo Editoriale, Italy, 2012; Maglione R, Restoring Natural Atmospheric Pulsation in Northwestern Madagascar with the Reich Cloudbuster, Syntropy, N° 2, 2013, pages 179-185; and Maglione R, Recovering Natural Atmospheric Pulsation from Reich to the Present Day, presented at the International Conference on Orgonomy, October 04, 2013, Rome, Italy.

  16. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 29.
  17. Southgate L, A Preliminary Investigation into a Prototype Device Based Upon Reich’s Spacegun, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, May 10, 2020.
  18. Southgate L, Personal Communication, December 11th, 2020.
  19. Southgate L, Ibid, December 11th, 2020.
  20. Southgate L, Ibid, December 11th, 2020.
  21. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 26.
  22. Reich W, Ibid, pages 33-34.
  23. Reich W, Ibid, page 91.
  24. Reich W, Ibid, page 218
  25. Reich W, Ibid, page 219.
  26. Reich W, Ibid, page 44.
  27. Reich W, Ibid, pages 45-46.
  28. Reich W, Ibid, pages 186-187.
  29. Reich W, Ibid, pages 194.
  30. Reich W, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. Atoms for Peace vs the HIG Documentary, Supplement N° 3, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Orgonon, Maine, 1956, page 14.
  31. Reich W, Ibid, page 12.
  32. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, pages 148-149.
  33. Melanor, Orite, and Brownite were substances related to the disintegration of matter when subjected to elevated Oranur conditions, and DOR clouds. They were belonging to a new field of the Orgonomic science Reich had opened with the study of Oranur, or pre-atomic chemistry. Reich found Melanor was a black, acidic (pH 3-5), corrosive, and soluble in acid substances, which settled over living beings and rocks; Orite, was a white, basic (pH 8-11), and soluble in water and bases powder, in which the rocks disintegrated; and Brownite, a brown and neutral (pH around 7) powder which could be seen to emerge from a mixing of, and contact between Melanor and Orite. It was also discovered that Melanor was a reducing and dehydrating agent (it had a powerful hunger for oxygen); while Orite and Brownite were not. Melanor had predominately acidic cations and anions; Orite had basic cations and anions; while Brownite had a mixture of both. Orene is the designation Reich gave to the pre-atomic substance, discovered in 1953 during the continuing course of the Oranur experiment, which appeared to be a transitional stage in the development of mass from energy. It showed many functional qualities of both living and non-living material. See Reich W, Melanor, Orite, Brownite and Orene. Introduction, CORE, Vol. VII, N° 1-2, Orgone Institute Press, Orgonon, Maine, March, 1955; and McCullough RA, Melanor, Orite, Brownite and Orene. Preliminary Chemical Analysis, CORE, Vol. VII, N° 1-2, Orgone Institute Press, Orgonon, Maine, March, 1955.
  34. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 165.
  35. Reich W, Ibid, page 239.
  36. For a detailed critical review of the Reich’s Arizona expedition see Huthsteiner C, Weather Engineering in Contact with Space: Global Warming and the Planetary Emergency, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, Vol. 10, N° 1, December 2005, pages 1-42.
  37. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 202.
  38. Reich W, Ibid, page 239.
  39. Eden J, Planet in Trouble. The UFO Assault on Earth, Exposition Press, New York, 1973, page 152.
  40. Quoted in Huthsteiner C, Weather Engineering in Contact with Space: Global Warming and the Planetary Emergency, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, Vol. 10, N° 1, December 2005, pages 9-10.
  41. Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 258.
  42. Moise W, Letter to Hoover JE, Orgone Institute Research Laboratory, Orgonon, Maine, April 7, 1955.
  43. I could not find information in the Orgonomy literature about Ketchum. He is never mentioned by Reich nor by his biographers. The only information I could find that might have some sense is that related to William Ketchum, US Representative from California. He was born in Los Angeles in 1921, and died in Bakersfield in 1978. In the period in which Reich was in Tucson, Arizona, Ketchum was a salesman, and was also engaged in cattle ranching and farming. However, the hypothesis that he was the owner of the ranch, 10 miles north of Tucson, Magee road, Route 6, where Reich established his headquarter during the desert greening period, renaming it Little Orgonon, should be discarded, in that the owner was an oil man whose name was Thompson, living in Florida (Reich W, Where’s the Truth? Letters and Journals 1948-1957, edited by Mary B Higgins, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 2012, pages 175 and 176; see also Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 143). However, given the fact that the house was found with the help of the head of the South Arizona Bank and Trust Company, Mr Douglas, who was also one of the members of the advisory board to President Eisenhower (Reich W, Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report (1951-1956), Core Pilot Press, New York, 1957, page 132), it is reasonable to presume that, both Douglas, and Ketchum being involved in politics, the latter was introduced to Reich by Douglas, and became interested in his desert greening work.
  44. Renata Reich Moise, personal communication, October, 2016.

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A Preliminary Investigation into a Prototype Device Based Upon Reich’s Spacegun

Introduction and Background

In the autumn of 2017 the author repeated Reich’s oranur experiment but with 1000th of the radioactivity, although using a similarly high orgone charge (1). The results in terms of various physical parameters, from possible small electrical, magnetic and visual effects have been detailed in a number of papers (2). This work was undertaken as a preliminary to experiments looking into the relationship between orgone and consciousness – the author’s main area of interest. The author assumed the relationship between these two variables would entail high orgone charges, hence the interest in the oranur experiment. However, during this work a possible partial replication of some of Reich’s experiments with the radioactive cloudbuster, the Spacegun (SG), was unintentionally repeated and then systematically researched for about a year. The SG was a development of the cloudbuster. The SG was so named because Reich found that the device could potentially, “reach far into space” (3). Also the term may refer to a different mode of action than that of the cloudbuster. This will be explored further at the end of this section.

As early as 1940, Reich was experimenting with processes that would eventually lead to the invention of the cloudbuster – an array of long metal pipes, 9 to 12 foot long, grounded into water and pointed at the sky. Cloudbusters have scientifically evidenced effects upon weather conditions (4), (5), (6). If there is a continuum of aether-like energy in the sky, orgone, which is attracted to water and can be entrained in tubes, then it would be logical that such a device might work.

It all started with Reich observing that metal pipes, when aimed at the orgone waves he could see hovering above Lake Mooselookmeguntic in Maine, had some kind of effect upon those subtle energy waves (7). It appears that Reich always had a high degree of ‘energetic’ type ‘soft’ vision. However, he forgot all about this occurrence until 12 years later during the energetic DOR (or Deadly Orgone) emergency following the oranur experiment of 1951. Oranur is a name for orgone energy which has been stimulated, for example, by a small amount of radioactivity. Reich had kept small amounts of radioactive material in weak accumulators at his labs in Orgonon, Maine, for years without problem, such as luminescent zinc sulphide in a small accumulator. He also had a radium dial watch which gave high Geiger counts in the lab setting but without having negative biological effects (8). However, this was the first time he had used a significant source of radioactivity – 1 milligram (mg) of radium, within a strong accumulator. This cabinet was in turn placed within an orgone room (a room sized orgone accumulator). Reich had bought two mg’s of radium for the experiments at Orgonon and a small amount of radioactive cobalt-6, a few micrograms (mcg), also procured in December 1950, for calibration of Geiger counters. Reich wanted his own baseline readings rather than to rely on varying accounts of standard radioactivity for the samples. Reich took baseline Geiger counts both at Orgonon and in New York.

It was the oranur emergency that directly led to the invention of the cloudbuster. Reich and his colleagues had been suffering from the black, gloomy clouds of DOR that hung over Orgonon for at least a month. The clouds were accompanied by nausea, listlessness and fatigue and other acute medical symptoms. Then in April of 1951 Reich realised that the tubes he had pointed over that lake a dozen years earlier, might have some application to the problem in hand. Reich got a set of steel pipes, grounded them in water (because orgone is attracted to water) and pointed them at the DOR clouds stuck over Orgonon. Immediately there was tangible relief for the suffering workers. The emergency at Orgonon went on for much of the rest of the year but at least there was a device which could help. Over the next few years Reich investigated the effects of the cloudbuster and found how to use it both to remove DOR and to increase and decrease cloud cover.

After the oranur experiment of 1951, the two mg’s of radium and the few mcg’s of cobalt-60 were buried in a steel and concrete safe, within their individual lead shielding in an uninhabited area by Route 17 toward Rumford about 15 miles from Orgonon in Maine, USA (9). It was left there for two and a half years and retrieved in September 1954. Curiously, the container of one of the radium pieces had filled up with a water-like liquid, despite there being no way for water to get into the sealed lead vial. Southgate has noticed that oranur can melt Himalayan crystal producing what looks like a clear watery liquid. However, the liquid process that Reich found might not be related (10).

Reich noted that this radioactive substance behaved oddly when measured with the Geiger counter. It had low counts naked but very high counts, in the tens of thousands, when within its lead shielding. Then In September 1954, during the tail end of the DOR emergency at Orgonon, Reich struck upon a novel use of this new material which he later called ORUR (Orgonised Uranium), to distinguish it from oranur.


‘..had the box of NR (Nuclear Radioactive Material) placed touching the cables of the Cloudbuster. Immediately following this, a general feeling of well-being was marked in two persons. There was a sudden brightening of the rocks and vegetation; distant mountains, which had been black, suddenly became blue; the sky cleared and the west wind started. WR (Wilhelm Reich) remarked that his organism seemed to be filling up. RMC (Robert McCullough) noticed that his hands were filling out to their former fullness. Deep full breathing could again be enjoyed. WR’s dog Troll showed no aversion to the box of NR.’

McCollough in Contact With Space (11).

Reich went on to use the SG, the Spacegun, so called because it energised the atmosphere, possibly into the reaches of space, at Orgonon, noting near miraculous changes in seconds. Although the environment could be energised and cleared from horizon to horizon, these effects did not last long. My experience, and Reich’s words in Contact with Space, leads the author to believe that the mechanism of action for an SG type device is different to the cloudbuster – the cloudbuster ‘pulls’ energy from the orgone continuum of the sky into the grounded water. This creates uneven eddies of energy in the previously smooth continuum of the sky which in turn affects cloud dispersal or gathering. An SG type device on the other hand, appears to enter into some kind of energisation exchange between the device and the sky, literally ‘shooting’ energy into the sky.

‘This was news, indeed: The atmosphere could be charged, “Orurized,” directly by ORUR.’ – Wilhelm Reich (12).

An SG is not a more powerful cloudbuster therefore, this author believes, but a different device altogether. A cloudbuster extracts energy from where it is pointed to the grounded water. An SG however may enter into an ‘energetic conversation’ with the sky. The author believes that energy goes from the SG to the sky and back again in a feedback loop. This is my intuitive feeling of the process from my understanding of Reich’s account and also in my own experience.

‘If used only a few seconds, two to five, it cleared the sky of DOR…Later I learnt to respect the great sensitivity of the atmospheric energy and the power of ORUR…The orurization effect of September 29th had reached as far as 170 miles..’ (13).

Reich notes that the SG has the effect of,

‘Increasing the energy potential in the atmosphere….in addition to the old technique of lowering the potential….with the Cloudbuster.’ (14).

‘The power of Orur was tremendous. It could not be overestimated….Orur seemed to cause an extension of the gaseous atmosphere of the globe.’ (15).

Here the SG is pushing the atmosphere rather than pulling as a cloudbuster might do.

At great difficulty, Reich had the orur material flown to Little Orgonon in Arizona where he was doing the very first orgonomic desert work. Again, here the SG had amazing effects, such as desert greening without rain. The arid DORish Arizona atmosphere, which had been affected by recent atomic testing, had become moist after a ridge of energetic blockage was finally removed by Reich and his team using the SG (16).

This is the background to a possible partial repetition of the SG type process beginning in January 2019.

Experimental Procedure

In January 2019 the author started experimenting with mini-SG devices. A group of 2 foot long steel alloy pipes were wrapped at one end in accumulating materials. A small amount of radioactive matter within an ionising smoke alarm was placed near the pipes. In terms of radioactivity, the alarm contained 0.9 microCurie of americium which corresponds to an amount of 0.26 microgram (mcg) of americium material. The background Geiger count of the local environment measured on a Radex One radiation counter is 0.09 to 0.12 SV/h (microSievert per hour). This corresponds to approximately 16-18 CPM (Counts Per Minute). The americium, measured at 1cm distance whilst still within its compartment inside the smoke alarm, measured 0.14 SV/h or 22 CPM.

The mini SG-like device certainly had a strong energy charge, and once when left on overnight seemed to cause an Out Of Body experience in the author during sleep. However the device appeared to have minimal or no effect on the environment. After a couple of weeks of experimenting for short periods the device was carefully dismantled and cleaned.

One must be careful not to touch the metal pipes of a cloudbuster or an SG-like device. Thick gloves are useful. Accidental touches of the pipes of the larger device can result in an ‘oranur burn’ in the author’s experience. Also there is the theoretical risk of picking up unwanted energy signatures from the environment perhaps latent in the pipes.

A few days after this, at another location (where the large oranur cabinet is kept in a separate outhouse building) the author observed something curious. There is a private car parking area close to the outhouse building. A scaffolding truck had parked there close to the oranur device (but separated by the walls of the outbuilding). The truck had one long steel pipe on it which was pointed at a cloud at 45° approximately.

Figure 1
Truck and Pipe
Outhouse building, Oranur Cabinet, Parked Scaffolding Truck.

Where the pipe was pointing was a cloud. The author noticed that there was a gap forming in the cloud where the pipe was pointed. This prompted the author to obtain some scaffolding type thick steel pipes of various sizes around 6 foot in length. As the truck pipe seemed to work at a distance from the oranur device, the pipes were at first placed next to the closed cabinet at 45° or 90° usually. Later on the pipes were placed next to the open cabinet then finally within the open cabinet itself.

Figure 2
Operational Set Up
Oranur Cabinet with Steel Scaffolding Type Pipes.

As the oranur charge of the prototype SG-like device is at approximately 1000th of Reich’s set up it was thought that it would work much more slowly than Reich’s SG. This appeared to be the case. Whereas the Reich SG would work in seconds, it was noted that the prototype device would take up to a few hours to start affecting the environment.

The general effects are as follows: dark oppressive formless cloud cover tends to dissipate to be replaced by livelier, formed, lighter clouds. Grey murkiness in the atmosphere tends to clear to be replaced by a sparkling, clear sight and feeling. Vision in the environment seems to get better as though a clarity dial has been turned up. Other times, clouds clear and an azure sky became apparent. The sky afterwards becomes more ‘dramatic’. The environment feels more refreshed and alive. Reports of geometric shapes in the night sky have been made though not witnessed by the author. There is a 10° magnetic deflection within 6 foot of the pipes and a cyclic increase, though still relatively moderate, of the Geiger count measured at a distance of 1 foot from the oranur device with a Radex One monitor (see Operations Chart).

Figure 3 – Operations Chart

Date & Time


Weather Before

Weather After

10th Feb 2019

6 pipes at 45° next to cabinet, pointing West for 2 hours. Cabinet Shut.


Storm clouds concentrated in direction of pipes then cleared.

12th Feb 2019

6 pipes at 45° next to cabinet, pointing East for 2 hours. Cabinet Shut.

Oppressive cloud cover, dark, rain forecast.

Clouds started to clear after 30 minutes.

14th Feb 2019

As above, 2 hours.

Grey clouds, oppressive.

Clouds cleared where pipes pointed then gradually azure sky, clear entirely.

15th Feb 2019 9am

As Above.

Oppressive grey haze.

Sky brighter though cloud cover remains.

19th Feb 2019 10am

6 pipes pointed East, 45°, 21 hours, Cabinet shut.

Very oppressive grey clouds, environment feels hazy.

Cloud clearing after 2 hours to reveal cross pattern of jet trails. Environment feels brighter. Eventually sky clears. Everything feels ‘bright’ and clear. Raised Geiger count for some distance from the device (up to 24 foot). At 1 foot from the device – 0.16 – 0.19 mSV/h (microSievert
per hour) were noted cycling up and down. After operation skies lightest in direction of pipes. Otherwise natural looking formed clouds. Feels very ‘bright’ locally. A feeling of ‘lightness’. Storm clouds coming in from the West.

23rd Feb 2019 4pm

6 pipes were pointed West, 45°, Cabinet open. 48 hours.

Very murky oppressive grey cloud, depressed feeling.

Clouds clearing in direction of pipes. Bright feeling. Storm clouds forming. Shaped clouds. Clear sky over area of operation.
Geiger count cycling between 0.09 and 0.16 mSV/h measured at 1 foot from device. Following days, bright azure skies. Warm.

6th March 2019 1pm

Pipes pointed in Triangle formation towards East. Cabinet open.

Overcast, Dark Grey.

Clearing on and off and new storm clouds gathering, feels very bright and clear, visibility increasing, At 2.30pm: short heavy downpour then rainbows.

April 2019



Three further 2 hour operations, observations as above, sky often has a ‘dramatic’ quality to it afterwards.

13th June 2019 2pm,

8 pipes were pointed at zenith. Cabinet open.

Overcast, heavy atmosphere, raining, grey, recent flooding. Rain forecast for following 48 hours.

Zone above clearing of clouds within hour then clouds gathering and darker where pointed but clearing elsewhere. Environment feels bright. Sky looks healthier, formed clouds rather than ‘grey ceiling’. Next day, sunny at times contrary to forecast, dramatic looking sky.

The next two operations came 9 months later and were timed to coincide with rainy weather with forecasts for further rain.




28th Feb 2020 12pm

8 pipes were pointed East, 45°, 50 hours, cabinet open.

Raining. Rain forecast for next 48 hours.

Rainclouds clearing after 2 hours, sunny. 2 hours after removal of pipes – raining again.

17th March 2020

As above.

Raining. Rain forecast 48 hours.

Sunny spells.


The preliminary data appears to indicate that orur material may not be needed to operate a prototype SG-like device based on the Reich SG. The cabinet itself may have orur-like qualities this author believes. It certainly has low grade oranur attributes and this appears enough to activate a pipe device into having certain SG-like qualities (such as brightening the atmosphere) but on a less dramatic scale than that which Reich experienced. The large prototype device seems to work much more slowly. An hour of operating it appears to approximate to operating Reich’s SG for about 1-3 seconds. The author feels that the oranur cabinet, although not containing orur material, approximates a much weaker, ‘energy field’ version of the effects of orur material.

Slight radioactive materials used with the earlier SG-like mini-device did not seem to have direct effects on the environment although the author cannot be sure. Perhaps a larger oranur reaction, such as obtained with the full-sized prototype device, is needed for SG-like environmental effects.

The large prototype SG-like device described in this paper seems to create an energetic interaction between itself and the sky which appears to result in an increase in the liveliness and sparkle, the apparent health, of the local environment. The author suspects that the thickness of the metal pipes used with the oranur cabinet (being actual steel scaffolding pipes) increases the effects of the device. Occasionally a thinner but 12 foot long steel pipe was used in conjunction with the shorter scaffolding pipes which also seemed to boost the effects.

Possible Medical Applications

It is possible that SG-like devices might increase health and vitality in populations over wide geographical areas by increasing the energy charge of the environment and perhaps cleansing it energetically. There could be direct medical applications for the health of groups and individuals which might be explored.

Important Cautionary Notice

It is strongly advised that no-one other than experienced orgonomic researchers operate an SG or a prototype SG-like device. The author advises against anyone other than experienced orgonomic academics and qualified scientists from considering further research. It is also noted that SG type devices may have strong effects, alongside oranur, on emotions amongst people nearby. It is recommended to be particularly cautious using oranur or an SG type device near psychics. Oranur appears to be an energy with consciousness characteristics and those who are already sensitive to extra-cognitive aspects of functioning can be strongly affected by oranur. The metal pipes should not be touched by hand as oranur ‘burns’ can result. Also energetic frequencies could theoretically be picked up via contact with the pipes.


  1. Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it (Sum worked out also in personal correspondence with Maglione); see also Maglione, R. (2018) The Origin of an Oranur reaction, https://www.psychorgone.com/.
  2. Southgate, L. (2018) Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence, and other Observations Associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device (See also further experimental report at same Journal).
  3. Reich, W. (1957) Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report, Core Pilot Press, pp 46.
  4. Reich, W. (1960) Higgins – Editor, Selected Writings of Wilhelm Reich, Cosmic Orgone Engineering Chapter, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux pp433 onwards or Orgone Energy Bulletin, V4, N4, 1952.
  5. Demeo, J. (2002) OROP Eritrea, A 5 Year Desert Greening Experiment in the East African Sahara, Pulse of the Planet, N5 pp183.
  6. Maglione, R. (2011) Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres: Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification, Natural Energy Works, USA.
  7. Reich, W. (1960) Higgins – Editor, Selected Writings of Wilhelm Reich, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, USA, Also see Kindle Edition (2013) pp 438.
  8. Reich, W. (1960) Higgins – Editor, Selected Writings of Wilhelm Reich, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, USA, Also see Kindle Edition (2013) pp363 – 364.
  9. Reich, W. (1957) Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report, Core Pilot Press, pp 23 and pp25.
  10. Southgate, L. (2018) Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence, and other Observations Associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device
  11. Reich, W. (1957) Contact with Space, Oranur Second Report, Core Pilot Press, pp 26, my Italics.
  12. Ibid, pp29. My highlighting.
  13. Ibid, pp30.
  14. Ibid, pp45. My highlighting.
  15. Ibid, pp231.
  16. Ibid, pp247.

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