The reason for the interest in oranur, for this author, has from the start, been the relationship between orgone and consciousness. Oranur is Reich’s description for orgone which has been activated by small amounts of radioactivity (the term derives from the acronym, ORgone Against NUcleaR). From an orgonomic point of view, consciousness is associated with raised orgone charges in organisms and oranur represents the strongest activity of orgone. The author therefore wished to conduct experiments examining the effect of charged orgone, or oranur on consciousness. As the oranur charge Southgate previously acquired in 2017 appeared to have dissipated, the experimental equipment was subject to a renewed oranur process, which is herein described. Although the author has conducted some previous experiments looking into various effects of oranur, the effects upon consciousness had not been examined directly. This set of experiments therefore sought to replicate some of the earlier oranur work but principally it aimed to examine whether oranur had any direct effects upon consciousness. This paper suggests some effects upon consciousness by oranur as experienced by a group of meditators (and vice versa by consciousness upon oranur). However these results are obviously very preliminary and will need to be re-examined. The experiments also indicated some physical characteristics previously only hinted at by Southgate’s prior oranur work, for example, that radioactivity levels might be modified in oranur treated substances, which was known as an ORUR effect by Reich (ORgonised URanium). Some other possible effects of oranur upon the environment are also reported.
It had been planned for some time to revisit aspects of the oranur experiments that Southgate conducted beginning in 2017 and was then published by the Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy (1). This was a scaled down examination of Reich’s original oranur experiment that begun in the winter of 1950 as detailed in The First Oranur Report and Contact with Space (Oranur Second Report) (2). It was some years after Southgate’s original repetition of the oranur experiment before it was possible to examine any effects again. It had been difficult finding suitable places to store the oranur devices and to conduct further research. Possibly due to storage of the equipment outside, in an area where there was a lot of fresh air, it was found that when reassembled the charge was now low enough for the device to be kept within the author’s premises. Also, it was getting difficult to ensure the equipment stayed dry during stormy winter weather and so the decision was taken to reassemble all the components indoors.
Previously the device had felt overpowering if it was inside a building. It could be felt even when stored next to the house in a caravan in a state of partial dismantlement. But now the charge seemed manageable. This was after many months of fresh air exposure and admittedly getting a little damp a couple of times when there was particularly bad weather and the waterproof coverings had failed a little. It also helped that the house was mostly occupied just by myself. The back room of the house where the device was kept was in a corner plot away from the neighbours on both sides. Incense was burned every morning by the reassembled device with the aim of lowering the charge and this seemed sufficient for some months. It has been noted by the author that smoke may lower oranur charge in previous experiments. Maglione has noted that the use of incense in the care of ancient devices such as the Ark of the Covenant was perhaps intended to lower an associated oranur charge (3). The house is near the top of a hill and is built on limestone. The Geiger count readings were within normal limits for the area. Using electrical equipment with strong fields, within close proximity of the device can have an uncomfortable feeling on one’s organism so this is avoided.
It has been put forward previously by the author that a relationship may exist between people who have expanded consciousness states, such as shamans or psychics and oranur energy. In addition religious sites such as cathedrals and possibly pyramids, and certain religious objects may have an association with increased oranur. Some phenomena that borderline consciousness and the paranormal such as Trevor Constable’s bio-forms also appear to have an association with oranur. A direct relationship between conscious states and oranur has been considered probable. An oranur-consciousness experiment was therefore scheduled for the 16th of November 2022. The author had decided to revisit the oranur experimental protocols prior to this experiment to hopefully increase the charge of the device, which subjectively had felt lower than usual for some time.
To that end, a glass uranium plate, a decorative fruit bowl probably pre-World War 2, was used to excite the orgone cabinet (see Figure 1). This plate had been purchased from a car boot sale in North Wales about 18 months previously. Prior to the 1940s uranium glass was an occasional decorative item as it glows an unearthly fluorescence in dark light. It is usually a green or yellow colour and has very low quantities of uranium within the glass. After World War 2 it was no longer worthwhile using uranium glass as governments commandeered all uranium and it was too bothersome in terms of regulations and paperwork. Cheaper fluorescents and dyes also became available at the same time (4). It should be noted that Reich used radium paint and other low grade radioactive materials that were commonly available in the 1940s and 50s from as early as 1939 so it is possible that his laboratory, Orgonon, always had some level of oranur effect.

The plate is not particularly radioactive, dropping off to undetectable from background within approximately 6 foot. At 1cm distance the radioactivity was measured with a Radex One Geiger Counter at 2.33 microSieverts per hour (uSv/hr). This reading was taken well away from the oranur device in a garden area. Normal background in this area is 0.09 to 0.12 uSv/hr. The plate has approximately twenty times the natural radiation of the area.
The general background radioactivity of the area (0.09 to 0.12 uSv/hr) was rechecked at the current location where the box is being stored. This current area, on a limestone hill, is more rock based than the previous area where the box was stored a few miles away (it is noted that rock can emit radiation). The author thought the localised general radioactivity might be higher due to this. However, it remains the same as the rest of the general locality at 0.09 to 0.12 uSv/hr. This is higher than some areas of the UK however.
A Second Set of Oranur Experiments
Following the experience gathered in the first set of oranur experiments carried out by Southgate beginning in 2017 (5), a second oranur experiment was planned to be carried out in November 2022. In the oranur papers published in 2018 and 2019 by the Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, Southgate for the first time conducted a full repeat of Reich’s original oranur experiments. There was some investigations of anomalous effects in modified Faraday cages done in the 1990s in Spain (6). However, these were not full ORACs with a high orgone charge and therefore the original conditions of Reich’s oranur experiment did not appear to be met. Southgate’s work did meet these conditions, having a set up of very high orgone charge (over 12 strong orgone devices within a large orgone cabinet). A smaller amount of radioactive stimulus was used than Reich had. The radioactivity was also gradually introduced to the orgone field. Both of these measures were in order to avoid an oranur crisis. The work confirmed various physical parameters from electrical to magnetic and lumination effects but the actual intent of Southgate’s research – to examine the relationship between consciousness and orgone had not yet even been broached. Further published work detailed some early medical effects of oranur, confirming a possible beneficial effect, but still direct examination of consciousness processes went untouched. The philosophical background and connections between orgonomy and a view of the mind had also been explored in detail as a preparatory stage but the experimental side remained lacking. Alongside that there was practical considerations. The prolonged outdoor storage of the device had lessened the oranur charge to a degree that it was felt that the oranur process needed to be redone. After that, any effects upon consciousness could be directly explored. This would of course be an initial exploration as it is not known how one might measure oranur effects upon consciousness.
On the experimental day, there was relatively fine weather although it had been raining or overcast for some days prior. It had been planned to repeat the oranur experiment on a small scale with the uranium glass plate to recharge the device.
The plate was first measured outside where it was being stored at the maximum distance from the oranur device (40 feet approximately). All readings were taken at 1cm distance. The reading was normal for the plate and was stable. The oranur device was measuring the same as background radiation. It usually measures at background or slightly higher, if for example it is excited by the presence of people. The plate was put into the device for 12 minutes with the lid open.
The readings continued to be within the usual limits. It was wondered therefore if the lid being open was mitigating against any oranur effects, so the box was shut, with the plate inside. This seemed to increase an effect and at around 20 minutes, the readings had surprisingly dropped below background. At 30 minutes the lid was opened and the plate removed. The readings in the immediate vicinity had now increased momentarily. The plate after being removed from the box was re-measured inside the building in the nearby room and it now measured very low, almost completely non-radioactive. There seemed to be some kind of inverse relationship between the Geiger counts and the oranur charge. The room itself had dropped to a very low reading too. The oranur device Geiger readings were also suppressed. Some incense was lit near the box and within half an hour all the readings were just above background again. It is not clear if the incense was just coincidental to the normalisation of the readings or had some direct effect. Table 1 shows all the radioactivity data measured at different locations during the preparation of the Oranur experiment II.

Table 1 – Oranur Experiment II
It is noted that once in the first set of Southgate’s oranur experiments carried out in 2017, radioactivity had appeared to have been suddenly suppressed for some distance. This was when 3 or 4 radioactive smoke alarms were abruptly introduced to the device field for a short period – a gradual acclimatisation process had normally been used wherein the slightly radioactive materials were gradually brought within the orgone box’s field.
It seems the radioactivity of the plate has become motile and may no longer have as stable a rate for a period. This is an unexpected phenomenon and is perhaps a sign that some pre-ORUR characteristics are taking place. ORUR is Reich’s term for orgone treated radioactive materials. The acronym being derived from the words, ORgone URanium (Reich mainly used radium needles but this is derived from uranium). Reich sometimes also referred to the ORUR as oranur radium. After the original oranur experiment which took place from the Winter of 1950 to Spring 1951, Reich had buried the three orgone charged 1mg radium needles. They had remained in a lead container within a steel and concrete safe buried for over 3 years. When the radium needles were retrieved in 1954 some strange characteristics of the radium were noted (7). The material when used alongside the cloudbuster had a powerfully positive effect on its operation – an immediate brightening of rocks and mountains, sky and even vegetation. There was a feeling of well-being felt by all nearby. It appeared to have a very positive effect on human beings and animals, including Reich’s dog, Troll (Figure 2). Reich called the charged cloudbuster a spacegun. However, the orgone charged radium was strangely either hyper-radioactive when enclosed in a metal box or quite quiescent and much lower in radiation than normal when stored in an open container or measured ‘naked’. Geiger counts, or ‘impulse’ counts as Reich sometimes called it, could be much higher than those expected by solely radioactive processes. The ORUR material had also produced a colourless, water-like liquid in one of the containers during the three years of storage – it was very unlikely for this to be from the environment due to the completely sealed, watertight container.

Certainly, it can suffice to say that long term orgone charging of radioactive materials may change their nature in some way. It is not thought by mainstream science that radioactivity can be quickly changed, but rather is something that is stable over time, degrading only slowly at a set rate and not suddenly increasing or decreasing for no discernible chemical reason. On a related note, UFOs have often been reported near nuclear facilities. There are hundreds, if not thousands of reports of UFO encounters connected to nuclear sites. There are numerous testimonials from military officers regarding shutdowns (and even temporary powering up) of nuclear tipped missiles. Most of the reports concern UFOs hovering near nuclear facilities, shutting down the electronic control systems of nuclear missiles and monitoring nuclear powered Navy vessels. These are well known in UFO literature. However, some believe that actual nuclear weapons may not perform exactly as claimed for them and certainly it has been known that UFOs have directed light beams into nuclear weapon storage facilities on at least two reported occasions, one in the UK and one in Soviet Russia (8). The author reasons that if any denaturing of nuclear materials by UFOs has occurred it could be an orgone process that has happened. However it is not clear if any materials have been denatured, all the reports are from military personnel or from other witnesses, none this author has found are from scientists so it is not known if UFOs can change nuclear materials remotely. Also, if this did happen, it would likely be kept secret. But this author believes, based on Reich’s findings of changes in radioactivity substances exposed to oranur (ORUR), that it is at least possible in theory. Possibly the UFOs merely had some type of energy field which disarmed the electronic control systems and did not affect the actual radioactivity within the missiles. UFOs seem to take an interest in nuclear sites and are associated with non-intentional electronic effects, such as car engines and computers shutting down near them.
To return to the experiment, the uranium plate had been stored 25 feet, then 40 feet away from the oranur device that had previously been used in the first of the author’s oranur experiments in 2017. It is possible that the orgone field extended out to the uranium plate which had been stored in contact with the earth but not buried. When it was stored at 40 foot it was not in contact with the earth but in a plastic container. The plate had been outside within 25 feet of the device for approximately 12 months and then within 40 feet of the device for a further 6 months.
The plate was checked on further occasions after the end of the second set of oranur experiments. At this point its radioactivity appeared to continue to be somewhat unstable. At the end of February 2023, it was again rechecked. Background counts were normal. The plate itself was measured outside away from the oranur device. It cycled up and down both above and below normal readings. A couple of weeks later in March 2023 it was measured inside the house but away from the oranur device and it gave a steadier though slightly raised reading. The other background counts inside the house and in the garden were normal (0.09 to 0.12 uSv/hr) though the reading by the oranur device was slightly raised perhaps due to the plate being in the building. The next month the readings were rechecked. All background readings including by the oranur device were as usual. The uranium plate was measured outside 40 feet away from the device and it gave changing readings as though my presence had excited the plate and then it had gradually subsided. The Radex One Geiger counter itself was checked and it gave stable readings in nearby environments, such as in a local wooded area. It is also noted that when the plate was purchased it was checked with the same Geiger counter and gave the expected readings. The readings were similar to what was found later and were stable. The measured data is reported in Table 2. New high quality batteries had been used in the device.
Table 2 – Unstable Readings of Plate
Consciousness Experiment
To return to Southgate’s oranur experiment, the oranur device, having been recharged via the uranium plate, was ready for the consciousness experiment that was performed on November 16th, 2022.

As can be seen in the above Figure 3 there are two steel tubes set up either side of the oranur device which is composed of a human-sized orgone cabinet placed on its side with additional accumulating devices inside: orgone acupuncture boxes, orgone tubes, a glass condensing cabinet (glass is one of the strongest dielectric orgone materials) and various crystals. The box was open and placed like this for approximately 3 hours including the hour of meditation. It is the same box from previous experiments only it has been painted now.
When the tubes were put up and the meditation was taking place, the radiation readings in the room were cycling up and down and did not appear to be stable, both suppressed and slightly raised. After the consciousness experiment the readings became stable again and remained slightly raised. The orgone life energy meter (Heliognosis Mark II) readings of the device were 40% before the placement of the plate. This meter is based upon Reich’s original orgone field meter and is thought to work by the changes induced within an electrical circuit by the presence of orgone (9). The oranur cabinet was measured at a later date and was within its normal range of 40% but with areas of stronger charge, up to 60% on the life meter. This may indicate that the orgone charge of the box has increased since the oranur recharge process and the consciousness experiment.
Seven people and one dog attended the consciousness experiment (the latter joined in by sleeping in the middle of the meditation circle which is not an area it normally chooses to sleep). The group varied in age and sex with three being experienced in meditation. The device was set up as shown in Figure 3 and the participants were between 6 to 18 feet away from the device in an adjoining room, the door was left open and the energy field of the device would have been strong where the meditation took place. The group meditated for about 45 minutes. There was a positive picture to focus on beforehand, some introductory positive words and quiet music.
One person reported an Out Of Body Experience (OOBE) though a relatively mild one. She had felt an energy standing behind her, then briefly went out of body and felt herself travelling around the country. Her and another participant independently reported feeling a great sense of sadness at one point but which they were able to move through and go beyond. Everyone else just felt calm. The author did not have time to go as deep as he would have liked in the meditation as he was focusing on conducting the process and generally is slow to enter deep states. Following the experiment, the weather seemed to have reacted as though conventional cloudbusting had been done (spacegun-like devices tend to dry the atmosphere it has been found by the author) (10). It is speculated that the consciousness field perhaps acted like a water reservoir next to the oranur device and this may have been projected by the tubes into the atmosphere (cloudbuster pipes may ‘draw’ and space-gun pipes ‘project’ possibly). In any case, it may have been coincidental but there was heavy rains and localised flooding on the 17th, the day following the experiment. Only light rains and scattered showers were forecast for the area according to the www.timeanddate.com archive. The day following that, a brightness and clearing was felt and formed, gently moving clouds were seen on the 18th as though a general stagnation had been moved.
Table 3 shows all the measured radioactivity (by the Geiger counter) and orgone charge (by life meter) data during and after the consciousness experiment.

Table 3 – Consciousness Experiment
A Third Set of Oranur Experiments
The theory is testable on at least three levels.
The aim of these experiments was to standardise measurements from the second set of experiments and to ascertain the effect of shutting the cabinet lid whilst the activating plate was inside the box. The experiment took place on the 1st of April 2023.
The weather was overcast early in the morning (preparations commenced at 7am) but with increasingly sunny spells and brightening occurring during the experiment. The weather forecast was partly cloudy with some scattered sunshine. The weather was broadly in line with what was expected, perhaps a little brighter.
Before starting the oranur process the plate and rooms were to be measured. The author felt as though the device was somehow anticipating a change. Table 4 reports all the measured radioactivity and orgone charge data.

Table 4 – Prior Readings
The oranur device and the room had slightly raised Geiger counts. The plate was measured outside, 40 feet from the oranur device. It was almost as though the oranur device had reached out to affect the plate. The plate was then measured in the building but away from the oranur device and as can be seen in the above Table 4, the readings were not stable. The orgone charge of the plate was minimal on the orgone life meter. The orgone charge of the oranur device was surprisingly quite varied from 20 to 80% at this point, after the experiment the charge was higher and more evenly spread. The ‘hot spot’ – a stronger charged zone within the box, was detected with the orgone life meter. It had increased and was noted to have moved to the bottom middle of the box.
The plate was placed in the oranur device in the upper half on top of one of the orgone acupuncture boxes. The lid was left open to test the effects of this weaker set up first. Measured radioactivity and orgone charge data are reported in Table 5.

Table 5 -15 Minutes with Lid Open
The lid was now shut for 20 minutes with the plate inside the box at the top of the device, which is a weaker orgone charge spot (Table 6).

Table 6 – 20 Minutes with Lid Shut
The existence of an orgone ‘hot spot’ had not been planned for though it was known previously that dependent on how the box was arranged, a strong spot occurred. Therefore, it was decided to do a further 15 minutes oranur protocol placing the plate in the new strongest position at the bottom middle of the device (Table 7).

Table 7 -Further 15 Minutes with Lid Shut
It appears that the radioactivity of the plate, having been exposed for long periods to a weak oranur charge has become somewhat fluid. The radioactivity and the orgone or oranur charge seem to have a relationship that is a little like two antagonistic organisms. There appears to be a sizeable field, perhaps 40 foot in diameter wherein these two energies can interact and affect one another. One gets excited and the other depressed or vice versa. Or one excites the other and so on. The mild radioactivity seems to increase the orgone charge as registered by the orgone life meter, as one would expect. Whether the changes in the plates’ radioactivity is merely a reaction to the oranur field or has itself become labile is not clear presently, although the author would lean towards the plate being somewhat changed, perhaps in a mild pre-ORUR direction.
The plate seems to react to the author’s presence away from the oranur field which indicates it is very sensitive to orgone charge and perhaps more fluid energetically, independent of the oranur device.
The feel of the plate subjectively is quite pleasant, a tingly, warming, activating feel. There can be a feeling of mild overcharge in the limb and nearest axilla after carrying the plate, although gloves were worn. Some mild energetically cooling treatment was twice given in this regard afterwards.
The oranur device seemed to react before the experiment had even started which is very curious. It does seem that an oranur device can be safely recharged by careful use of slightly radioactive materials. It also seems that the space-gun effect was stronger once the device had been recharged after the November 2022 oranur experiment. It seems that a long standing and detrimental oranur overcharge can be avoided using careful dosing of both orgone charge levels and radioactive stimulus. It is noted that the oranur effect depends both on the level of orgone charge stimulated and the amount of radioactive catalyst employed. There is also a time factor: an orgone field and a radioactive stimulus can be accustomed to each other it would appear. In the phase when the orgone box lid was open the device hardly reacted to the plate. In future work the internal orgone layers of the large cabinet may be renewed in order to increase the orgone charge.
Lastly, there may be ways to quickly reduce radioactivity via orgone processes (though sometimes the orgone appears to increase the readings too of course). It is also noted that it appears that oranur charge does gradually tail off over time, especially if the equipment is outdoors. Oranur charge is long lasting but not without gradual decline it would appear.
The Geiger readings during the large meditation were erratic and this needs to be re-examined. It appears that the Geiger count readings were both suppressed and very changeable during the meditation. That there may be an effect however is a promising avenue to explore in future consciousness and oranur experiments.
Protocol Issues
It is not known how to measure any effects of the consciousness experiment on the conducting group’s consciousness or any wider effects. Thought will be put toward this end though this is a difficult thing to ascertain. The author hopes this will become clearer over time due to practical efforts in the experimental process. One avenue, suggested in the recent Orgone Theory of Time articles (11), might be closer Geiger counter and orgone life meter monitoring before, during and after the meditation experiments. It has been found that paranormal occurrences might have an association with raised oranur (indicated by raised Geiger counts). As consciousness effects may be considered by some to border the paranormal these measurements might be a starting point.
There were problems with the second set of oranur experiments. It was not foreseen how big a difference closing the cabinet lid would make (whilst the plate was within the device). In hindsight it makes sense as Reich noted great differences in the behaviour of the ORUR materials depending on whether it was enclosed or not by metal casing (see Contact with Space or Selected Writings). Also it is logical that the oranur energy would increase if it is in an enclosed system due to strengthened feedback loops. Therefore, this aspect needed to be completely separated from merely putting the plate inside the device with the lid open. The measurements before, during and after needed standardisation so the third oranur experiments therefore took place on the 1st of April 2023 to try and meet these indications.
Two Oranur Medical Treatments
Broken leg
A person of 71 years age had a badly broken leg sustained whilst winter hillwalking. There was a clean break through the larger of the lower leg bones, the tibia, just above the ankle, alongside two other more minor fractures.
At first an inflatable boot was used instead of a plastercast to hold the break but there was such acute pain that a week later a plastercast was applied instead. A large oranur charged orgone blanket that had been inside the oranur cabinet for a long period was used to treat the leg for up to 2 to 3 hours a day from immediately after the injury for about a month and then every few days for a further month. It helped to ease the pain and the frequent foot swelling due to immobility and changes in circulation.
The person also had strong analgesia (opiates and paracetamol) and anticoagulants, injected at first then orally to treat a small haemotoma on the back of the leg and to prevent further clotting. Despite all this, it was such an acute injury that it took approximately 3 weeks until the pain had reduced to an in any way tolerable level. The person was active and fairly fit previously but also quite overweight and a large frame. Mobility for basic functions was a big issue. There was discussion of the need for a residential admission due to the severely reduced mobility and the acute, nearly unmanageable pain. Through a combination of the oranur blanket, which did seem to ease the at times terrible pain, strong analgesia and help from friends and family he managed to stay at home until he was more able to cope (he needed about 6 weeks of twice daily support as he lived alone). He was very reluctant to be in an institution.
It was noticed that he was becoming slightly tanned despite being indoors almost continually which the author thought was due to the oranur blanket (oranur can have a tanning effect).
It took 3 months for the bones to heal and the person to regain most of his mobility. He has recovered well though there were some issues due to stress from a personal situation which is now resolving. There was occasional foot swelling still though this is getting less over time. The heamotoma went and there was no further clotting problems to date although the leg could become sore and inflamed if overworked. At 3 months healing was still ongoing though the inflammation was gone. Occasionally moderate oedema is still apparent on over-exertion. At 4 to 5 months post-crisis the healing appears mostly complete. The bones healed in alignment. After 3 months he was driving again and walking short distances without a stick. He had occasional foot swelling and some skin discolouration at times if he did too much activity up to 4 months post-crisis.
This was the first time oranur had been used therapeutically for an extended period and the first time it was used to help treat an acute injury as far as the author is aware.
Wellbeing treatment
The same person had a well-being treatment aimed at helping with emotional and muscle stagnation issues. He has a tendency towards energy overcharge and stuckness especially in the head and neck area. A mattress was placed alongside the oranur cabinet. The person lay there with a few acupuncture points inserted alongside crystals placed around him. The box was opened and two of the tubes were placed nearby. He felt very relaxed and fell asleep for a while. It was noted that unusually for the area, which is urban, a flock of buzzards hovered above the house at one point during the treatment. Buzzards have been seen nearby but only in the more countryside locales 10 or so miles to the south and then only one or two and rarely. A whole group of 6 to 8 birds was overhead, this would not normally be seen outside of nearby North Wales. Perhaps they could sense an energy charge. The person did not report any major changes to his emotional state although his life has been changing circumstance quite significantly since the treatment.
With many thanks to Roberto Maglione for his extensive editing advice and detailed assistance with this article.
1. Southgate, Leon (2018) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy,
2. Reich, W. (1951) The Oranur Experiment – First Report, Orgone Institute Press & Reich, W. (1957) Contact with Space – Oranur Second Report, Core Pilot Press. Both now reprinted by the Wilhelm Reich Museum and available from their website www.wilhelmreichmuseum.org. See also physics chapter in Wilhelm Reich, Selected Writings, edited by Higgins.
3. Southgate, Leon (2019) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy,
See ‘Effect of Smoke on Oranur’ in Section 1. Also see Maglione, R. (2017) The Legendary Shamir, robert_jumper@yahoo.it for details on smoke effects with the Ark device.
4. Accessed March 2023,https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/uranium-glass-radioactive-plates-cups
5. Southgate, L. (2018) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device
6. Milian V. et al, (2002) Confirmation of an Oranur Anomaly, Heretics Handbook, Pulse of the Planet 5 pp182 taken from a presentation to the European Society for Scientific Exploration conference 9-12th October 1998, Valencia, Spain.
7. Reich, W. (Editor Higgins) (1960) Wilhelm Reich – Selected Writings, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux see pp 416 onwards. Also see Reich, W. (1957) Contact With Space, CORE Pilot Press, pp 26 (now republished by the Wilhelm Reich Museum – www.wilhelmreichmuseum.org). See also Maglione, R. (2021) The Orur, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/the-orur
8. Hastings, L, Robert. (2017) UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, CreateSpace Publishers. See also the author’s webpage which details two encounters where UFO’s direct light beams into nuclear weapon storage facilities (one British, Bentwaters AFB and one Soviet).
https://www.ufohastings.com/articles/ufos-directed-laser-like-beams-onto-nuclear-weapons-storage-sites Hastings is the foremost researcher in this area and has collated most of the key evidence in his book and at his website.
9. A Heliognosis Mark II Life Energy Meter with a vacuum tube sensor was used in this experiment. A newer model is available from https://www.heliognosis.com/. The Heliognosis meter is a miniaturised version of Reich’s original device which he called the orgone energy field meter. It is described in Reich, W. (1973) The Cancer Biopathy, Vision Press, UK pp147-150. Heliognosis is based in Canada and has produced some interesting and well conducted research available at the website.
The researcher Snyder reproduced a large version of the meter and did some early research in the 1970s into it. Although basic and somewhat unwieldy it confirmed some effects claimed by Reich. He also produced Kirlian photography using the same Tesla coil used in the meter, see Snyder, C. (1973) Energy Field Investigations, Journal of Orgonomy, 1973, Vol 7, Num 1, pp92-98.
10. Previously the oranur device had been used as a kind of space-gun by putting up metal tubes near to the oranur cabinet. This seemed to have some clearing and clarifying effect on the weather and on particulates in the atmosphere, as detailed in this article: Southgate, L. (2020) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, psychorgone.com
An additional space-gun operation was carried out on the 30th of March 2023. Using the recharged device, the four tubes were put up for an hour at 9am. The weather was overcast and looked like it would rain most of the day. After the operation the weather steadily cleared and dried and became somewhat fine with formed clouds for the rest of the day. A lot of people were outside walking dogs and attending business. The weather returned to overcast with light rains the following day of the 31st of March. These two days were broadly in line with forecasts on the www.timeanddate.com archive for the locality though possibly a little sunnier and drier than expected.
11. Southgate, Leon. (2023) Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, psychorgone.com
https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/an-orgonomic-theory-of-time-part-one-previous-time-theories and https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/an-orgonomic-theory-of-time-part-two-a-new-theory-of-time