Tag Archive | "wilhelm reich-cloudbusting"

Using the Reich cloudbuster as a tool to combat atmospheric pollution, and improve the probability of precipitation in Southern California

Article by Roberto Maglione, M.Sc. and Conny Huthsteiner, M.D.

In the last decade California has been hit hard by drought, above all in the period 2011-2014. As Wilhelm Reich described in his publications from the 1950’s, energetic barriers created by radioactive and electromagnetic pollution and common hydrocarbon emissions created a droughty, toxic atmospheric energy field, that he nicknamed “DOR”. This was an abbreviation for “deadly orgone energy”. DOR prevented the natural pulsation of the atmospheric energy field and seemed to consume moisture, which led to severe drought and desert like atmosphere.

A number of short DOR-busting operations to restore the natural energetic pulsation of the atmosphere using Reich cloudbusters was carried out in Buttonwillow, California, which lies in the southern portion of the Central Valley, close to Bakersfield. The aim of the intervention was to break the DOR layers in the region, that impeded the natural flow of moisture and low pressure systems to come inland and bring rain, as would occur under normal atmospheric conditions. Interventions to clean the atmosphere from pollutants were also carried out. During the DOR-busting interventions physical parameters such as atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity were measured. At the same time atmospheric pollutant indexes, weather systems, and jet stream paths developments were observed before, during and after the interventions.

In this paper we report on a 2-day operation, carried out on January 1-2, 2016. Rain fell three days after the conclusion of the operations, at the site of the draw, and in a large surrounding area, 16.8% more than that forecasted before the interventions. A decrease of the PM2.5, PM10, and CO parameters were also noticed until around one week after the conclusion of the interventions, with a drop as low as 75-86%. PM2.5 and PM10 are parameters that describe the concentration of particulate matter with diameter less that 2.5 micrometer and 10 micrometer, respectively. They replaced in 1987 the EPA TSP (total suspended particulate) measurement that at the time was the standard unit of measurement for air pollution. No variation of the jet stream paths was observed during or after the intervention.

The Reich cloudbusters were successful in breaking the DOR layers and cleaning the atmosphere from pollutants thus allowing the natural atmospheric pulsation, with cycles of rain and sun, to be re-established at least temporarily. The operational protocol developed might be effectively and safely use to restore atmospheric pulsation and reduce, at least temporarily, atmospheric pollution in the investigated area and allow a pre-existing offshore low pressure system to come and bring its potential rain inland, as per its natural path.


California in the last decade experienced spells of drought interrupted by years in which atmospheric conditions were less harsh, and where rainfall was average.

TDrought began to appear in 2001. The situation worsened in 2007-2009, with three years of drought that was recorded as the 12th worst drought period in the state’s history, and the first drought for which a statewide proclamation of emergency was issued.

Subsequently, the period between late 2011 and 2014 was the driest in California history since record-keeping began in 1895. This dry period was made worse by high temperatures, with 2014 setting a record.

In 2015 it was hoped that a predicted El Niño would bring rains to California, without success. Historically, sixteen winters between 1951 and 2015 have created El Ni&ntildeo. Six of those have had below-average rainfall, five had average rainfall, and five had above-average rainfall. However, California did not benefit from the 2015 El Ni&ntildeo. Drought conditions did not improve and above average ocean temperatures did not create large storms. The entire state of California continued to suffer from the lack of rain and reservoirs and ponds dried up. Authorities declared a statewide drought emergency and applied a 25 percent water restriction. Effects of the drought were felt differently around the State, and were particularly hard on the agricultural regions. Farmers posted road and highway signs, demanding that the government take measures to remedy the drought.

I don’t feel thatIndeed, most farming in California depends on irrigation, which usually accounts for about 80% of the State’s human water use. In 2014 growers lost about 6.6 million acre-feet of surface water because of the drought. A significant increase in groundwater pumping made up for 75% of that loss, and farm-to-farm water sales also helped farmers keep valuable orchards and vineyards alive. But large cuts in crop acreage were unavoidable, leading to the loss of $2.2 billion in revenues and 17,100 seasonal, part-time, and full-time jobs.

Wildlife and fish were hit hard too. Wildlife refuges that provide vital habitat for migratory birds and other species also faced shortfalls.
Parallel to this, a decrease of the humidity, and an increase in atmospheric pollution , in particular the PM2.5 index, were observed simultaneously with the periods of drought. The PM10 and ozone indexes followed a similar behavior, though less marked. An extremely high volume of jet and airplane traffic has been observed to be releasing at high altitude into the atmosphere substantial amounts of exhaust and emission products. We believe that these products act as an additional DOR barrier adding to the already existing ones.

DOR layers that Reich observed during his research on weather activity were assumed to be caused above all by excess electromagnetic and radioactive pollution in the atmosphere in the 1940’s and 1950’s. (1, 2). DOR-busting interventions, consisting mainly of operations aimed at breaking the natural DOR layers present in an area, often were combined with interventions aimed at contracting the atmosphere in such a way as to create low pressure systems that bring rain inland (3). Sometimes these procedures can affect the Polar (PJS) and Sub-Tropical (STJS) Jet Stream patterns, which can lead to unpredictable paths and consequences, even temporarily, in the areas downwind or east of the drawsite even thousands of kilometers away. The high degree of additional particulates created by airplane exhaust present in the atmosphere, such as those characterizing California in these last decades, we believe played an additional important role in the reduction of rainfall, and on the development of drought conditions. They could be creating an additional artificial DOR barriers both onshore and offshore the West Coast that adds to the known contributors to DOR barriers seen by past researchers.

The only efforts carried out in the past, reported in the literature, were those recorded by Constable that were aimed at reducing smog and the elevated temperatures in specific areas of the West Coast, and not intended to restore atmospheric pulsation and bring rain inland. The majority of his operations were done using a hybrid apparatus that maintained only some of the characteristics of a Reich’s cloudbuster (3). In operation Kooler, Constable intervened, in mid-September 1971, to reduce the elevated temperature and the severe air pollution that had hit a part of South California especially in the area of high urban concentration (4). 40 hours after the start of the operation a massive drop in temperature in central Los Angeles area of around 9 °F was observed. This drop in temperature continued the following day, where the temperature fell by 31 °F. A light rain also followed the lowering of the temperature, which was not planned for.
In the second half of the 1980’s Constable intervened to reduce the high level of smog and atmospheric pollution in highly industrialized centers in southern California (5). He carried out draws aimed at creating breezes and increasing air flow in southern California. In 1987 operation Victor took place; in 1989 operations Breakthru & Checker and in 1990 operation Clincher. In 1987 a reduction of 16.6% air pollution was observed; in 1989 it was 29.4% and in 1990 it was a 24% reduction. Urban centers such as Pasadena saw 33 days of smog in 1987, which dropped to 7 days in 1990. The same reduction was seen in central Los Angeles, where smog days were reduced from 8 to 2 days. The cost of combating smog in Southern California with traditional methods at that time was estimated to be around 20 billion dollars in 10 years, an average of 2 billion dollars a year. The total cost of operation Clincher, with the use of 14 operative bases spread throughout all of south California, was $55,000 20% of the potential cost spent daily by the administration for air pollution control with traditional interventions.

According to the above considerations we wondered whether it was possible to intervene in Southern California to break the DOR barriers and to reduce, at least temporarily, the amount of particulates in the atmosphere using a Reich cloudbuster, and thus allow the existing low pressure systems to come inland and not to be diverted from their natural pathway, as had often recently occurred.To this end, it was decided to construct a Reich cloudbusting device in December, 2013. By late April, 2014, the cloudbusting apparatus was completed.

The apparatus was transported to the operational site in the Buttonwillow area.

An initial 2-day test was performed at the end of April, 2014, with the goal of reducing the DOR layers in the atmosphere, including DOR or pollution created by excessive airplane and jet exhaust and emissions. Drawings aimed at contracting the atmosphere were strictly avoided in order not to interfere with the PJS and STJS patterns. Shortly after the first day of operation, light snow coated the surrounding hills and rain began to fall in the surrounding area of the operation site.

Atmospheric parameters, such as pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity; as well as pollutant indexes were monitored one week before, during, and two weeks after the conclusion of the operations.

The development of cloud systems in the atmosphere, and of the behavior of the PJS and the STJS patterns were monitored by real-time satellite images.
Weather forecasts were also monitored to check whether the interventions were effective in breaking and reducing the DOR barriers, the pollutants, and in increasing the probability of rain to fall on the area of the intervention.

Subsequently, additional 2-3 day operations were planned with the same aim. They were carried out in October, 2014, April, 2015, and the last one in January, 2016.

In this paper the results of the operation carried out in January 2016 are reported, and discussed, even though similar results were obtained in all the other previously performed operations.

The results we obtained were amazingly positive, once again reflecting the utility and correctness of Reich’s inventions, theories and vision.

Materials and Methods:

Site of the cloudbusting operation was located close to Buttonwillow, California, in the southernmost part of the Central Valley around 40 km east of Bakersfield. The apparatus used was a standard Reich cloudbuster supported in some of the interventions by a smaller cloudbuster, built according to the same design of the main one. The two apparatus were grounded during the interventions in a small fresh water reservoir of capacity of around 7000 m3. The water during the operation was kept moving by a Centrifugal pump set at variable flow rates. Figure 1 below shows the location of the site of the interventions.

Figure 1 – Site of Buttonwillow cloudbusting operations

On the first day of the operation there was an offshore low pressure system moving eastward a relatively short distance from the West Coast. The aim of the intervention was to reduce or break the DOR layers around the operational site with the two Reich cloudbusters thus allowing moisture and the low pressure system to move westward and bring rain inland from the Pacific ocean, as per its natural cycle..
The operation started on Friday, January 1, 2016 at 2.00 PM and ended on Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 6.30 AM. Duration of the intervention was 16.5 hours. The operation consisted of a combination of drawings from different directions. In particular, we focused the cloudbuster toward the NE and to the SW of the operative site, with the intent to clean the atmosphere from pollutants.
Figure 2 shows the two Reich cloudbusters during a DOR-breaking intervention and atmosphere cleaning.

Figure 2 – The Reich cloudbusters during a dorbusting and atmospheric cleaning intervention in Buttonwillow

Atmospheric physical parameters such as pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, cloud system formation and development, and jet stream paths were continuously monitored during the whole operation. Particulates in the atmosphere, such as PM2.5, PM10, NO2, CO, and ozone were also monitored.

Weather forecasts for the area of the interventions (Buttonwillow) were also monitored to check the efficacy of the DOR-busting and atmospheric cleaning.
Figure 3 shows the weather map from 6 hours before the start of the operation (8.00 AM local time, corresponding to 5.00 PM GMT)1 . From the weather map a two-branched oblong low pressure system, located offshore the West Coast, heading east can be observed.

The black dot shows the location of the draw site, while the red circle encloses an area with a radius of around 450 km centered on the drawing site.

Figure 3 – Weather map at 6 hours before the start of the operation

Figure 4 shows the 10-day weather forecast taken 6 hours before the intervention for Buttonwillow2 .

Figure 4 – 10-day weather forecast at 6 hours before the start of the operation

At 8.00 AM (local time) on Jan 01, 2016 the 10-day forecast expected rain to fall from Tuesday, Jan 05, to Thursday, Jan 07, 2016, with maximum probability of 80%3. Total amount of rain forecasted was 15.00 mm.


Figures 5 and 6 show the weather map and the 10-day weather forecast for Buttonwillow, respectively, at 2.5 hours after the conclusion of the interventions(occurred at 6.30 AM, local time, on Saturday, Jan 02, 2016).

As it can be seen in figure 5 below, the low pressure system located offshore was still following its natural path, heading ast, but the southernmost part was bending towards the draw site, as a possible consequence of the DOR-busting and pollutant cleaning interventions. The cloudbusters were able to temporarily break the DOR barriers and to open a substantially large window that allowed the passage of the low pressure system that centered over the draw area.

Figure 5 – Weather map at 2.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

As it can be seen from the 10-day forecast in figure 6 below, at 9.00 AM (local time), on Jan 02, 2016, rain was expected to fall on Buttonwillow from Sunday, Jan 03, to Friday, Jan 08, 2016, with maximum probability of 90%. Total amount forecasted was 20.00 mm, an increase of 33.3% compared to the value forecasted 6 hours before the interventions.

Figure 6 – 10-day weather forecast at 2.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

The weather map in figure 7, taken 20.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation, shows the low pressure system located on the draw site increasing in intensity and extending with a radius of some hundreds of kilometers (the radius of the red circle is around 450 km) to the north, north-east and a little less to the south.

Figure 7 – Weather map at 20.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

At around the same time the 10-day weather forecast (figure 8) predicted rain to fall on Buttonwillow from Monday, Jan 04, to Thursday, Jan 07, 2016, with maximum probability of 90%. Total amount of rain forecasted was 28.00 mm. Rain forecasted to fall on the draw site was increased by 86.7% after the DOR-busting interventions compared to the value forecasted before the intervention.

Figure 8 – 10-day weather forecast at 20.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

The weather map in figure 9 shows the development of the low pressure system around 29.5 hours after the conclusion of the interventions. As can be seen, the system is still centered on the draw site, but is increasing in intensity and size, and heading NE.

Figure 9 – Weather map at 29.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

At around the same time, the 10-day weather forecast (figure 10) projected rain to fall on Buttonwillow from Monday, Jan 04, to Thursday, Jan 07, 2016, with a maximum probability of 85%. Total amount of rain forecasted was 22.00 mm. After the DOR-busting operation a 46.7% increase in rain was forecasted to fall on the draw site.

Figure 10 – 10-day weather forecast at 29.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

Around 55.5 hours after the conclusion of the interventions, the low pressure system (weather map in figure 11) was moving eastward, above all into Nevada and Arizona, extending also to the north, and was pulling from the draw site the remaining part of the system that was stationed offshore the West Coast.

Figure 11 – Weather map at 55.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

Around the same time rain was forecasted to fall on Buttonwillow from Monday, Jan 04, to Saturday, Jan 09, 2016, with maximum probability of 95% (see figure 12). Total amount forecasted was 17.00 mm. At the draw site the amount of rain forecasted increased 13.3% compared to the value forecasted before the intervention.

Figure 12 – 10-day weather forecast at 55.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

Around 80.5 hours after the conclusion of the interventions, the low pressure system (weather map in figure 13) was moving eastwards, to Nevada and Arizona, and to the north, towards Oregon, bringing the first rain over the draw site on Tuesday, Jan 5.

Figure 13 – Weather map at 80.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

Around the same time, the 10-day weather forecast predicted rain until to Saturday, Jan 09, 2016 with maximum probability of 75% (figure 14). Total amount predicted is 7 mm, to be added to 10.2 mm already fallen on Tuesday, Jan 05, 16.

Precipitation fell until Thursday, Jan 7, with a total amount of 17.52 mm, 16.8% more than was forecasted 6 hours before starting the interventions.

Figure 14 – 10-day weather forecast at 80.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

The data related to the PM2.5, PM10, NO2, CO, and ozone indexes from the day before the interventions (Dec 31, 2015), until to 14 days after the conclusion (Jan 17, 2016) are reported in figures 15 and 164.

Figure 15 – Behaviour of PM2.5 and PM0 indexes
Figure 16 – Behaviour of NO2, CO, and ozone indexes

Figures 17 and 18 shows the change in the above parameters when daily values are compared with the values predicted the day before the intervention (Dec 31, 2015) is done.

Figure 17 – Percentage difference of PM2.5 and PM10 indexes when compared to the value of the day before the start of the operation
Figure 18 – Percentage difference of NO2, CO, and ozone indexes when compared to the value of the day before the start of the operation

From the above figures 15 and 16, it can be seen that the value of the PM2.5, PM10, and CO decrease in the days after the conclusion of the interventions, a decrease that is further marked in the days of rain (Jan 5-7, 2016). After this period the PM2.5 and PM10 parameters started to increase, but however, reached values lower than those before the interventions; while the CO parameter in this latter period did not show appreciable changes and remained practically constant (figure 16).

Parameters such as ozone and NO2 seem not to be affected much from the interventions showing a practically constant trend, even though fluctuating slightly during and after the interventions.

Figures 17 and 18 show the same behavior of the indexes but this time in percentage is calculated as the difference between the daily value with that of the day before the interventions. PM2.5, and PM10 (figure 17) show a decreasing trend in the period from the conclusion of the interventions until the last day of rain (Jan 7, 2106), with a maximum percentage decrease of around 85%, and of 75%, respectively. Then, the trend of the two parameters increases and stabilizes at around -20÷40%. A similar trend can be also observed for CO in figure 18, with a maximum percentage decrease of around 86%, occurring on Jan 6, 2016, and then stabilizing with a percentage decrease of around -70% in the days following.

Ozone and NO2 seem not to be affected much by the intervention, nor by the following 3-day rain, with a slightly fluctuating trend which does not have a strong association with specific phenomena or weather conditions, apart from a slow decrease of both after the rain fell.

The following figures 19 through 22 show the path of the PJS at 3 hours before the start of the interventions (6 PM GMT, or 11 AM local time); and at 4.5, 22.5, and 52.5 hours after the conclusion of the interventions, respectively5 .

Figure 19 – Polar Jet Stream path at 4 hours before the start of the operation
Figure 20 – Polar Jet Stream path at 3.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation
Figure 21- Polar Jet Stream path at 21.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation
Figure 22 – Polar Jet Stream path at 51.5 hours after the conclusion of the operation

From the above maps it can be observed that no substantial change of the path of the PJS occurred after the conclusion of the interventions neither in the area around the operative site, nor in areas downwind.


Table 1 summarizes the 10-day forecasted rain data for Buttonwillow. Percentage change of the amount of forecasted rain at different times after the conclusion of the interventions calculated in relationship to the value forecasted 6 hours before the start of the interventions is also reported.

time[hour] Max rain chance[%] forecasted rain[mm] difference[%]
– 6 80 15.00
+ 2.5 90 20.00 + 33.3
+ 20.5 90 28.00 + 86.7
+ 29.5 85 22.00 + 46.7
+ 55.5 95 17.00 + 13.3
+ 80.5 75 7.00 + 10.20*
+ 240 17.52** + 16.8

* rain already fallen
** total rain fallen

Figure 23 shows the trend of the percentage variation of the forecasted rain, in the period from 6 hours before the start of the interventions (set at 0 in the x-axis) until to 55.5 hours after the conclusion (and before the first precipitation that fell at around 8.00 AM on Tuesday, Jan 05, 2016, to wit 73.5 hours after the conclusion of the interventions). Rain lasted until to 8.00 AM, on Thursday, Jan 07, 2016, or 121.5 hours after the conclusion. The two red vertical lines in the figure shows the period in which the DOR-busting interventions were carried out.

Figure 23 – Percentage variation of the forecasted rain for Buttonwillow from 6 hours before the operation to 55.5 hours after the operation

From the above figure can be seen an increasing trend of the probability of rain forecasted during the time of intervention After the operation the trend is decreasing until low values reoccur by the time rain falls. The above increase and decrease would suggest strongly that the intervention was effective in reducing the DOR layers and cleaning the atmosphere from pollutants, with a substantial increase of the forecasted rain. However, when the DOR-busting interventions were concluded the rain predictions fell again, until a final increase of only +16.8% above what was originally forecasted was reached. However, if one considers that the original projection was only 75% for rain, which normally is considered not predictive, nor likely to actually result in rain in the midst of the present drought, the increase we saw and resulting rainfall would be even more significant, and could be considered a very successful outcome. In which case, the 15 mm precipitation total forecasted would be generous, and the calculated percentage of rain that actually fell above that much higher than what would have likely occurred.

The reduction in the rain forecasted after the operations ceased would likely reflect the tendency of the DOR/polluted conditions of the atmosphere to go back to their original state after the conclusion of the operation. This might highlight the need of further interventions to further keep the DOR barriers open and the atmosphere clean.

Notwithstanding this, rain that fell on drawing site (Buttonwillow) was 16.8% higher than forecasted.

During our first operation in Buttonwillow we saw an excessive amount of exhaust and emissions at high altitudes above the draw site, so much that the sky was covered with white streaks that spread in all directions. We observed that this seemed to create an additional barrier to remove when initiating DOR busting. We feel this created an extra layer of DOR to battle with, beyond what Reich and Constable had identified when they worked in the atmosphere of the 1950’s and 1980’s. We feel this leads to greater high pressure areas, an expanded state, that creates a greater barrier to the natural flow of atmospheric orgone energy. This is important at this time in which larger areas of high pressure are known to persist over long periods of time, exacerbating the heat and oppressive drought situation we are experiencing in Southern California and elsewhere.

The following precipitation maps6 reported in figures 24 through 27 show that the interventions were also able to produce precipitation that was not forecasted over a large area during the period of the intervention (16.5 hours), even though Buttonwillow did not record any rain during the same period.

From the maps it can be seen that during the night of the intervention, from midnight to 6.00 AM, on Jan 02, 2016, rain fell all over the drawing area extending also east to cover Southern California, Phoenix, Arizona, and North Mexico.

Figure 24 – Rain map at 8 hours after the start of the operation
Figure 25 – Rain map at 11 hours after the start of the operation
Figure 26 – Rain map at 14 hours after the start of the operation
Figure 27 – Rain map at half a hour after the conclusion of the operation


From the above results and discussion the following conclusions can be drawn.

  • Interventions aimed at breaking DOR layers and reducing pollutants in the atmosphere in a large area of Southern California were carried out from 2.00 PM, on Jan 01, 2016, to 6.30 AM, Jan 02, 2016 with no operational problems.
  • The interventions were able to reduce the DOR barriers over a large part of Southern California. Atmospheric conditions improved after the interventions, with a substantial decrease of PM2.5, PM10, and CO parameters, while ozone and NO2 were little affected by the interventions. These combined effects allowed a pre-existing low pressure system situated offshore to move inland over a large area centered on the drawing site (Buttonwillow).
  • An increase of 16.8% of the cumulative precipitation was observed in Buttonwillow when compared to the forecasted data 6 hours before the start of the interventions. The above percentage increase figure could be even higher, as the estimate of the amount of rain forecasted before the interventions included a low probability of rain (less than 75-80%) which is thought to have low predictive reliability.
  • Weather forecasts expected a much higher precipitation to fall on Buttonwillow soon after the conclusion of the interventions (20.5 hours), with a maximum value of 86.7%. This value however decreased in the following days. This suggests that the DOR barriers and atmospheric pollutions were only temporarily reduced by the interventions. Pulsation recovery lasted only for a short time (around 1 day after the conclusion of the operation), with a subsequent return of the DOR barriers and atmospheric health to its original blocked condition. More brief interventions would have been required to keep the atmosphere moving and clean for all the complete period of the atmospheric discharge.
  • The developed operational procedure could be considered and used as an effective and safe protocol in this region to break, and remove, at least temporarily, the DOR barriers. We were able to reduce the atmospheric pollutants in an appreciably large area around the operational site, thus allowing a pre-existing offshore low pressure system to move and bring its rain inland.


  1. Weather maps were taken from www.wunderground.com
  2. The 10-day weather forecast for Buttonwillow was taken from www.wunderground.com.
  3. It must be mentioned that projections of probability of rain less than 75-80% are not accurate enough to guarantee that rain might really fall at the predicted time and expected amounts. Nevertheless, they were integrated into our analysis, since variations in projections can be indicative of a change in the atmosphere that is a consequence of the action of the drawings.
  4. Data were taken from the US EPA Air Data for Bakersfield, California, at the following address www.epa.gov/airdata. Acronym DB in the figures stands for DOR-busting.
  5. Images were taken from the San Francisco State University database at the following address http://virga.sfsu.edu/archive/jetstream.
  6. Precipitation maps were taken from http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil.


  1. Reich, W.: DOR Removal and Cloud-Busting, OEB (Orgone Energy Bulletin), IV(4):171-182, 1952; OROP Desert. Part 1: Spaceships, DOR and Drought, CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), VI(1-4):1-140, 1954.
  2. Huthsteiner, C.: Weather Engineering in Contact with Space: Global Warming and the Planetary Emergency, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, Vol. 10, No 1, December 2005.
  3. Maglione, R.: Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmosphere, Ashland, OR, USA: Natural Energy Works, 2007.
  4. Constable, TJ.: Operation “Kooler”. Conquest of a Southern California Heat Wave, Journal of Orgonomy. VI(1):84-97, 1972.
  5. Constable, TJ.: Loom of the Future. The Weather Engineering Work of Trevor James Constable. An Interview Conducted by Thomas J Brown, Garberville, CA, USA: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1994.

Scholar, and author in orgonomy. Italy www.orgonenergy.org, Email: robert_jumper@yahoo.it. Degree in Mining Engineering.

Dr. Conny Huthsteiner is a board-certified psychiatrist and orgone therapist in the Los Angeles area, and a past president of the Institute for Orgonomic Science. Her work is informed by principles of psychosomatic unity as well as her background in singing, dance and meditation. She has trained in orgone therapy with Mort Herskowitz. She studied medicine at the University of Munich, Germany, trained in Psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic and Boston University, and was many years Staff in the Department of Psychiatry of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard MedicalSchool. She has her B.A. from Yale, and attended U.C.L.A. film M.F.A. program. She has written on orgone physics and weather research, and lectured on many topics relevant to orgonomy.


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