April 30th, 2011. Seminar by The Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich
Featuring speakers:
- Dr. Phillip Bennett
- Dr. Eric Weitzner
- Dr. Harry Lewis.
Posted on10 June 2011.
April 30th, 2011. Seminar by The Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich
Featuring speakers:
well i guess ill say a bit more..why not…its not that im attacking the legitimacy of these seminars..they are entirely legitimate and if people enjoy them why not.In terms of their function I see an armoring though , a pattern in the current social expression of Orgonomy, the seminars, the classes, the conferences….The pattern really since Reich died has been conferences that rehash or go back over some aspect of his work and present it to a miniscule group of “Reichian” devotees with the occasional new person attending.This is like the “following” of Reich.
Reich always intended people to take the tools he gave them and make real change in their lives, never to “follow” him. This “following” is not really expansive.
When Reich was alive he was expansive and his energy in social Orgonomy, conferences,education,clinics etc. caused Orgonomy to expand Now its dwindling.
The crux of this is the question:what is the function of the social expression of Orgonomy? Why are we having these seminars?…Is it to
pat ourselves on the back and congratulate ourselves for being enlightened and intelligent? Or is it to expand Orgonomy. We always talk of how Orgonomy has the potential to change society, to expand, so thats the answer..
It is as difficult a task as it is difficult for the individual to expand and change in therapy. Social expansion of Orgonomy asks society to loosen some armor. Individual and social expansion are two sides of the same coin..
So how can we change this pattern..Well I asked an Orgonomist if he was planning a conference recently and he said whats the point if
theres only going to be a smattering of people. It wouldnt be a conference, only some kind of a commiseration. This is exactly so. I say take pause,
break this pattern of more shrunken expression of social Orgonomy.If its going to be just a few “Rechians” commiserating and rehashing then why have the seminar?Who are we kidding here?
From this pause might come a shift, some new more lively action. This site is a new interactive more lively forum…relating to current life, reaching out to
those who know nothing of Orgonomy…isn’t that “the work” as Reich used to say? Get out to people! Get out to the public! Be fierce! Change the current pattern of dissemination of Orgonomy…..